Rudy Melster    
 2012 The Movie and the Mayan Calendar22 comments
picture14 Nov 2009 @ 19:57
I'm willing to wager nothing will happen on December 21st, 2012.

The movie 2012 just came out yesterday with all the Hollywood dramatics and special effects; natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions, typhoons and glaciers. I don't feel anything exactly like that will happen after 2012 either. However, just when everybody has become complacent, dismissed everything as just another Y2K hoax, the proverbial will hit the fan. Like Y2K, people are now sensing "something" will take place, and then 911 came 21 months later.  More >

 Implications of the Da Vinci Code5 comments
picture2 Aug 2006 @ 23:32
Dan Brown's phenomenal novel has recently been released as a Hollywood blockbuster creating a furore of religious boycotts, distraught parishioners and an upheaval of interest. Jesus Christ is depicted as having married Marie Magdalene, a former prostitute who became his avid follower, if not a disciple as well. She absconds to France after his crucifixion carrying his unborn child. Mystery and intrigue follow a colourful series of events as the bloodline of Jesus, the true Holly Gail, continues until this day. Another conspiracy theory where this information has been systematically removed and ignored by the overseeing officials of the clergy for almost 2,000 years? That Leonardo Da Vinci, a forbearer of the Enlightenment that ushered in the conventions of Science, was privy to this knowledge and surreptitiously exposes it in such objects such as his painting of Christ's last supper. The Da Vinci Code, a supposedly fictional dramatization interlaced with lesser know facts, continues to escalate in controversy. If this is just a 'load of old cobblers', why is there so much concern and conflict. What does it all mean?  More >

 All that Glitters is not of Gold6 comments
picture21 Jul 2006 @ 01:52

One of my pet symbols: The solid bronze lion statue in front of the MGM Grand Casino, Sin City - Las Vegas, Nevada. Our modern day Sphinx in the desert.

I've been reading in the news logs about the recent propositions for the mining of gold to establish a NCN Community. I have the following comment on the implications of gold, and our course into the future as I see it.
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 Please cancel the Jihad9 comments
picture8 Feb 2006 @ 01:44

Violence intensifies over Mohammed cartoons. Hmmm . . . .

We have western nations publishing laughs involving an alien deity because they can, legally speaking. And as a consequence we have minions of respectful followers feeling devoutly offended, becoming uncontrollably angry and violent, obviously unable to see any humour in the portrayal. It reminds me of my school days where teasing of peers was a common practice. There was always someone who had something destructive to say, name calling for example, to mock a fellow classmate. The person being teased could pull a sour face of dislike, which they failed to recognise as an approval for the teasing to continue and not to stop. The teased could eventually get unduly upset by the taunts and lash out, give the teaser a good clout around the ear for instance. That may have stopped the teasing or, as often as not, provoke a physical counter strike leading to a fist fight, a crowd gathering to watch, and ending with a scene before the teachers. The smart person being teased simply ignored the teaser. Pretended that they were deaf and the teaser wasn’t there no matter how intense the teasing developed, failing to identify themselves with anything that was being said. The teaser, invoking a zero response, very quickly stopped their teasing and did something else.  More >

 New Depths of Despair13 comments
picture4 Apr 2002 @ 18:36
We lead by example. War for my piece is the example. With the taking of 2 eyes for an eye and 2 teeth for a tooth, conflict and destruction can only escalate. Hatred is not innate or predisposed; it has always been learned. So with a desire it can be unlearned also. If no one can begin and lead, change, then the inevitable will come with the amassing of armies, through this prelude, and towards Armageddon.  More >

 America Under Attack14 comments
picture12 Sep 2001 @ 17:17

Now is the time for unprecedented acts in human terror.

Now is the time of mass global communication broadcast to most every individual on the planet.

Now is the time of awareness of where we are in terms of human conflict.

Now is the time to stop and contemplate before we move, consider all consequences, and act for peace and resolve.

Now is the time to do things differently and change our ingrained old ways.

Now is the time to set aside our differences, console one another and recognize that we are all of one and the same.

Now is the time of a new beginning that will elevate us into a new era of consciousness; or plunge us into a bottomless abyss of darkness and onto oblivion.

I pray that, against all the impressions that surround me, we will each make the most righteous choices that consider all involved.

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