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 Ommmmmm2 comments
picture28 Sep 2004 @ 12:30
The Semi-natural Global Vibration


Volcano puzzles scientists

SEATTLE -- Small earthquakes at the rate of one or two a minute yesterday had seismologists keeping a close watch on Mount St. Helens. Scientists were not sure what was going on beneath the southwest Washington volcano and planned a full day of investigations.

Seth Moran, a seismologist with the U.S. Geological Survey at the Volcano Observatory in Vancouver, Washington, said that while a major blast was unlikely, there was potential for explosions within the crater that could throw rocks as far as the rim.

The earthquake swarms began Thursday and on Sunday the Geological Survey issued a notice of volcanic unrest, saying there was "an increased likelihood of a hazardous event."

U.S. Forest Service officials closed hiking trails above the tree line at about 1.5 kilometres on the mountain. The visitors centre and most other trails at the Mount St. Helens National Monument remained open, but officials did not want climbers exposed to a sudden gas or steam explosion while peering over the crater rim.

"Standing on the rim, from what geologists tell us, would not be a good idea," said Peter Frenzen, monument scientist.

Scientists were to fly over the mountain yesterday to test for carbon dioxide and sulphur gases, which could indicate whether magma is moving beneath the crater. They also planned to set up additional seismic sensors and global positioning devices to measure activity.

The May 18, 1980, eruption killed 57 people, levelled hundreds of square kilometres of forests and dumped volcanic ash across the Northwest.

In October 1980, a lava dome began building in the crater, eventually growing to about 280 metres from the crater floor. The last dome-building eruption was in October 1986, but steam explosions have periodically rocked the dome.

Previous earthquake swarms three years ago did not result in any activity on the surface.

"The key issue is a small explosion without warning. That would be the major event that we're worried about right now," said geologist Willie Scott.

The Vision - Feb 04

A vision of several magnificent and wondrous mountains found in America's North Western peaks has come to ask the Indigenous Nations and humanity to come to the aid of mother earth and her inhabitants. She has asked the Indigenous Nations to assist in the re-connection of humanity's awareness not only to herself, but also to the universal presence of the stars. The dream spoke in a mysterious way, reminding us WE ARE the "keepers of the earth and its sacred wisdom." WE ARE to help all things and ourselves once again realize that "all things are related" upon earth and within the universe.

The Elementals of earth, wind, fire and water have asked us to prepare the mountain peaks and bodies of water for a powerful ceremony. The ancestral spirits have spoken giving direction to build and reset into harmony a huge medicine wheel. This wheel is to be activated in the spring or summer of 2004, (date will be announced). The boundaries of this medicine wheel will encompass nineteen well-known mountain peaks and bodies of water. It will cover an area whose radius is some 600 miles, with Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming as its center. The areas are located in close proximity of these sacred sites:

. Sullivan Lake, North
· Saskatchewan River
· Qu'appelle River
· Souris River
· James River
· Missouri River
· Platte River
· Arkansas River
· Cimarron River
· Colorado River or (Lake Mead)
· Lake Tahoe
· Okanagan Lake
· Mt. Taylor
· Mt. Humphrey in the San Francisco Peaks
· Mt. Whitney
· Mt. Shasta
· Three Sisters
· Mt. Rainier
· Lake Louise

The spiritual vision is calling the Indigenous Nations, along with other cultures, living within this 600-mile area to come forth. To come forth putting our relationship with nature back into harmony and order with sacred vibrations. To come forth with the use of sacred prayers, utilizing our drums, songs and sacred vibrational tools. By utilizing prayer, the sacred vibrations of our drums, by chanting our songs, these ancient sites will re-vitalize. The intent of the pre-ceremony is to place back into harmony and balance those lands, mountains and bodies of water that are now ''out-of-harmony.'' Due to the reckless development within these areas that has happened within the United States at large. The dream mentions that when the ceremony takes place negative thought forms, which lie within these areas, will be released allowing the bondages, which have been put upon the land.

Releasing this 600-mile area out of the bondage of negativity for our families, us and for mother earth. By re-attuning these sacred sites to work together with one another, as the ancestor's once did in the past before colonization took place. The ceremony then becomes an important tool to teach all individuals the importance of our mother earth and the blessings she has given all of us. The re-harmonization will help bring back the rains. Many of Mother Earth's womb springs will come to life once again, flowing outward. Water carries the messages of life, while sustaining life, our lifeblood that is blessed by our father sun and watched over by the universal presence.

The animals, winged ones, water beings, trees and rocks as well as the Creator of the Universe will work with us to vibrate the same thought forms in prayer. This will bring about a co-creative effort of harmony blessing the earth, the wind, the fire and the water. The drums vibrations and sacred prayers will flow through Yellowstone Lake to its twin complement the Caspian Sea on the other side of the earth. The duality we live in requires us to consider ''both sides of the earth'' when striving to keep balance if we are to keep things in harmony. In doing so, we will see a significant change in the attitudes of all those living inside the medicine wheel of our nineteen sacred mountains.

Not only in Yellowstone but also in the Caspian Sea area of Turkistan, Iran, Iraq and the surrounding countries. The powerful vibrations of war, robbing of the land's minerals and resources are causing mother earth to fall from harmony and balance there, here and everywhere. These negative vibrations are affecting the Yellowstone/Grand Teton National Park areas producing small earthquakes and volcanic activity underneath the Yellowstone Lake causing a caldera to rise. Not only in this vicinity, but the trembling continues around the world, as her environments of weather change everywhere.

The Eastern Shoshone from the Wind River Mountains in Wyoming and others from the area who choose to participate will gather under the Grand Tetons in the National Park. Which is the center of the wheels mountain peaks, in Grand Teton National Park. At the same time other tribal nations; groups and cultures within the areas of the nineteen sacred site mountains and waterways will use their songs, chants and drumming to vibrate and bless these areas. Simultaneously we in the Wyoming area will combine our ancestral songs, chants and drums within the Grand Tetons. This combined effort will, without doubt, bless our Mother Earth and all her creations beyond imagination. When these sacred mountains and waterways have been reset back into working order, balance and harmony Mother Nature will be re-orchestrated in beauty.

Upon these sacred sites will be placed sacred stones with prayers upon them to hold the energy. Electrically-magnetically charged energy vibrating at a high velocity will heal Grandmother Spider's web. Reconstructing the Web of Life back into a blossoming flower once again. Heaven upon Earth will burst forth and everything will once again emerge into harmony. The rains will fall and the waters and springs will flow again. Plants will grow, animals will flourish and ''all things related'' will prosper.

To bring this about, I have been directed by the vision to travel and talk with the Indigenous Nations and other cultures. I am to ask for their assistance in activating these sacred sites. We must all do our parts as humans to bring about harmony within this huge star gate called a medicine wheel. For what is above is below. As in the universe so it is upon the surface of our mother earth and below her surface within the crystalline matrix that makes up her great heart. After the ceremony the Indigenous Nations, groups and cultures that have participated in the manifesting of this vision will then work together. This will awaken and re-integrate the ancient teachings of the Indigenous Nations as brothers and sisters. By working with all sacred traditional knowledge's we will bring harmony back to our mother; we will then begin to remember our ceremonies.

This is to be a joint effort of all involved. We must be in the highest form of sacred thought while in prayer. We must work in a straightforward manner. There will be no disagreements as to who is right and who is wrong, for the twenty mountains and rivers of this medicine wheel have already had enough of this negativity. The vision showed that this undertaking would be a joint effort working together in peace and harmony with one another. Working with our families as we are surrounded by the four colors of race, mankind itself. We shall bring back peace of mind to our spirits, to our hearts, and to our homelands. We will release the bondage of negative thought forms and prejudice within our minds for the betterment of all living things. Mother Earth will assist us in these areas that are being prepared. She will activate the sacred vibration of harmony throughout the sacred medicine wheel.

In closing, I pray that the whole world will choose to be aware of this ceremony as it takes place in the spring of 2004. I pray each will choose to be in a sacred site meditating on the peace and harmony we all so desire for our future. The human race is depending on us for WE ARE the "keepers of the earth and its sacred wisdom. "We are the one's we have been waiting for," Hopi prophecy.

Bennie E. LeBeau, Sr., Eastern Shoshone
Wind River Indian Reservation
Ft. Washakie, Wyoming - January 5th, 2004

The "NINETEEN PLUS ONE = TWENTY” ceremony I am asking for the permits for the spring to take place in the Signal Mountain or Jenny Lake Camp grounds in the Grand Teton National Park underneath our sacred grandmothers, the Grand Tetons. This is now under way at this moment working out the details and putting a letter together. I have been in consultation with Jacquelin St. Clair with the Grand Teton National Park, she has advised me on what I need to do to get this started today as of Feb 9, 2004. By sending a letter to the Ralplh Tingey, Acting Superintendent of the Grand Teton National Park giving us the okay for the ceremony and the permits to camp out during this ceremony in the spring of 2nd weekend of May, tentatively. Jacquelin St. Clair can be reached at (307) 739-3664 and Rosemary Sucec with the Yellowstone National Park can be reached at (307) 344-2229. I encourage everyone who supports this powerful ceremony to call them and stress the great importance for our mother earth's balance and harmony. Many thank you's and many great blessings to you all, a brother of peace...
"Even the rocks, which seem to the uninitiated, to be dumb and dead as the swelter in the sun along the silent shore, thrill with memories of stirring events connected with the lives of my people, and the very dust upon which you now stand responds more lovingly to their footsteps than yours, because it is rich with the blood of our ancestors, and our bare feet are conscious of the sympathetic touch. Our departed braves, fond mothers, glad, happy hearted maidens, and even the little children who lived here and rejoiced here for a brief season, will love these somber solitudes and at eventide they greet shadowy returning spirits." (Chief Seattle)


Frieden to the Native Nations and Indigenous Friends:

We are in your honor & service. In a matter of greatest importance for our Mother Earth we are calling you to kindly listen to our appeal for your spiritual support. We are: Joachim Koch, a surgeon, 54, and Hans-Juergen Kyborg, now retired railway employee, from Berlin, Germany. We are neither politically nor religiously organized nor members of any organisation or group of any kind. Because of our decade-long studies of ancient sacred sites and power spots in Wiltshire, South England and in Germany,we have organized a worldwide meditation on July 24th, 2002, yes, but we did it as independent individuals and thus we were supported by many of the aboriginal societies and by numerous others of various origin. With you, we share the same planet, our Mother Earth. With you, we share the same concern for her. With you, we are crying the same tears seeing her on Wounded Knees because of so much abuse and violation. Yes, we are White Men from Europe and yes, we are well aware what happened to Native Nations in the past and what is happening to you in the present. We know that many of you are profoundly suspicious of everything we do think and moreover say. Be assured that we are saddened about this. Hans-Juergen Kyborg and I are standing upright in front of you because we have learned from the past and would like to do better than many of our past European ancestors. Asking you for forgiveness is far too late. Asking you for making a new start is possible. For ourselves, as a principle of human existence, we declare that there is land for everyone here on this planet. Taking away the land of the other was wrong in the past as it is wrong in the present and will be in the future. To our view, it is profoundly wrong to say that humans should make the Earth a 'subject'. We cannot subject our own Mother. We condemn genocide and keeping people in ghettos or reservations. We respect the holy ground where ancestors are buried. We, the new White Men and Women, have learned to listen to the wind, to the voice of the whales and the dolphins in the waters and to the cry of the birds in the skies. We are all the same children of the same violated and therefore moreover beloved Mother Earth. We estimate the Native Nations as most important caretakers of this Planet. In many regions people in the past were living in harmony and balance with their land. Balance is a cosmic principle. Today, there is more imbalance than ever before within the whole planetary sphere. The time has come to help to bring a change about. We kindly ask you to help to achieve this. We know where you stand and you should know where we stand. We stand for freedom, peace, and we stand for the joy of taking a deep breath of fresh, clean and non-empoisoned air. It is the same air we share with the birds which are hovering high above and watching us as we follow our paths. And it is the same air as one part of the atmosphere with which our Mother Earth is wrapping us, is nourishing us, is sheltering us to keep us alive. We stand for the purity of the water, the true essence of our physical existence. We have understood that water is more than a nourishing chemical compound. Water is alive, water has memory. Water is within us, around us, above and below us. So there is the same life everywhere. And we stand for the undeniable fact that the Great Cosmic Spirit has seeded his offsprings into human bodies on this planet to let them experience the wonder of being physical. This planet was meant to be a peaceful harbour for spirits on their eternal journey to stay here for a while to mirror back the love of their cosmic parents. Therefore, we are deeply concerned about the actual state of destruction of the health of our Mother Earth. We are profoundly alerted by the behaviour of certain humans, not only but also on Turtle Island, who are following only their interests and do care little for those of the peace loving majority of human spirits on this planet and for the well-being of the planet herself. We are calling you, the Native Nations and Indigenous Friends and additionally all others, who feel that they are linked by either ancestors or spiritually with the aforementioned to open your hearts and to take our hands to try to make a new start between you and us, the representatives of the New White Men. Our Mother Earth calls us to bring about the change into a new and balanced world. Here we are, and we try look into your eyes as well as you can look into our eyes. We hope that you will recognize that not all White Men and Women are the same. You must recognize it because behind us there are many, many peace-loving and good willing individuals from all continents with respect for you, with understanding for you, with passion for you and who want to march together with you into a better future. We cannot draw back the big wheel of time, we cannot make uncried the tears that have been cried but we can learn and we can do better. We ourselves will do better. Here is our hand --. Together, let us be like the bright sunlight that shines away the dark fog on this planet. It is time for us all to stand up spiritually because the time of the positive spirit has come. Spirit affects the physical because spirit is mightier than the physical. This is our power. So let's be powerful, let's be clever and let us be united. When you look around, you know that we all are challenged to release our mightiest positive spiritual powers to help our Mother Earth. We, as her children, are challenged to declare again our responsibility for her. Remember our combined first step on July 24th, 2002, when many thousand spirits have been united in that night at the same time on their very sacred sites everywhere one time around the globe. Now please let us all together do this again, let us confirm what we had started on that very day in 2002. Let us do the next step on J u l y 26th, 2 0 0 4. Be with us on that day, it is so easy to achieve and so important to do. It seems that we are asked by the universe itself: will you now - at the crossroads of your future ways - take responsibility for yourself? Will you help your Mother Earth to survive? We all are part of the Great Cosmic Spirit and balance is one of his mighty principles. Coming to balance means to win. So we will win. On July 26th, 2004, we here in Europe will be at the most sacred sites like stone circles, hills and near holy trees, wells and lakes in our countries to release there the most positive power of both the spirit and the very place in a peaceful effort. We would like to link up to others at the same hour who are encouraged do the same in their holy locations to form a mighty band of positive energy one time around the planet - just like a child puts his arms around the beloved mother to shelter her. Please consider very well what we have written above and maybe talk to your Elders, Chiefs, Nation Governments, Tribal Administrators and Wise Men about it before you discard this letter. Look at your children, look around at the land that is left for you, look at yourself. Ask yourself if there is something left deep inside of you which you, in truth to yourself, could contribute to our - to your - united effort to help Mother Earth. Here we stand in front of you, stretching out our hand to reach yours if you would give it to us to march together into a better future. Once you have considered enough what we have written above and you feel that you might agree with at least parts of it, please respond. If you know others who could feel the same, please forward this first of four messages to them. If you have possibilities to distribute this message, please do so. If you are from a radio station, please air this to your listeners, if you release a magazine or newsletter, please inform your readers and encourage them to respond. If you are a teacher, talk to your children. On July 26, 2004, from 11:00 pm to midnight British Summer Time, let us all link up together. Let us sit at the old stones, medicine wheels, on the hills, near lakes, rivers and sea shores, at sacred wells and under holy trees or simply comfortably at home and let us raise and empower the holy energies, let us open these gates, let us be together with our ancestors, let us sing, drum and dance or sit quiet, let's raise the four winds to blow the key word of the new future one time around the world: *c*o*n*t*a*c*t* ! More information about what we would like to do together with you on July 26th 2004 will be provided if you like - if not, please let us know. Please respond in peace. Joachim Koch & Hans-Juergen Kyborg, Berlin, Germany Click above to Visit our Web Site: February, 2004

Link = [link]  More >

 Wierd Fun1 comment
category picture16 Aug 2004 @ 19:49
Monday night..... it hot ..... stuffy.......the radio plays its
classical motifs and serenades a weary......????
me...... a weary me......having realized I don't make sense
from time to time has disturbed me somewhat.....
No how would I know or sense I don't make sense....
what an odd thought......
but thats what you get for analysing the obvious....
The birds flitter in the back ground.....
*sighs as he remembers her*...... she came poking around in his
memory today..... messing up the whole place..... totalling it he thought...... *sighs again because hes never known such feelings before*..... no not missing..... no not needing...... no not wanting....
no not duty..... but what...... he racked his brain until sleep overcame him...... he took it then...... a break..... something he rarely does but has learned is somewhat essential...... rising still in a funk searching for new words to describe their love....... fun...... no ..... well yes ..... well no...... wierd fun....... that has got to be the wierdest fun hes ever
had he concludes..... strange how things unfold.... like flowers in the sunshine...... new sensations...... new feelings...... new concepts....  More >

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