Dare To Inquire: The Long Knives Are Out By Emanuel Winston    
 The Long Knives Are Out By Emanuel Winston2 comments
30 Aug 2004 @ 17:45, by Bruce Kodish

The following article by Emanuel Winston makes some plausible (to me) conjectures about the trial by insinuation and media speculation now taking place regarding so-called 'Israeli spying' in the U.S. However, I cannot prove everything that Winston suggests.

Nonetheless,I opine that it is not any kind of 'conspiratology' to acknowledge that the U.S. government DOES NOT consist of one completely unified entity. Rather there exist different groups of individuals, some representing long-term institutionalized interests, that may be working at cross purposes from other groups within the same government. For example, individuals and groups within The U.S. State Department have a long, well-documented history of less than amicable relations with the state of Israel.:

The Long Knives Are Out
by Emanuel Winston

"The accusation of a spy giving information on Iran’s purported nuclear capability to Israel is starting to boil. Today’s questions are: How many knives have been drawn? And how many backs are to be stabbed?"

"We are told that the investigation of a staff member in the Pentagon has been ongoing for a year. Why would the FBI under Director Mueller choose three days before the Republican Convention for re-electing President George Bush to leak this story to CBS TV News?"

"Was Bush the target of a set-up scandal just before he appears at the Convention?

"Clearly, there are political knives aimed at numerous intended victims."

"Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld established a group, with Doug Feith as its director, to investigate the faults in the government that led to 9/11. We know that this group was greatly resented by the Pentagon, the FBI, CIA and the State Department. They were furious that another group, NOT under their control, was looking into their own investigation results on Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and the global Terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda.

"As the 9/11 Commission pointed out, there were massive failures in and between all the Intel organizations before 9/11 - with, no doubt, more Terror acts to come from those institutional failure endemic in the system.

"Getting rid of Doug Feith has been a primary objective of these various Intel groups, including especially the pro-Arab State Department. One is reminded of those close to Julius Caesar who successfully conspired to murder him. They agreed that it would be best if they all stabbed him at once so no one individual would carry the guilt. "Et Tu, Brutus?"

"Stabbing the Jewish State of Israel would be an extra benefit, assuming that President Bush was not aware of the plans by Mueller of the FBI, the Pentagon, CIA, Ashcroft of the Justice Department and the leakage which generally comes out of the propaganda team in the bowels of the State Department.

"So, what might the "Long Knives" expect to get out of a somewhat manipulated exposé?

"They would give AIPAC, the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee, a black eye on the front pages of most newspapers and in radio and TV coverage.

"If (as expected) it is proven that none of these things happened as first charged, the accusation would still stick and, be assured, the corrected facts would appear much later in a two inch column on page 50. NPR Radio would likely not even mention that the charge was false.

"In the meantime, several things could play out. We may see a lot of speculative coverage by such hostile news outlets such as the NEW YORK TIMES, CHICAGO TRIBUNE, NPR, WASHINGTON POST, CNN, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, etc.

"Israel will and has denied the accusation but, will not be believed. AIPAC has similarly denied and not been believed. Jews will feel their automatic knee jerk guilt reaction syndrome because that’s the way we are.

"Israel will feel that it must become even more subservient to the Washington agencies and especially to the State Department’s plans to re-partition the tiny Jewish State, in addition to establishing what we all know will become a Terrorist Palestinian State in the heartland of Israel.

"Assuming President Bush was NOT part of the FBI/Justice/State trap, then he will be forced to display anger towards Israel.

"Although Michael Ledeen of AEI, (the American Enterprise Institute), has said the accusation was laughable, nevertheless its planners expect results. "Long Knives" are costly in terms of long-term planning and the risk of exposure.

"The decision to distance Israel from America has long been a goal of the Arabist State Department, Saudi Arabia - among the other Arab or Muslim nations of Iran, Syria, Egypt, ‘et al’. Even more peculiar is the expenditure of resources while there is a major threat from Al Qaeda to use everything from NBC (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical) weapons to strike at America and/or the other Free West countries.

"What would bring the FBI, CIA, Pentagon and State to work together to embarrass the President before elections? Granted that all four bureaucracies are furious at the President for daring to restructure their castles by appointing a security Czar over all of them.

"We know how angry the Generals have been at Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld for threatening their bureaucracies by restructuring the military for greater efficiency - to include turning up wasteful spending. Having control of their separate budgets has always been a war of how much each gets and the unspoken custom that waste is to be looked into only by a forgiving Congress. Keep in mind that the CIA has a $30 Billion budget while the Pentagon has an Intel section with a separate $3 Billion budget.

"The stench of this investigation is overwhelming in terms of what was to be achieved from its inception. While Israel has always been a target of opportunity for the State Department, it appears that the President has been added to their list. I cannot help but wonder if another deal has been struck, with the political challengers’ "think team" to rescind ALL of the Bush efforts in terms of NOT restructuring the FBI/CIA/Pentagon Intelligence agencies - Bush is not relected.

"Clearly, they all want to go back to the way things were before 9/11.

"Certainly they don’t want a faith-based President who prays and makes decisions on what G-d may inspire. Naturally, Israel fits under Bush’s umbrella - which is an irritant to these folks - especially the State Department.

"If this waste of manpower, money which should have been better applied to the serious threat to all America by the radical Islamists, then it is past time to fire the Directors of the FBI, CIA, Pentagon Generals and a clean-out of the State Department.

"THIS JUST IN August 29th : FOX NEWS reports that Middle Eastern men are exploring the possibility of obtaining ambulances but, not asking about patient care and medical equipment - just about load, speed, etc. - which translates into "Ambulance Suicide Bombs".

"While the FBI, CIA, Pentagon, Justice and State are playing Keystone Kops against a trusted and proven ally when they should be on the street, finding the really bad guys. As the radical Islamists trained to merely fly and NOT to land airliners, they now just want to drive ambulances loaded with explosives, as they do now in the Middle East.

"Perhaps it would be better if the plotters of this current spurious accusation got off their lazy bottoms and into the street rather than wasting resources to change a Presidential election.

"Let us hope their subversion is limited to merely embarrassing the President. Shaking up a fat and well-funded bureaucracy creates lots of enemies who believe they are entitled to their over-funded and fat life.

"Clearly, the "Long Knives" are out and there are lots of backs to be stabbed before this conspiracy is over."

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30 Aug 2004 @ 20:36 by vaxen : Radical Islamicists...
trained to fly what? Most of them so dumb they could'nt even qualify on a piper cub let alone a jumbo jet! There is much more to your story of the 'long knives' then herein meets, and greets, the eye. Yet, even though I cannot agree with you, I must thankyou for offering your 'opinion.'

Intelligence gathering is a thankless task. The lone operator in the field, just in order to get his 'Intel/data' through, must face not only the threat of discovery but the endless facelessness of a beureaucracy of endless, and faceless, stooges playing political games, while their lives are on the line!

I can assure you that our intelligence community is the best in the world and that this so called 911 commission is a political gambit and a farce. The neo-cons surrounding King George and his prophet are 'Zionists' not 'Jews! There is quite a difference.

Derech Ha Gav: Ovadity L"TaM" B'MiShKal CaVeD. MeAZ ANI YoDeO K'TzaT OL MaH ZeH LeHIoT MoSaDnik B'STYRaH AMooKaH Ve SaYeRet. MoDeH LeCha Ol Ha ToQeF.  

30 Aug 2004 @ 23:59 by bkodish : Zionists and Jews
Thanks for your comment.

Of course, not all Jews 'are' Zionists. And not all Zionists 'are' Jews. Although there does exist a very considerable overlap.  

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