LOST TRIBE, Wandering's ...    



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 Check this out.0 comments
16 Nov 2001 @ 16:12

 Theme song for the Lost Tribe #1 nomanee.4 comments
15 Nov 2001 @ 14:52
Clint Eastwood by the Gorillaz.

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 Autobiography of, The Waver. By Ed Carlson2 comments
11 Nov 2001 @ 11:23
Well I was able to copy the CD as a regular audio file so I can send you a copy of the CD, It will play on any CD player, I can only afford to make and send 10 copys at the moment, so Email me with a mailing address. Also the files are available through my ICQ, # 6217837, or Email, empriva@kachina.net , but the sound quality is not very good.
There are 2 tracks, the best I could do is around 7 megs each in mp3 format, guess its better than 37 megs, lol.  More >

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