Xanadu 2012 - Category: Inspiration    
 Knights of the Square Table0 comments
picture17 Feb 2007 @ 23:29
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 Return to Innocence0 comments
picture15 Feb 2007 @ 19:35
This video begins in black and white, with an old man picking a fruit from a tree which he looks at for a moment, and then lays down to die. Suddenly everything becomes very colorful, and the video starts to move backwards in time through his life from death to birth. He has had a normal life as a hard working shepard and farmer, with lots of trials and tribulations. All of the major events of his life, such as teaching his son, getting married, and falling in love are covered all the way till his birth.

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 Digital Ethnography0 comments
picture15 Feb 2007 @ 00:16
Media philosopher Marshall McLuhan observed that “The Medium is the Message”. That is, the form of media is what changes consciousness irrespective of the content of that media.

More on the topic at Digital Ethnography.

here and here.

These are 9th graders. Some are "well connected," others have had their first "digital experience" but a few months.  More >

 Our New Age President3 comments
picture12 Feb 2007 @ 18:43
He is a “heart” person, as pollster John Zogby’s Wizard of Oz characterization would have it (where Kerry was perceived as the Tin Man, all brains and no heart, Bush is the Scarecrow, nothing but heart and straw).

When he speaks of "wonderworking power" (a reference to the gospel standard "Power in the Blood"), as he did in his now infamous "mission accomplished" speech, he is drawing that power into being, to make his desires into reality. Politics, strategy, books, the Bible -- everything falls away in the realm of magical realism...

That beautiful...sentiment is a rebuke to all systems, to all theories, to the disenchantment of the world; indeed, it exists on a sort of astral plane, where Christ floats freely, unbound by scripture...

Some will note the Gnostic resonance of such a belief system, but in the modern world it owes more to the resilience of magical thinking than to Gnosticism...

Such beliefs emphasize that certainty is easy, if you'll just give up the illusion of reality, since certainty is as close to you as your own heart. One need not investigate with the tools of rationalism, but rather, simply---the simplicity of it all is key ---feel.

And, well, apparently it works:

If you believe you can do something---become president despite losing the popular vote, launch a war without evidence, and maybe, if you REALLY believe, get re-elected anyway---you can.
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 Something new, open, free and exciting...0 comments
picture10 Feb 2007 @ 22:22

Very little grows
on jagged rock.
Be ground.
Be crumbled,
so wildflowers
will come up
where you are.

Try something different.
- Rūmī  More >

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