Dare To Inquire: Hamas Must Be Stopped    
 Hamas Must Be Stopped4 comments
picture22 Mar 2006 @ 19:11, by Bruce Kodish

Binyamin Netanyahu provides a nice summary of the history of Jihad, the present World War and the possible stakes for Israel and Western Civilization if appeasers win in the next Israeli election.

Netanyahu at Jerusalem Conference: Hamas Must be Stopped
By Hillel Fendel - Arutz Sheva-March 21, 2006

PM candidate Binyamin Netanyahu opened Tuesday's session of the Jerusalem Conference with a review of Islam's attempts to conquer the world - which the Hamas takeover of the PA is a main feature.

Netanyahu said that Islam tried, upon its founding, to conquer Christian Europe, but failed and w! as pushed back to Northern Africa. Another attempt hundreds of years later was similarly repelled. "For the last few centuries," Netanyahu continued, "we thought that religious wars were over - but suddenly, now, we see a third attempt by Islam. In 1979, two seminal events occurred, both of which continue to have a strong effect even now. One is the victory by Islamic mujaheedin in Afghanistan over Soviet forces, leading to the formation of Al-Qaeda, and then, shortly afterwards, the formation of the terrorist Islamic Republic of Iran. Some thought then that the Ayatollahs of Iran would become more moderate, but of course this did not happen, and now Iran's nuclear program and missiles threaten the entire world."

"Since then, more recently, two more important events have happened. One is the formation of another fundamentalist Islamic republic, in Afghanistan, with the Taliban, leading to 9/11 - if they had had nuclear weapons, New York and Washington would not be aroun! d any more - and another event that occurred with Israel's help: the formation of a Hamas regime in the Palestinian Authority. The Hamas entity is a daughter state of Iran, with the same policies, and talks openly of its goal of destroying Israel, using its code words of 'Right of Return' and 'continued resistance' - namely, terrorism. Israel is their first stop on the road to world conquest.

"We therefore face a danger of worldwide proportions - and yet there are those [the reference is to Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of the Kadima party, running against Netanyahu and Amir Peretz of Labor for Prime Minister - ed.] who feel that Hamas is not a strategic danger. All the experts say the opposite... yet there are those who think that the solution to this malignant growth is to do nothing, or else to give them more land. What was the result of the recent Disengagement? Shimon Peres once told me that the Arabs would build day camps for peace in Gaza - and he believed this.! Yet this is not exactly what happened. Over four hundred Kassams have been fired from Gaza, and soldiers in nearby Zikim go to sleep in fear of the rain of rockets they face. One would expect a normal government to learn the lessons and not repeat the same mistakes - but no, this leadership wants to give even more land away - 95% of Yesha (Judea and Samaria)! Right here in this building [the Regency Hotel in eastern Jerusalem] would become Hamas-land according to them. But it's obvious that this will not satisfy the lion; instead, as Israel Zangwill once said, 'bad things have to be cut off and nipped in the bud.'

"It's still possible to stop Hamas - by standing firm in all of the Jordan Valley and the Judean Desert, and by moving the wall in the west to the east, away from Ben Gurion Airport and away from Route 433. We also need to constantly and unceasingly pressure the international community not to support Hamas in any way or form. If humanitarian assistance must be given! , then it must be done through channels other than the official Hamas regime. We must concentrate mostly on the United States - on public opinion there - Jews, Christians, Congressmen and other leaders - and ensure that no funding reaches Hamas. And of course - we have to make sure that we here in Israel do not fund Hamas! No one will defend us or make our claims for us if we do not do so ourselves!"

Netanyahu said that he was aware that many people who agree with him are still hesitating how to vote because of what he did as Finance Minister. To this, he explained at length the "empty pit" he found in terms of pensions, the near-collapse of the country's banking system, and other calamitous economic problems when he took the position. "I could have done nothing," he said, "and then no one would have been angry with me. But instead, I knew that I had to do something to save the country from collapse - and so we took painful measures..."

Netanyahu exhorted his audience t! o vote for the Likud in next week's audience, "as only the Likud will be able to stand up to the threat of Hamas. I believe firmly that Hamas can be stopped, and only we can do it. Don't fall prey to voting for parties who might transfer their allegiance to a Kadima-led government of the left."

In response to a Christian man of faith from Canada who encouraged the audience, in English, to realize that G-d is with the Jews, Netanyahu responded, "There are some Prime Ministerial candidates [again, the reference is to Olmert - ed.] who have said, 'We are tired of fighting, we are tired of defeating our enemies.' The only thing worse than a people who loses faith in its leaders are leaders who lose faith in their people."

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22 Mar 2006 @ 20:46 by vibrani : What's really dispicable
is the Israeli media that is bendt on assassinating the character of the ONLY man who knows what's going on and how to deal with it. They are doing everything possible to make sure Bibi doesn't have a chance. And Israelis who are just within ten years younger than we are don't know about the real Bibi, nor how good he was as prime minister.  

23 Mar 2006 @ 21:50 by bkodish : I agree Vibrani...
For those who are interested click here to sign the Stand Firm Against Hamas-Led Palestinian Authority Petition

- {link:http://www.petitiononline.com/biac2006/petition.html|Resolve not to fund the PA wavers, but a BIAC petition asks the US not to fund a Hamas-led PA}  

24 Mar 2006 @ 07:21 by vibrani : Guess we're Nerds, Bruce
Nerds for Netanyahu

By Bradley Burston

There's nothing quite like a revolution run by nerds.

The nerd, by his or her very nature, is a technocrat, a disciple of seriousness, of success as a function of nose-to-the-grindstone effort on behalf of original thinking, of doing your homework, of sticking to the plan.

The nerd, by definition, does not get by on good looks, nor physical prowess. The nerd is resourceful, self-reliant (if not always by choice), and, at root, mad as hell.

It's that anger - that buried breeder reactor fueled by a childhood of bullies and teases and a thick catalogue of unredressed, unredressable insult, of injustice and grievance engraved on the bone - that makes a nerd tick.

Maybe that's why so many nerds are going Netanyahu this time.

Perhaps they see in his evident pain, his crying out against a jeering, condescending, implacably negative news media, a model of their own inner log of torments.

Many on the settler right dismiss him, belittle him for having waited to long to effectively fight the disengagement. Many on the blue-collar right have turned on him for the Reagan Revolution economic policies he implemented.

Only the left, it seems, feels as they once did about Netanyahu - they revile him.

No, that's not true. There is one other group whose feelings about Netanyahu have not changed. Nerds. Nerds for Netanyahu, who identify with the crucified conservative in their midst.

I mean this in no way to be unkind. I feel for them. I was born and raised a nerd. I carry my scars as they do, with a mixture of pride, shame, and fury.

For a nerd, there is nothing like a sense of, for once in your life, tasting a share of power, of having your long-disparaged views finally matter, of being heard in the corridors of rule.

For the last several decades in the United States, arguably the world's largest producer of Jewish nerds, the ticket to that feeling has been neo-conservatism, as championed by the ultra liberal-turned-hard right editors of Commentary, the heady exhilaration of Revolution through Republicanism.

The pinnacle of Jewish neo-con triumphalism came at the turn of the millennium, with the simultaneous rise of the much-maligned George Bush, supported by a bevy of Jewish neo-con advisers, and, in the neo-con laboratory of the Middle East, the even more maligned Ariel Sharon.

But things didn't turn out precisely the way neo-cons might have hoped. Something about neo-conservatism has grown very old very quickly.

Still, a nerd is nothing if not dependable. The nerds will not abandon Netanyahu, the golden boy of the true neo-con. They will continue to idolize him. He is still the champion of their revolution.

It may be true, in any case, that all revolutions are fundamentally run by nerds. There may be a golden throat and a pretty face in front, but the ideology, the movement machinery, the very architecture of the revolt require the kind of dedication that only the revenge of the genuine nerd can generate.

And there are no two ways about it: Netanyahu speaks to the nerd. He speaks the language the nerd wishes he had used, back there on the playground. The Iron Wall. We are not afraid. We are not afraid. Strength in the face of those who would bully us. Give no ground to the bullies. We are not afraid. Prosperity through hard work and strength. Seriousness, reality. Those other guys, with their pretty words and PR gloss and illusions and shortcuts, led us into ruin. I was right all along. We know what to do. I will stand up to the entire world if necessary. I was right all along ...

In the end, at root, perhaps it's not politics. Perhaps it's personal. Could it be, that it's exactly that aching loneliness that pours off Netanyahu like sweat, that so stirs identification in the nerd?

"Leaders aren't tested by whether they follow the popular fashion of the times but whether they are willing to chart out a course that will give people a better future no matter how unpopular it will appear at the time," Netanyahu said this week.

" ... the minute they find that I disagree with their political views, they begin to disparage my personality," he said.

(From "Ha'aretz" Friday)  

24 Mar 2006 @ 22:06 by bkodish : Bradley Burston in Ha'aretz
I take Bradley Burston's stuff here with some salt.

As a good Ha'aretz writer (that paper loves Jews who have and promote negative stereotypes about Jews and Judaism) he doesn't really seem to like those he considers 'conservative' or 'neo-conservative' and paints them with a broad, over-generalized brush--implying that Bushes Mid-East policy was dictated by a conspiracy of 'neo-conservative' Jews. Utter nonsense. Some of the people around Bush were 'Jewish', most were not. Some so-called 'conservatives' or 'neo-conservatives' --only some of whom 'are' Jewish--have probably been very rah-rah about Bush's policies. However many have not and have had things, sometimes many things, to be critical about.  

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