She-chaiyah's chronicle - Category: Articles    
 Where are we in history?
category picture6 Jul 2002 @ 07:26
...Is the Bible right on, or is it a thousand years behind the times?
...Is the Rapture coming, or did it occur a thousand years ago?
...Is the New Jerusalem still in the formative stages, or is that Level/dimension of experience operating simultaneously with Heaven and Hell now?
...How can and do physicists describe reality, in three sets of compacting particles, yet they have no sense of Reality as three levels of awareness--Hell, Physical and Heaven?
...Where are we?
...Events are rolling over us; and it's not a simple matter to predict whether they will move this way, over us, or that way, and move us onward.
...Peace is an effect. It's an effect that does not appear to exist at the level we are, and about which we are speaking.
...What appears to be the primary and predominant sense of this place is actually "Torment."
...Who do YOU KNOW, who is NOT TORMENTED by "what might have been"?
...I don't know ANYBODY.
...Now, think about this long and hard.
...Peace is the sum/total of works plus dreams. What we cannot accomplish in TIME, we must accomplish IN and BY reflection, in the Subjective while we sleep.
...There is no short-cutting the process to creating peace.
...If peace does not exist HERE, than the HERE we have accepted is not the Kingdom of God because THAT is NOT HERE.
...You can't just GO DO THAT, as if you were baking bread according to a recipe.
...You can't COMMAND the cooperation of others; nor the love; nor the respect.
...In fact, my experience says, you can't even command a hearing ear AROUND HERE.
...I am working on the issue of, "WHO is the chosen of God today?" AND "Where are we? Are we actually IN the Physical Kingdom of God [among us], or are we somewhere ELSE?
...Why is the nation of Israel in torment? WHY are the Jewish people today under accusation? Why are the Christian people today, also under accusation? What does THAT say about God and His physical earthly Covenants?
...I contend, God's Covenants are not operating HERE. So, where is HERE?
...God Yahweh was very clear that He has a people. Okay, I'm dealing with figuring OUT who that is.
...I'll let you know, when I get to a place that makes sense in view of what we are seeing with our eyes.

 Speaking of Avoidance, ...
category picture1 Jul 2002 @ 05:32
...People who are deceptive, are unaware of consequences they are creating.
...Those who need to make an impression, are unaware of their soul's path or their real selves.
...Accusations fill the mouths of those who simply lack clarity about causes and effects.
...Obfuscating is a defense against incoherence, a strategy for waving away uncomfortable situations.
...Whenever someone has no standing or remains silent, his adversary will take up his time in shame and abuse, to build an ego where there is no wisdom or understanding.
...Blasphemy, people think, will get God's attention.
...Yet, it is cruel to merely conquer blasphemers.
...They haven't acquired Wisdom, that's all.
...No one can reckon what's Right from what's broken; and there's no getting directions from one who is inappropriate.
...He can't deal yet, with what he is still unaware of.
...What is truly not appropriate is what is unsafe.
...But if something or someone is broken, that or they are merely insufficient and lacking spirit-derived direction.
...Framing a judgment about real effects is the ONLY intelligent parsing there is: opinions don't count, polls don't count, preferences don't count. Even beliefs don't count.
...No judge can relate to what he has never investigated.
...And so, the egos among us will never reckon Truth; it is only those who have experience and knowledge who can do so.
...There's no point in merely draining people, by forcing judgments on them; forcing dogma on them; forcing rules on them.
...And there's no LOVE in keeping people weak and dependent.
...Wasting lives in Hell, Confusion and Oblivion is not living by the Truth either.
...We must cease detaching ourselves from the effects of processes, procedures, regulations and laws, and from the shame those create.
...More suffering only breaks everything.

 Free Will IS a Choice--
category picture30 Jun 2002 @ 11:25
...Do your own thing OR--
...Become aware of and participate in the Wholeness of human society at home, in community, at state, regional and federal levels.
...People who ONLY do their own thing are Egos, just like animals--even if they are technocrats or geniuses!
...People who ONLY work at the public level and never do any private, inner work are Egos, like Satan, who feel superior to the Rest.
...But it takes a balance if inner and outer knowledge, awareness and effort, to make a cosmic soul.
...Talk is cheap; but cosmic citizenship demands total devotion, total truth, and total trust.


 Denial is a problem we can focus on, to help redirect attention.
category picture29 Jun 2002 @ 09:27
THE U.S. HAS GONE MAD ...The way to facilitate problem-solving is to redirect attention back on problems people experience, so these problems can be dealt with. ...YET, in our social milieu in which violence is not only promoted, it is subsidized--the viewing of violence is fine, but any and all forms of anger that arise, in any setting are considered and judged to be dangerous [which they are], and so they are repressed and suppressed, not dealt with openly. ...Anger--even legitimate and appropriate outrage--becomes a forbidden emotion. Workplaces, social agencies and government all become very fearful and reactive to any form of display of anger--legitimate or not. ...Anger, in fact, is a natural and healthy part of human psychological make-up when frustration is the experience we obtain. Without anger, we would not have the energy we need, to actually solve a problem. ...If whatever organization you belong to and work for has a Human Resources Department, you already realize that anger is forbidden forbidden forbidden under rules of conduct--for any reason or purpose whatever. A person outraged over an issue is presumed to be an unacceptable employee, out-of-hand. Workers get fired for any breech of displaying anger. [No wonder, workers come back to get even, eh?] ....THAT is insane. Thus, every American organization that has a Human Resources Department in charge of its hiring and firing is insane. Every Security Department that attacks a person solely because they are experiencing anger is insane. Every Social Services agency that discriminates against a person because they are experiencing anger is insane. .....We need to realize, acknowledge AND DOCUMENT THE FACT, that this nation is gone off on a path to mass insanity over the denial of every kind of anger, outrage or human frustration. The only acceptable behavior, in authoritarian terms, is willing compliance, no matter how unreasonable a stimulus, demand or insult might be. .....We must stop indulging and appeasing these INSANE IDEAS--THAT VIOLENCE IS OKAY BUT ANGER IS FORBIDDEN. .....LEGITIMATE ANGER must be allowed to surface off the web's Conspiracy sites, and return to the halls of Congress, the State Capitols and City Hall. .....There's enough pain to go around, that we ought to be able to talk about it, without the fear of retribution. [JUST LOOK AT WHAT the Govt DOES to whistleblowers!] chai

 When WE "See NO evil, Hear NO evil, Speak NO evil", what happens?
category picture25 Jun 2002 @ 08:09
...Three monkeys in a row, teaching complacency and oblivion for the sake of "security." ...SOMEHOW, in the confrontation between market politics and religious ideology, I don't think this is going to work. ...When, what we have is an irresistible force confronting an immovable object, what finally moves is the WHOLE PLANET HERSELF. ...Nothing will ever be the same after the people who preferred Oblivion to the Truth GET BACK what their Avoidance created. chaiyah_448272 created this Question on Tue, Jun 25, 2002 7:36 AM., Sent to Category: Relationships

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