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 Need a Job?1 comment
picture27 Nov 2005 @ 01:36
Looks like maybe the number of folks in the good ole US of A
who are going to be having some spare time on their hands is going to be picking up. Oh, by the way, need to buy a gallon to go across town to make an ap. Got any spare change?
The American Economy Has Left the Building
(© Copyright 2005. All Rights Reserved.)
by Richard Sauder, PhD
24 November 2005
The news of the 30,000 jobs that General Motors recently announced it plans to cut caught my attention like a searing brand plunged deep into my mind. It's still sizzling there like a splinter festering in the middle of my brain. There have been a lot of indications in recent years of the depth of the systemic turmoil brewing in the American economy, but this news item caught my eye in a way that a lot of other news has not. Perhaps it was the admonitions from decades past of my American history teacher in high school who repeatedly warned the class that the foundationof the American economy was based on the health and well being of the housing and automobile industries, and that as went the fortunes of those two industries, so too went the economic prospects of the nation.  More >

 God's War5 comments
picture14 Sep 2005 @ 22:18
Here is one from Bill Moyers.
9/11 and the Sport of God
By Bill Moyers
Friday 09 September 2005

This article is adapted from Bill Moyer's address this week at Union Theological Seminary in New York, where Judith and Bill Moyers received the seminary's highest award, the Union Medal, for their contributions to faith and reason in America.

God save us from the fundamentalist agenda.  More >

 On the Ground9 comments
picture8 Sep 2005 @ 17:55
First By the Floods, Then By Martial Law
Trapped in New Orleans
Two days after Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans, the Walgreens store at the corner of Royal and Iberville Streets in the city's historic French Quarter remained locked. The dairy display case was clearly visible through the widows. It was now 48 hours without electricity, running water, plumbing, and the milk, yogurt, and cheeses were beginning to spoil in the 90-degree heat.
The owners and managers had locked up the food, water, pampers and prescriptions, and fled the city. Outside Walgreens' windows, residents and tourists grew increasingly thirsty and hungry. The much-promised federal, state and local aid never materialized, and the windows at Walgreens gave way to the looters.
[link]  More >

 Siberian Methane5 comments
picture15 Aug 2005 @ 14:41
Climate warning as Siberia melts
11 August 2005 news service
Fred Pearce
The world's largest frozen peat bog is melting. An area stretching for a million square kilometres across the permafrost of western Siberia is turning into a mass of shallow lakes as the ground melts, according to Russian researchers just back from the region.
The sudden melting of a bog the size of France and Germany combined could unleash billions of tonnes of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere.  More >

 White Buffalo Woman6 comments
picture14 Aug 2005 @ 06:29
A story for finding the way to bring the peoples of the world out of whatever ignorance we are dwelling in, and into a new sense of community and oneness with the life of our planet.
This version of the Buffalo Calf Woman's bringing of the first sacred Pipe is from American Indian Myths and Legends, 1980, by Erdoes and Alfonso Ortiz.
The Sioux are a warrior tribe, and one of their proverbs says, "Woman shall not walk before man." Yet White Buffalo Woman is the dominant figure of their most important legend. The medicine man Crow Dog explains, "This holy woman brought the sacred buffalo calf pipe to the Sioux. There could be no Indians without it. Before she came, people didnt know how to live. They knew nothing. The Buffalo Woman put her sacred mind into their minds." At the ritual of the sun dance one woman, usally a mature and universally respected member of the tribe, is given the honor of respresenting Buffalo Woman.  More >

 Another planet3 comments
picture24 Jul 2005 @ 22:24
Little things change along the way.
Migration patterns.
Breeding seasons.
Let us count the ways.
Let us count the days.
Here are a couple of articles,
shedding a little thoughtful light,
through the clouds of distractions.
******-_/  More >

 Jury of Conscience1 comment
picture19 Jul 2005 @ 16:47
"It should become a weapon in the hands of journalists, writers, poets, singers, teachers, plumbers, taxi drivers, car mechanics, painters, lawyers - anybody who wishes to participate in the resistance."  More >

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