Laboratory readings    
 Wörgl's Stamp Scrip – The Threat of a Good Example?185 comments
category picture26 Jun 2002 @ 01:50
On July 5th 1932, in the middle of the Great Depression, the Austrian town of Wörgl made economic history by introducing a remarkable complimentary currency. Wörgl was in trouble, and was prepared to try anything. Of its population of 4,500, a total of 1,500 people were without a job, and 200 families were penniless.  More >

 The Proactive Revolution9 comments
category picture15 Jun 2002 @ 00:38
I feel that the factors of technological change and specialisation are causing protestors to face a growing array of causes to get involved in, encouraging a parallel, oppositional, form of specialisation (which I would call the 'one issue' syndrome). While these activists can generally only hope to effect change on a moderately superficial level - the underlying attitudes of those who dream up such nasties often remain untouched - for the time being their work is vitally important.  More >

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  • Governments could issue interest-free money

  • 2002-07-02
  • Bretton Woods and the path not taken

  • 2002-06-26
  • Wörgl's Stamp Scrip – The Threat of a Good Example?

  • 2002-06-15
  • The Proactive Revolution

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