 Modern Day Slavery1 comment
picture22 Aug 2012 @ 22:26
Photographing Modern day slavery
By Lisa Kristine
“From backbreaking labor in brick factories and underground mines, to sex slavery, to textile mills and farms, Lisa tells the story of the people featured in her heart-braking photographs. . .  More >

 Eclipse - 20123 comments
picture4 Jun 2012 @ 10:10
Eclipse, 2012
All the pages of this morning’s newspaper have been turned.
The comics and the crossword,
Did the Cardinals Win last night? Update on the weather,
and what to look for in the sky tonight.
Any neighborhood shootings last night?
Anyone whose star crossed a bullet through moonlight?
All through the streets of the City,
All of us belong to one of twelve houses.
Horoscopes are on the crosswords page.
One twelfth of us are going to have this kind of a day.

I am born in the sign of harvest woman. I am born with Dawn.
My Solar Disc is rising with her.
Dawn pulls my heartstrings,
And my native season is late summer – early autumn,
As a cooler breeze washes across the fields
Following the warmest days of summer,
And as the first blush of yellow, orange, and red
Tints the leaves of summer’s sea of green.

Mythical characters – goddess of Love, Feathered Serpent –
And all of many others – are spoken of in stories around the globe.
Imaginary men and women, centaurs and flying horses –
Hippopotamus as Great Bear, and the Hunter and his hound,
Remind us that there are things we do not know about
That play a role in our lives,
And these creatures from our most distant past might say
That if we pay attention, we might see some connection
Between What is going on in the sky, the directions in our lives,
And the meanings we create.

The ancients would not have known Uranus or Neptune,
As far as we know, but they spent countless hours
following what they could see.
They would have had the time and silence
to make observations that many of us
Currently do not hear.
If you want to know about the stars and the planets,
It’s about listening.

There was no sea of fluorescent lamps stretching towards the horizon
in every direction from the surface of the stone platform
at the top of the Yucatan pyramids.
There was only the dark or moonlit carpet
Of the jungle canopy from above.
And at every other megalithic site on Earth,
Men and women had time to follow the sky
And there was darkness all around.
To follow the stars and the planets, enter the darkness,
And Listen, to the place in your heart,
where they were seeded when you took your first breath
and made your first cry into this strange universe.
And hopefully,
your name will not be in tomorrow morning’s newspaper,
and you can read what your sign has in store for you.

John Ashbaugh
May 20, 2012  More >

 Passing Thought1 comment
picture26 Feb 2011 @ 04:08
Don't know much about history
Don't know much biology
Don't know much about a science book
Don't know much about the french I took  More >

 WaVeLeNgTh1 comment
picture12 Nov 2010 @ 02:22
The Spirit Is Alive and Well.  More >

 Once5 comments
picture30 Sep 2010 @ 02:34
Once upon a time,
somebody lived here,
and this was a thriving
locus of attention
and interaction.  More >

 Who Wins?331 comments
picture22 Sep 2010 @ 02:15
Picked this guy up from the middle of a strip of Two Lane asphalt.
I was out on a little drive around through the Mojave Desert Preserve.
Looking for Tomorrow.  More >

 Hanging Out.10 comments
picture4 Jun 2010 @ 03:30
Had a fire over in the Bosque down by the River last week.
Embers were blowing over so everyone in all the houses up and down the line
this side of the drainage canal were out hosing down their yards and roofs.
(If the plural of hoof is hooves, why isn't the plural of roof, rooves?)
Hot embers were a blowin' in the wind.
The firemen got it all under control, eventually.
It started in the late afternoon, early evening,
and lit the night sky up orange.
Things happen, just like that, that have the potential
of turning your life around real fast.
Don't hurt to be ready to move fast
with what you think is important to you.
J.A.  More >

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Pages from my book of poetry,
The Gathering of the Tribes of the Earth.

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  • Hanging Out.

  • 2010-02-23
  • What Babies Know

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  • And Then . . ?

  • 2010-01-19
  • Boskops

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  • Winter Day

  • 2009-11-27
  • Dry Heat or Wet?

  • 2009-11-23
  • Then and Now

  • 2009-11-16
  • Transition

  • 2009-09-19
  • Drivearound

  • 2009-06-25
  • Rainbow 09

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