Organelle - Category: Rumors    
 A Question of Children2 comments
category picture12 Feb 2003 @ 01:33

On a living world, simulations are important. Especially when a race of creatures like humans becomes more fascinated with simulations than with survival. Yet there are certain elemental simulations that can pay off, when we can locate the right species of questions to inagurate our quests.

Here's a game we play all the time, without noticing it — or, some of us notice it in ways different than others.
It's the kind of a game that can save worlds, played hearfully.

It wold be fun to teach each other together again. With games of questions.

We used to be circles of circles...instead of a lot of agitated dots. At least, I remember circles of circles...of raindrops falling together into water...under a fascinating star...or a scalar blanket of them.

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