WillowBear's Amble    
 I didn't play my drum today, and wonder why6 comments
picture25 May 2002 @ 15:36
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 NonViolence Web Issues: Conscience and the State5 comments
picture21 May 2002 @ 20:27
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These are ramblings as I amble along the path. (Do you know what _charnal ground training_ is? No? Oh.)

Previous entries
  • ?''yetzer harah''?

  • 2002-12-26
  • Self and Others

  • 2002-12-19
  • Active Discourse

  • 2002-12-06
  • On the anniversary of Montreal Massacre, I'm called and cannot answer ...

  • 2002-12-04
  • The Duplicity of Complacence

  • 2002-11-05
  • Desiderata Too

  • 2002-10-27
  • Despite yuppies' woes, citizens act

  • 2002-09-12
  • Socrates didn't /quit/.

  • 2002-08-17
  • Antidote to commoditization: affection

  • 2002-08-13
  • Whatever it's about, it's here now

  • More ..

  • Articles (6)
  • Diary (3)
  • Information (2)
  • Inspiration (5)
  • Opinions (2)
  • Thoughts (4)

  • Recent Comments:
  • vaxen: Damn!

  • 2008-09-07
  • jazzolog: Mine Said

  • 2008-09-01
  • bushman: Hmm

  • 2006-05-28
  • swan: Yes, Richard
  • jmarc: you didn't answer his question
  • jazzolog: Sinking To The Bottom
  • cho: Nice of you to say so, Jazz, but ...

  • 2004-07-11
  • jazzolog: Good Question

  • 2002-12-29
  • vaxen: yah,,,

  • 2002-12-28
  • strydg: constructs

  • More ..

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