New Dawn's Birthing: Global Gratitude    
 Global Gratitude1 comment
14 May 2003 @ 18:11, by Lydia Teo

The start of Global Gratitude program in Australia is on this Friday, 16 May. It would be wonderful if you are able to join us.

Just find a place where you can be quiet for 7 minutes (more if you wish).

Read the first inspirational message in the Global Gratitude book, read it out aloud, feeling it and then close your eyes and feel the meaning of your words. Feel them for yourself, your children and future generations. Then focus on the family you have chosen.
Go to [link] to select a family and feel the message for that mother and child/ren and send them love. That's all.
When you have finished, tick the box and go on with your day.

If you do not have a Global Gratitude Book then I enclose the message below:

Celebrate the miracle of life.
Honour the holiness of all that is...

Focus on your chest and slowly read the words of the Inspirational Message. You may read all the words at once or pause with each sentence. Close your eyes and let your heart and being feel the meaning of the words.
Each day you complete the process, tick one of the 9 boxes. After 9 days you have finished this Inspirational message and you can continue the process.

There is a loving wholeness that creates, holds and moves my family. The wholeness is the essence of loveand sweetness...and is the very source that creates, breathes and animatesall of life. I am deeply thankful for the existence of this dynamic, loving source that forms my soul, mind and body. I am thankful for the freedom to be alive and my opportunity to grow. With this freedom I allow others to be as they wish to be. With ease I respect the existence of all life...and I am especially thankful for the existence of mothers and children throughout the world. From the love flowing through mothers and children, peace is realized and happiness is increased, I am thankful for the loving grace that touches the world with light and makes the beauty we all share possible.


My notes:
this Global Gratitude Program is not exclusively for women, if it was then the essence of it would not be in truth. It is open to men aswell. The core is honouring the female and male within the entity of the being, the entwining of the strands of DNA into one whole and complete loving human being.

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1 comment

2 Jan 2016 @ 09:17 by Jeux Gratuit @ : telecherger jeux
On peut définir le jeu comme une activité de loisirs d'ordre physique ou bien psychique, soumise à des règles conventionnelles, à laquelle on s'adonne pour se divertir, tirer du plaisir et de l'amusement.  

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