0)): ProblemMess("Sorry, the article id is missing for some reason",3); endif; if ($referpg==""): $referpg = getenv("HTTP_REFERER"); if (ereg("artview.php",$referpg)): $referpg = ""; endif; endif; if ($xmode=="rate"): #-- Process a rating if (!($vote>0)): $xmessage .= "You didn't choose a rating
"; else: #-- Pick up old vote again, to be sure nobody cheats or votes twice $res = mysql_db_query("$dbname","select * from recvotes where memno='$curmemno' and votetype='article' and itemid=$artid"); if ($res<=0): echo "\n"; endif; if (mysql_numrows($res)>0): #-- They did vote before $row = mysql_fetch_array($res); $oldvoteid = $row['voteid']; $oldvote = $row['vote']; $oldvotedate = substr($row['oldvotedate'],0,10); else: $oldvote = ""; $oldvoteid = 0; $oldvotedate = "0000-00-00"; endif; if ($oldvote==""): #-- This is a new rating $recfields = "(voteid,memno,votetype,votedate,vote,itemid)"; $recvalues = "(0,'$curmemno','article',now(),$vote,$artid)"; $res = mysql_db_query("$dbname","insert into recvotes $recfields values $recvalues"); if ($res<=0): echo "\n"; $xmessage .= "There was a database error in saving your rating
"; else: $res = mysql_db_query("$dbname","update articles set votes=votes+1,totrate=totrate+$vote where artid=$artid"); if ($res<=0): echo "\n"; $xmessage .= "There was a database error in updating the article with your rating
"; else: $xmessage .= "Your rating of $vote was recorded
"; endif; endif; else: #-- We're updating an existing rating $res = mysql_db_query("$dbname","update recvotes set vote=$vote,votedate=now() where memno='$curmemno' and voteid=$oldvoteid"); if ($res<=0): echo "\n"; $xmessage .= "There was a database error in updating your rating
"; else: $ratechange = $vote-$oldvote; $res = mysql_db_query("$dbname","update articles set totrate=totrate+$ratechange where artid=$artid"); if ($res<=0): echo "\n"; $xmessage .= "There was a database error in updating the article with your rating
"; else: $xmessage .= "Your changed rating was recorded
"; endif; endif; endif; endif; elseif ($xmode=="comment"): #-- Adding a comment $newcomment = str_replace("\r","",$newcomment); $newcomment = str_replace("\n","
",$newcomment); $newcomment = urlencode(stripslashes($newcomment)); $recfields = "(comid,rectype,itemid,memno,comdate,comment)"; $recvalues = "(0,'article',$artid,'$curmemno',now(),'$newcomment')"; $res = mysql_db_query("$dbname","insert into reccomments $recfields values $recvalues"); if ($res<=0): echo "\n"; $xmessage .= "There was a database error when saving your comment
"; endif; endif; $res = mysql_db_query("$dbname","select * from articles where artid=$artid"); if ($res<=0): echo "\n"; endif; if (mysql_numrows($res)<=0): ProblemMess("Article not found",3); endif; $row = mysql_fetch_array($res); $i = 0; while ($i Article","View Article","artview.php?artid=$artid"); ?> Article