Dwig's Log: Introduction    
 Introduction4 comments
15 Jan 2005 @ 04:41, by Don Dwiggins

The Community category contains a series of articles on various aspects of communities.

I've begun this series because I currently feel that the prime resource for meeting the crises that I see unfolding in the United States and the world is/will be a large number of relatively small communities with certain characteristics. In turn, these communities will be linked by various means to facilitate communication and collaboration, enabling the formation of higher-level viable social systems. Thus, in my view, the community is the appropriate base level of response.

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16 Jan 2005 @ 02:52 by astrid : I can hardly wait
to get your first take on the new Community building. Next week I will receive my Local Money Kit from Itacha from Paul Glover. I know you said "it" isn't about this and "it" isn't about that, but for Every-day People to be able to "get it" it has to do with life sustaining reality based POSSIBILITES to brake away from the current enslaving System, where money IS an issue, as is LOCATION for new Life - affirming Communities to be set up and built. Have you ever had a chance to see http://www.ithacahours.com/intro.html Well, here it is! Hope you find it stimulating. I love Paul Glovers Plan to re-make our Concrete jungles back to Green Communities. Somewhere on this web-site you'll find the whole story /Plan for that.  

16 Jan 2005 @ 07:41 by gea : Hi!
What is your community ? :-)
(I mean, the concrete one, beside humanity itself).  

16 Jan 2005 @ 08:10 by skookum : hello..
nice to meet you  

16 Jan 2005 @ 19:49 by jstarrs : Hey!
Welcome...let the exchange begin!
This weekend, I thought that everyone chooses their own battlefield...
Community is yours?
See Arclycus for the other extreme.
As valid as any other?

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