A small circle    
 Where is Away?4 comments
category picture18 Sep 2002 @ 12:52
Since I was a barefoot child, I wondered, but was too shy to ask, "When you throw something away, where is away?"

Little by little I am learning the location of Away.

Today, in the news from Yahoo and AP News, is the announcement of a cleanup of nuclear waste we began creating in 1943 in Washington state.

What a dreadful mess!

But connected to that annoucement is a link to some hope: ...  More >

 Does Anyone Know You Are Going This Way?11 comments
picture4 Aug 2002 @ 22:08
Hello, you are there, other worlds.
You are there past the little lighted room at the top of the stairs.
You are there at the other end of the silver string, beyond the wardrobe, through the hole in the sky.

And I want to carve you strongly.  More >

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"The eye sees what it brings the power to see."
---Thomas Carlyle

"A small circle", a reference to the Arts, is about intensity, effortlessness, and the spirit of accepting the energies coming our way while turning them in a positive direction.

"A small circle", also means that I am hoping we can create a larger circle.

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    To the Muse

    As if the sea should part
