One Seeker's Journey    
 Richard M. Dolan - UFOs and the National Security State2 comments
18 Oct 2004 @ 17:58, by craiglang. Reports
On Saturday (10/16/04) Richard M. Dolan, the author of the book "UFOs and the National Security State" gave a presentation to Minnesota MUFON. What he said was, to say the least, sobering.  Read More

 Life, the PSI Room and Everything17 comments
15 Oct 2004 @ 17:59, by craiglang. Projects
Over the last two years or so, we have had a running remote-viewong experiment (and general free discussion) going on in the group "PSI, Parapsychology and Field Consciousness". During that time, we have had people come and go from the group - basically in three waves: the original founders, those who came in during the first year, and a shift of members about 8 to 12 months ago. And during the two years the group has been in operation, I believe that we have learned some very interesting things.

Currently, the membership is at a minimum as several people have recently left the group, due to it's current quiescence. So I would like to ask past and present members of the PSI room about what they see as the future of the room. I would also like their views on how the results we have collected should be reported, etc.

Furthermore, I would like to put some questions out to the NCN populace at large, and get feedback on them. Specifically I would like to learn the degree of future interest, and what - if any - changes we should make in the direction we have taken.  Read More

 Enlightenment and Story Writing0 comments
8 Oct 2004 @ 15:17, by craiglang. Thoughts
An interesting observation from the creative writing class I am currently taking.

We are presently working on writing fiction at this point in the course, and discussing the key things needed in a good story. One of the things needed in a (good and interesting) story is a drama of some form. This generally takes the form of a conflict - which is required to make the story interesting.

This is an interesting contrast to what I've been studying in the Eastern Tradition. In studying Vedic philosophies and the meditative traditions, I have noted that it is generally a goal to somehow transcend drama. On the road to enlightenment, it is an objective to simply be, rather than do.  Read More

 The November Wind3 comments
22 Sep 2004 @ 01:52, by craiglang. Stories
A short piece I wrote in my creative writing class. I thought it would be neat to put up here. Kinda in keeping with some of the recent discussions... :-)  Read More

 The big and the small4 comments
21 Sep 2004 @ 17:43, by craiglang. Opinions
I got a few interesting comments back on my last post on "Psychic Fulfillment". A comment that I got back from at least one person was that in these times, it is more important to focus on the large than the small. To me this suggests that even focusing on the question of the day-job is in effect, a form of "service to self". But is this in fact, the case?  Read More

 Psychic Fulfillment3 comments
20 Sep 2004 @ 18:24, by craiglang. Thoughts
As I sit at a computer workstation in the lab at my day job, waiting for another experiment to complete, my mind begins to wonder. I ask myself what is it that I question about the daily routine? I notice that I enjoy what I do from day to day.. But as I'm sure many have observed, what is missing from the corporate-American job is the long term psychic fulfillment that comes from serving the higher calling.  Read More

 Sky Captain0 comments
19 Sep 2004 @ 00:39, by craiglang. Articles
Gwyn and I just saw the new movie "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow". It was one of the most imaginative pieces of sci fi I think I've seen in quite some time. It was written as if it were SF from the perspective of an earlier era. It had the perspective on the world that might be characteristic of HG Wells, Jules Verne, etc (though the 1930s were somewhat after the time of Vern and Wells). It was truly a moment of sci-fi fun.  Read More

 Announcing our new arrivals8 comments
picture14 Sep 2004 @ 17:27, by craiglang. News
Announcing the newest addition to the Lang family  Read More

 The Light of Contrast0 comments
9 Sep 2004 @ 04:17, by craiglang. Diary
I received alot of feedback on my last article, "Life as Usual". More than one person pointed out that the article was pretty dark. And thus, I have to conclude that in one way it delivered its message well. Changes are indeed upon us, and there will be many challenges down the road. Furthermore, most of the people out there simply don't see them. So they continue on with life as usual. And so in many ways, we are probably committed to those changes. That was the key, and perhaps the only, point of the artcile. But the implications were many, and the discussion it stirred up was vast - including/especially within my own psyche.  Read More

 Life as Usual...9 comments
7 Sep 2004 @ 18:46, by craiglang. Articles
The latest on Whitley's website is a sobering echo of something that I've felt for the last few weeks - "that the die is cast". I suspect that we are now fully committed to the path that leads to the abyss. I have always hoped, in the back of my mind, that I was wrong. But what I saw - or rather sensed - this weekend, suggests to me that unfortunately, I am not.

Yet after darkness comes light. And for each person who awakens, who becomes more aware, that light becomes closer. And thus, what the changes are, and what the abyss is, through which we pass, is still up to us.  Read More

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Exploring the emerging consciousness, the Universal Mind and the coming changes - as well as other general stuff...

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  • Aliens, Allies and Discernment

  • 2006-07-07
  • Hidden Contact -- The Fermi Paradox and The Deardorff Hypothesis

  • 2006-07-01
  • UFOs, Rainbows and Bare Earth

  • 2006-06-23
  • Response to 'Ten Alien Encounters Debunked'

  • 2006-02-03
  • More spooky 9/11 stuff

  • 2006-01-10
  • New FTL and Hyperspace Theory

  • 2005-12-23
  • 'Fun' in the literature world

  • 2005-10-24
  • The Republic of Vermont?

  • 2005-07-18
  • Seth Shostak's Glass House

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  • craiglang: Origins and Cycles

  • 2009-05-11
  • a-d: Now,Craig, don't

  • 2009-05-04
  • bushman: Hey :}

  • 2008-01-11
  • a-d: Dear Craig,
  • craiglang: Interesting comments

  • 2008-01-09
  • a-d: I wasn't very clear....
  • bushman: lol,
  • a-d: Good thinking ,

  • 2008-01-08
  • bushman: Hmm,
  • freo7: Earth is Shifting *ITS SELF NOW*

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