Out of My Mind: Perceptions of Jews by Well-Known Gentiles    
 Perceptions of Jews by Well-Known Gentiles25 comments
5 Oct 2006 @ 18:41, by Bee

Some people like the Jews, and some do not. But no thoughtful man can deny the fact that they are, beyond any question, the most formidable and the most remarkable race which has appeared in the world."

"The Jew is that sacred being who has brought down from heaven the everlasting fire, and has illumined with it the entire world. He is the religious source, spring, and fountain out of which all the rest of the peoples have drawn their beliefs and their religions."

--Leo Tolstoy

"It was in vain that we locked them up for several hundred years behind the walls of the Ghetto. No sooner were their prison gates unbarred than they easily caught up with us, even on those paths which we opened up without their aid."

--A. A. Leroy Beaulieu, French publicist, 1842

"The Jew gave us the Outside and the Inside - our outlook and our inner life. We can hardly get up in the morning or cross the street without being Jewish. We dream Jewish dreams and hope Jewish hopes. Most of our best words, in fact - new, adventure, surprise, unique, individual, person, vocation, time, history, future, freedom, progress, spirit, faith, hope, justice - are the gifts of the Jews."

--Thomas Cahill, Irish Author

"One of the gifts of the Jewish culture to Christianity is that it has taught Christians to think like Jews, and any modern man who has not learned to think as though he were a Jew can hardly be said to have learned to think at all."

--William Rees-Mogg, former Editor-in-Chief for The Times of London and a member of the House of Lords

"It is certain that in certain parts of the world we can see a peculiar people, separated from the other peoples of the world and this is called the Jewish people.... This people is not only of remarkable antiquity but has also lasted for a singular long time... For whereas the people of Greece and Italy, of Sparta, Athens and Rome and others who came so much later have perished so long ago, these still exist, despite the efforts of so many powerful kings who have tried a hundred times to wipe them out, as their historians testify, and as can easily be judged by the natural order of things over such a long spell of years. They have always been preserved, however, and their preservation was foretold... My encounter with this people amazes me..."

--Blaise Pascal, French Mathematician

"The Jewish vision became the prototype for many similar grand designs for humanity, both divine and man made The Jews, therefore, stand at the center of the perennial attempt to give human life the dignity of a purpose."

--Paul Johnson, American Historian

"As long as the world lasts, all who want to make progress in righteousness will come to Israel for inspiration as to the people who had the sense for righteousness most glowing and strongest."

--Matthew Arnold, British poet and critic

"Indeed it is difficult for all other nations of the world to live in the presence of the Jews. It is irritating and most uncomfortable. The Jews embarrass the world as they have done things which are beyond the imaginable. They have become moral strangers since the day their forefather, Abraham, introduced the world to high ethical standards and to the fear of Heaven. They brought the world the Ten Commandments, which many nations prefer to defy. They violated the rules of history by staying alive, totally at odds with common sense and historical evidence. They outlived all their former enemies, including vast empires such as the Romans and the Greeks. They angered the world with their return to their homeland after 2000 years of exile and after the murder of six million of their brothers and sisters.

"They aggravated mankind by building, in the wink of an eye, a democratic State which others were not able to create in even hundreds of years. They built living monuments such as the duty to be holy and the privilege to serve one's fellow men.

"They had their hands in every human progressive endeavor, whether in science, medicine, psychology or any other discipline, while totally out of proportion to their actual numbers. They gave the world the Bible and even their "savior."

"Jews taught the world not to accept the world as it is, but to transform it, yet only a few nations wanted to listen. Moreover, the Jews introduced the world to one God, yet only a minority wanted to draw the moral consequences. So the nations of the world realize that they would have been lost without the Jews. And while their subconscious tries to remind them of how much of Western civilization is framed in terms of concepts first articulated by the Jews, they do anything to suppress it.

"They deny that Jews remind them of a higher purpose of life and the need to be honorable, and do anything to escape its consequences. It is simply too much to handle for them, too embarrassing to admit, and above all, too difficult to live by. "So the nations of the world decided once again to go out of 'their' way in order to find a stick to hit the Jews. The goal: to prove that Jews are as immoral and guilty of massacre and genocide as some of they themselves are."All this in order to hide and justify their own failure to even protest when six million Jews were brought to the slaughterhouses of Auschwitz and Dachau; so as to wipe out the moral conscience of which the Jews remind them, and they found a stick.

"Nothing could be more gratifying for them than to find the Jews in a struggle with another people (who are completely terrorized by their own leaders) against whom the Jews, against their best wishes, have to defend themselves in order to survive. With great satisfaction, the world allows and initiates the rewriting of history so as to fuel the rage of yet another people against the Jews. This in spite of the fact that the nations understand very well that peace between the parties could have come a long time ago, if only the Jews would have had a fair chance."Instead, they happily jumped on the wagon of hate so as to justify their jealousy of the Jews and their incompetence to deal with their own moral issues. When Jews look at the bizarre play taking place in The Hague, they can only smile as this artificial game once more proves how the world paradoxically admits the Jews uniqueness. It is in their need to undermine the Jews that they actually raise them.

"The study of history of Europe during the past centuries teaches us one uniform lesson: That the nations which received and in any way dealt fairly and mercifully with the Jew have prospered; and that the nations that have tortured and oppressed them have written out their own curse."

--Olive Schreiner, South African novelist and social activist

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5 Oct 2006 @ 18:51 by jmarc : Another one
from someone not so famous.

We are all Jews now.

5 Oct 2006 @ 20:53 by b : Thanks Jmarc
I think so too that all theists are Jews. Ju from Judaism.  

6 Oct 2006 @ 17:15 by b : Who is really elite?
What's really interesting are those who think they are elite while pretending not to be. Yes, the world is not going to be ruled by Jerusalem. But there are many groups with special interests. Some want to rule the world from Rome.
See their revelations that say it. Wait for the rapture. Some groups intend the world to be ruled from Mecca. The tenth Imman is crawling out of the well. Groups in Moscow and Harbin intend the world to be ruled from there. And some think it will be ruled from New York City. All of the individuals don't matter, only the group that holds the power to blight and end. Blaming the same old scapegoat gets the same old results. It is much worse then you think that it is. Too late to be anything but you. It is the individual that matters. You can do something. But, do it for yourself first. You can start by taking a bath. On the other hand, in the words immortalized by Bogie:" A man alone ain't got a chance." So who do you believe?  

1 Dec 2006 @ 15:52 by JEAN TARVER @ : THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL

17 Jan 2007 @ 09:37 by triggs : No better than anyone else
A Jew is no better than anyone else
"He is the religious source, spring, and fountain out of which all the rest of the peoples have drawn their beliefs and their religions."
They got it wrong, look at the mess they have created Re-ligion  

22 Jan 2007 @ 19:04 by b : Who is
All religions do not spring from the Hebrew source "God", only the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, Islam. Bhuddism, Hindu, Shinto, Theurgy, Scientology,etc, for example, all spring from other sources. Somr Hindu's say that Hindu is all religions except Islam.  

3 Feb 2007 @ 22:49 by Mark S @ : The Eternal Jew
Thousands of years of non-stop persecution and my people are still here. You think this does not speak of some Divine Hand at work? Critics point to China or India and claim that these civilisations also defy the centuries. So they do; but none of them can claim total national destruction on two occasions, perpetual opposition and persecution of their religion and their race, consistent hatred from every corner of the world, a diaspora of global proportions and the reconstruction of their ancient nation following the extermination of one third of their entire number!
We Jews constitute less than one fifth of one percent of the world's people. And yet still our detractors speak of us as if we were a threat to annihilate or enslave them in all their billions upon billions!
It is not our intelligence that they fear, nor our scientific and artistic achievements; it is not our acquisitions - for their collective wealth is infinitely more vast than our petty possessions will ever be - and it is certainly not our fecundity for we are amongst the smallest nations on earth.
It is our influence... for we speak to the moral conscience and to the heart of Mankind. When all the noise of furious debate and protest have settled, there still remains the Jew.
And every Jew that still breathes is testament to the existence of God. It is most easily seen when the Jew honours and worships the Almighty. Here the reminder is most evident. But even when the Jew seeks to run from Him and tries to out-Gentile the Gentiles, still the world says "Jew! You are a Jew! You are the people who brought the worship of one God to the earth! We hate you or love you for it... but none of us will ever let you be anything else other than the Jew!"
It is God that they hate. We are just the reminder of that fact.
They will misrepresent us in efforts to discredit God. They will decry against the Creator and seek to murder us to silence His name.
They will not succeed. All of history and God Himself are against them.  

2 Oct 2008 @ 17:16 by EZ @ : Olive Schreiner
Something is amiss -- Olive Schreiner died in 1920 --before Dachau, Aushwitz etc...  

2 Oct 2008 @ 21:50 by b : In Earth
A Jew knows the there is one God. God who created the universe. One God who is the source of all life.  

3 Feb 2009 @ 13:30 by Theodore Herman @ : Perceptions of Jews by Well-Known Gentil
Olive Shreiner was Jewish and died in 1920: no way she could have said or written the quote which mentions the Holocaust, etc.! Perhaps this quote is from Nadine Gordimer??  

5 Feb 2009 @ 21:57 by b : Theodore
orry about your losses with Madoff.  

15 Jul 2009 @ 11:26 by Philosemite @ : Jews and history
Olive Schreiner, a South African writer of German origin, according to Wikipedia, cannot have writen the interesting lines attributed to her as she died in 1920. I agree with the author's sentiments nevertheless.

It is indisputable that the world is indebted to Jewish ideas. The Bible, Spinoza, Marx, Freud, Einstein - to name but the most obvious. In the modern world of popular culture, from Hollywood and TV to music and journalism, the Jews are yet again indispensable. This can become a deep source of envy and resentment which sometimes turns into conspiracy theories.

What can we do about it? Que sera, sera...  

18 Jul 2009 @ 21:06 by b : I agree
Michael Jackson had his children educated as jews.  

11 Nov 2009 @ 21:45 by Eva Thieberger @ : Olive Schreiner
Olive Schreiner lived from 1855 - 1920. Therefore the comments attributed to her cannot be hers. Pity.  

25 Mar 2011 @ 18:07 by Valerie @ : Correcting the author of the last quote
The last long quote, beginning with "Indeed it is difficult for all other nations..." and ending with "...oppressed them have written out their own curse." is actually two separate quotes from two separate authors. The last phrase, "The study of history of Europe...oppressed them have written out their own curse." is by Olive Schreiber, but the rest of it, "Indeed it is difficult for all other nations...It is in their need to undermine the Jews that they actually raise them" is by Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo, is his essay "Why They Hate Us at The Hague" (2004). Visit www.cardozoschool.org and search Essays.

25 Mar 2011 @ 18:13 by Valerie @ : Original source of this article
The entire set of quotes posted in this article, and that have circulated the web as "Perceptions of Jews By Well-Known Gentiles", were originally compiled in Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo's essay "Why They Hate Us at The Hague" (2004). His essay can be viewed at http://www.cardozoschool.org/show_article.asp?article_id=376&cat_id=2&cat_name=Contemporary+Issues&parent_id=2&subcat_id=41&subcat_name=Israel%2FZionism.  

21 May 2011 @ 16:32 by Francisco Carrillo Fuentes @ : A view from outside.
I am a Gentile that admires your culture and I understand that your religion has given you the cohesiveness and necessary strength to overcome persecution and hatred. However, in my humble opinion, it is religious dogma itself what ironically brings you down to the level of the rest of the mortals. It is not a “Divine Hand at work” what makes you great, it is passion for knowledge and the ability to use your brains is what makes you shine and allows you to enlighten human kind.
Francisco Carrillo Fuentes  

26 May 2011 @ 02:06 by Francisco Carrillo Fuentes @ : small clarification...
I am a Gentile that admires your culture and I understand that your religion has given you the cohesiveness and necessary strength to overcome persecution and hatred. However, in my humble opinion, it is religious dogma itself what ironically brings you down to the level of the rest of the mortals. It is not a “Divine Hand at work” what makes you great, it is passion for knowledge and the ability to use your brain what makes you shine and allows you (along with other free-thinkers) to enlighten human kind.
Francisco Carrillo Fuentes  

21 Nov 2011 @ 06:14 by Kathrin Wagner @ : Olive Schreiner
Since Olive Schreiner died in December 1820, this lengthy quote has clearly been misattributed! Unfortunately it is to be found elsewhere on the internet - which should remind us all that people should check their sources before posting material.  

24 Feb 2015 @ 09:47 by http://www.auto-corner.org @ : Interesting info, do you know where I ca
Interesting info, do you know where I can find similar information?  

6 Mar 2015 @ 05:47 by probusiness-ag.com  @ : Took me time to read all the comments, b
Took me time to read all the comments, but I really enjoyed the article. It proved to be Very helpful to me and I am sure to all the commenters here! Itâ��s always nice when you can not only be informed, but also entertained!  

23 Mar 2015 @ 11:08 by autoconfrontation @ : I have been waiting for someone to share
I have been waiting for someone to share this post. This has actually made me think and I hope to read more. Thanks a lot for sharing with us.  

20 May 2015 @ 04:51 by Dynamik 3D @ : I would like to thank you for the effort
I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article.  

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29 Sep 2016 @ 13:08 by imo @ : good post
very good information.  

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