Earthtribe-Gather - Category: Inspiration    
 Page 3_*_Graphic by Shakti_ma3 comments
picture4 Jul 2002 @ 10:05
From the Network of Roots,
To the blossoming buds,
Through the primary channel
Of trunk and the spine,
The Tree is the Link
Through Water and Fire
Between Rock and the Sky.
River bleeds on the Earth,
Dewdrops into the ocean.
River, the Wind, follows
From destination to destination
Never beginning to end.
Speak through RoseViolet Dawn.
There is only the past and the future.
The bridge is present, vault of memory,
Maker of dream,
Dream come true
Before death into memory.

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 page 2_*_Graphic by Shakti_ma3 comments
picture3 Jul 2002 @ 09:03
Speak for Her
Whose name is like Rain
Falling Forever,
Whose name is for
When water returns to water
After passage through Wind, VAYU.
grows out of Rock,
through Rain.

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 Pages from The Gathering of the Tribes of the Earth2 comments
picture2 Jul 2002 @ 08:43
My plan is to enter a page from my self-published book of poetry, each time I visit the New Civilization network.

This text is also available from my website
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Graphics are Through the compliments of Shakti_ma.
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For Her by the Lake

This verse is derived
from more than one language
and woven through a set of symbols,
to construct the theme
of the Culture of the Rock and the Star,
as the Gathering of the Tribes of the Earth.
Here are fragments from a story
that has been largely effaced
through time by wind and the rain.

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