Out of My Mind: OT3 - All the way through    
 OT3 - All the way through2 comments
picture24 Apr 2004 @ 02:40, by Bee

In those days when I was going up and over the Scientology bridge I put a lot of intensity and focus in first getting my case handled then going Clear. I wanted to be an Operating Thetan. I learned that to keep that state of Clear OT, ethics would be a deciding factor.

I had been auditing about ten hours a day for several weeks. I took a few breaks and a day off once in a while. Most of it had been on a cellular level. I began to see many types of thetans. I saw that thetans were different sizes. I began to know that thetans were all around. I was auditing thetans. This was 7th Dynamic action with spirits. I was exterior.
On the Emeter the needle on the dial would float. I audited with a single can, my other hand was free to write the session report. I was the auditor and also the one being audited called the pc in Scientology. I have a body and am exterior to it. I started experiencing that on lower grades and past lives too while moving up the bridge. When the needle would float on the dial I would have to stop for a while. Light, joyful, certain, would describe how I felt. I was exhilarated. I was also soul weary. In this time period of auditing I had seen more of spirits then I had known before. Some it of was not pleasant but I felt that I could see into another dimension that existed right here in this reality.
At the moment that I had the realization that I was I separate and individual from all other thetans it was a chain reaction of thousands separating, free from me. This was now. There were sounds, loud popping, cracking noises. I was auditing on a top berth of a bunk bed in my cabin. My body floated in the air I held the can on a cord to the Emeter. I reached for the meter and fell four feet to the floor. People outside came to my door and asked if I was all right. From a distance I heard them and my body said “I’m ok.” I said it. After a while I wrote up the session report. I had made notes of emeter readings throughout the session. I took the folders put them in their large envelope and took them to Qual for my case supervisor. My C/S on OT3 was LRH.

After I left Qual I went to the promenade deck where I could take a walk around the ship. The night was dark and clear. From the deck of Apollo in the Valencia harbor the stars were bright overhead. Heading aft I went to the lounge which was crowded with students. I felt like being around people. I had been in my cabin for days and days. I sat down on one of the couches. There was alcohol, beer and soft drinks. I slowly drank a coke cola. I chatted and talked. I did not speak of my auditing experiences except when asked how it was going, I said “good.” I did not tell anyone that I thought that I had finished OT3. A teenage girl came in to find me. She was a messenger. When she saw me, she told me,” you have to go to the examiner.” I followed her up the stairs to LRH’s office. She told me to go in. He looked at me and said, “Sit down.” I sat across his desk from him. “Tell me some of it.” He said. I told him of the chain reaction, how I separated from all the thetans and was me. I told him that I felt that I grew bigger as a spirit and that the growth was continuing. He wrote something on a piece of paper and put it into an envelope. He gave it to me and said “read this when you are alone.’ I went back to the lounge. I sat and talked with other men from different countries. We talked about business and financial transactions, currency transfers, dollar depreciations and how to profit from that. All the while my heart was singing and I loved everyone. It was late when I returned to my cabin. As soon as I sat down on my bunk I took out the LRH note. There were two words on it. “Well done.”

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8 Oct 2006 @ 06:33 by Tom @ : OT III
Nice one. What an honour...c\s ed by LRH.  

9 Oct 2006 @ 21:45 by b : Thank You

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