Xanadu 2012: THE MORTGAGE; YOUR Mortgage!!! Read the exact meaning    
 THE MORTGAGE; YOUR Mortgage!!! Read the exact meaning5 comments
2 Jan 2006 @ 06:44, by jobrown

of this word at the bottom of this article, posted by 'Blueboy Astrid'


This might be one of the most important informations you have ever read!

Here we go:
You as the potential home buyer, come to the mortgage agreement (which is not a contract) with a "paid for property" through your promissory note and a fee simple deed (did you know that?). Now you’re going to "rent" the property from the bank and allow them to service the account - and all they came into the agreement with is the people to service the account.\
You came into the mortgage agreement being both the "renter" & the "principle" and their job (this is where the fraud comes in) is to collect the principle and interest from you, the "renter", and return it to the "principle"; which is you (did they disclose this?) You have given them monthly mortgage payment checks and they’re supposed to give them back to you. The fraud is that they don’t return the "principle and interest" back to the "principle" (you) as per their agreement. Unbelieveable isn't it!

Why did the Banks create such a contract?

We live in a country that has been converted to Statutory Law by the Bankers; they have to pretend there is equal protection under the law and that there is no involuntary servitude. So they use legalese to cover the true meaning of every contract and agreement you enter into! By using legalese the Banks can say "we offered you equal protection," and they will state they gave you full disclosure without lying or stealing anything. But did they really? You and I don't know how to decifer their legalese code, so we read or don't read the agreement, but due to our advisors, loan officers, attorneys and conditioning, we believe we owe this money (it makes sense). We pay it because we believe through ignorance, misunderstanding, and less than full disclosure we owe this money - yet the agreement does not say this! That's where our team of experts comes in, they work on our behalf and eliminate the mortgage by making the Banks perform to the letter of their Statutory Laws and the agreement we entered into!

The Banks also wanted to have a non-judicial foreclosure clause in your agreement so it is easy for them to foreclose without a court appearance. This is a two way street and also works in reverse -- remember equal protection under the law, we can foreclose on them! If they don’t accept the new Promissory Note then our experts foreclose on them!

How long before the banks change the regulations? What are their options?

Option #1- Take the Country out of Bankruptcy and return it to a Constitutional Banking System and put it back on the Gold Standard. Not in our lifetime!

Option #2 – Change the way they write mortgages; with full disclosure, no legalese and honesty up front. Now the banks come up with the money to fund the loan through using the Banks assets and depositors' funds instead of you and I funding our own loan with our Promissory Note. We believe this is not going to happen; even it if does, we still have all the old mortgages to discharge as there will still be old agreements in force!

Can the mortgage company sue me or forclose while I’m in this process?

No! You are current on your mortgage payments and you have not sent them anything!

You signed a "limited power of attorney" and a 3rd party is sending the papers, not you. You cannot be considered to be in breach on contract in anyway… AWESOME!!

Summary of process by our experts:

Step 1. Verify/Validate a loan of substance under the "Fair Debt Collection Practices Act – Banks can’t do this because they do not loan anything of substance - only credit (thin air).

Step 2. Our experts offer a new Promissory Note that the Bank must sign to pay us what they are obligated to pay under their own agreement; if Banks don’t accept this new promissory note our experts foreclose and the Banks have to discharge the mortgage and show it as satisfied!


Discover How to Settle YOUR Mortgage / [link]

Home Mortgages, Commercial Mortgages, and Credit Card Debt
Neat Fact
"Modern Banking" was actually created over 4,000 years ago in Babylon. [Of course, without the electronic information.]

The "lending" techniques that are used are beyond brilliant. It took some very, very smart people to figure out how to appear to be lending money, but in actuality have the value supplied by the person wanting a loan. And that is what is happening.

If you're an honest, ethical person who believes that the party who funds a loan should be repaid, then we can help you. When you discover the truth, you will be seething mad. See...

All we're asking for is equal protection under the law, equal protection under the bank loan agreement, and for the whole truth about the bank loan agreement to be revealed. The whole truth is NOT revealed to the borrower. The bank or other lending institution does NOT disclose to you that your promissory note is actually an asset to the bank - that they deposit.

The bank does not let you know that a promissory note is actually a "negotiable instrument" under the Uniform Commercial Code, and that it will be deposited to fund your loan. Nor do you learn that the bank has a liability to you of approximately the amount of the loan. (The bank owes you by their own bookkeeping entries!)

The bank does NOT tell you that you factually provided the actual cash value for your own loan! The banker says, repay the loan because the bank lent you money. We simply ask one question: Should the one who funded the loan be repaid the money? Whether they answer YES or NO, the bank must forgive the loan and zero out the debt. That is the one question that they do not want to answer because the borrower funded the loan as proven by the bank's own bookkeeping entries.

Thus, the bank only appears to be lending you anything.

That's right: banks and lending institutions only appear to lend money. Let's go through how money is created at the "government" level, then we'll see how this applies to you and your alleged debt.

How Money Is Created In the U.S.

1. Congress says, "We need $10 Billion."
2. So they go over to the treasury and say, "We need $10 Billion."
3. The U.S. Treasury prints up $10 Billion in government bonds.
4. They take those bonds over to the Federal Reserve Bank (Fed).
5. They walk into the Fed with these $10 Billion in bonds and say, "We need to borrow $10 Billion."
6. The Fed takes that $10 Billion in Bonds and agrees to then loan the U.S. Government $10 Billion.
7. The Fed writes into their little ledger with a stubby pencil, "Owes us $10 Billion." (Actually, it's done by computer nowadays.)
8. The Fed then authorizes some currency to be printed.
9. Now the U.S. Government owes another $10 Billion.
10. Government officials agree that this is how the banking system today works:

Representative Wright Patman, former Chairman of a House Banking Committee said:
"The Federal Reserve Banks create money out of thin air to buy Government bonds... The Federal Reserve Bank is a total money making machine."

Former Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Eccles was asked by Patman, "Mr. Eccles, how did you get the money to buy these two billion dollars of government bonds." Mr. Eccles replied, "We create it." "Out of what?" Patman asked. "Out of the right to issue credit money."

Former Congressman Louis McFadden, former chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Currency remarked about the Federal Reserve Bank: "A super-state controlled by international bankers and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure."

When the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act was about to be passed in 1913, Congressman Charles Lindbergh said, "This Act establishes the most gigantic trust on Earth. When the President signs this bill, the invisible government by the monetary power will be legalized. The people may not know it immediately, but the day of reckoning is only a few years removed...The worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking bill."

If you're an honest, ethical person, then you believe that all lenders should be repaid. If the Federal Reserve Banking System repaid the loan from the U.S. Government, the "debt" would be cancelled.

Let's Examine That:
The bonds printed by the treasury have an actual value of $10 Billion. They take the actual value of $10 Billion in bonds over to the Fed to "borrow" $10 Billion.(~?~)

[Note: If an asset is anything that can be sold, and then the money received can be deposited into a bank, then there was nothing actually lent to the U.S. Government, was there? They provided bonds that could be sold for $10 Billion in exchange for the $10 Billion from the Fed. Where was the loan? There was none. The Fed and the U.S. Government made an exchange, and the Fed lied and called it a loan.]

Now, we all know that the people who run the government aren't the brightest, but to give away the bonds so they can borrow money is just ridiculous, wouldn't you agree?

Now we don't expect you to believe that without some proof. I mean, it's just insane, right? Listen to a recording about the Story of the Federal Reserve System. It's FREE to you, over an hour long, and it's called The Creature from Jeckyll Island, by G. Edward Griffin. Mr. Griffin is a well-respected authority on the creation of the Federal Reserve Banking System, and has written a best-selling book of the same name.

How This Applies to You:
On a national level, we see the absurdity behind the "money creation" process. But when it's right there in our face, it's a little harder to "see the forest through all the trees."

Money is created on a local level through the banks and other lending institutions in much the same way. The value is first provided to the bank, the bank deposits the asset, and the asset you provided is used as the value to fund the "loan" to you.

Again, I know it sounds absurd, like, "How can they get away with this?" The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago came out with a very revealing publication back in the 1990s called Modern Money Mechanics. While the file itself is a web page, in the physical publication on page 6 we find the exact mechanics of this, including the bookkeeping entries.

So how does the bank loan actually work?

1. You want a loan for your home.
2. The bank advertises that they loan money.
3. You "apply" for a "loan."
4. They put you through the ringer and make you glad and relieved that you were able to be approved for a loan. (You know, like they are doing you a really big favor.)
5. They have you sign a promissory note.

And here's the part you're never supposed to know

6. Since your promissory note can be sold for money, it's an asset.
7. The bank deposits the asset into an account for approximately the amount of the note.
8. The bank cuts you a check from the deposit you never knew about (or transfers the money to those who should be receiving it).
9. And you think you owe money back on a loan, when in fact all that was made was an exchange.

Now Let's Look at That:
If you think about it, the bankers' scheme is really quite brilliant. I mean, what other business in the whole world allows you to create money based on the value that someone else gives you, then charge that person again plus interest? Wow!

So the real question becomes, "If the promissory note is an asset, what funded the bank's ownership of the note?"

Answer: They still don't really own it. They made an exchange - Your promissory note (asset to the bank) was exchanged for approximately the amount of the loan. You gave the bank an asset worth $100,000 and the bank returned $100,000 to you. Where was the loan? There wasn't one. But you really do have to admit, it's brilliant.

As an honest, ethical person who believes that all loans should be repaid, do you agree that the bank should repay your loan to them? After all, they deposited your promissory note. Your promissory note is an asset that they exchanged for a check. Where's the loan? Factually, there isn't one. And since all lenders should be repaid, shouldn't the bank repay your loan to them? If so, you wouldn't have the "debt" and would live better.

Quickly, when you deposit money in your checking account, does the bank now owe you that money when you want it? Yes. The bank has a new asset, the $100 you deposited into your checking account. The bank also has a new matching liability that says the bank owes you $100. Assets = Liabilities.

The bookkeeping entries are nearly identical for a deposit into your checking account and for a new loan. By lending, the banks now have more assets and liabilities.

If you were to lend me $500, your "pool of money" would be smaller. When a bank "loans" money, their "pool of money" increases.

Quick Summary behind How a Bank Loan Works:

Money is created today by "lending," so all money today is born as "debt money."

The person who wants a loan must provide to the bank something that he or she doesn't know is valuable, called a promissory note.

The promissory note is a bank asset, and that asset is deposited into a demand deposit type of account.

The asset deposited is what provides the bank the value to be able to "lend" to you and others.

The bank exchanges value for value, just like the Federal Reserve Bank and our Government, then lies about it and calls it a loan.

You and millions of others believe you have a debt.

This has the similar economic effect of counterfeiting, swindling and stealing.

More on Equal Protection

Our founding fathers knew about this type of banking. That's why there were provisions in the Constitution of the united States of America to stop this type of banking system to infest our nation.

Article 1, Section 8, clause 5 states:

"Congress shall have the power to coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures."

Article 1, Section 10 in part states:

"No state shall use any Thing but gold and silver coin as a tender in payment of its debts;"

Is it more difficult to create money with "creative bookkeeping," (or as President Bush says, "Cookin' the Books") by depositing your promissory note and not telling you? Or is it more difficult to mine the gold and silver to mint the money?

Mining is difficult and expensive. Bookkeeping entries cost virtually nothing.

Take a look at the definition of "Bank" in the 4th Edition of Black's Law Dictionary:

"An institution, of great value in the commercial world, empowered to receive deposits of money, to make loans, and to issue its promissory notes (designed to circulate as money, and commonly called 'bank notes' or 'bank-bills,') or to perform any one or more of these functions."

If a promissory note is designed to circulate as money, like money it can be deposited into a checking account, can't it? You bet.

That was never disclosed in the bank loan agreement, was it? No.

See, if gold and silver coin were the money, the current banking system could not exist. Our founding fathers knew that.

Since the promissory note is a negotiable instrument, per the Uniform Commercial Code, at what point did the bank "own" the promissory note? A note is an IOU. It says "I owe you $X, which is to be repaid on this or that date, or through payments."

Did you give the bank permission to turn your "promise to pay" into money? Probably not. By the bank altering the note and turning it into a negotiable instrument, they changed the cost and the risk to you and them. Before they deposit the note into a checking account, you thought the agreement was that they were going to loan you money. They were the ones at risk. It's your duty to pay them.

When the bank deposited the note, the entire cost of the loan was funded by you, and you're now supposed to pay them? That's not what you agreed to, is it? Because of this banking system, you are in "debt" with "money" that you provided the value for.

S o l u t i o n s f r o m D e b t

There are solutions, ways to put the fraud committed by the banks, to use to alleviate your "debt."

1. You can study for 2-4 years to learn everything you need to know in order to do it yourself. If you choose this path, expect to spend at least 4-8 hours a day every day for about two years (or more) before you are ready to take it on yourself. There is very much to know before you undertake eliminating your own mortgage.

2. You can have a company that specifically specializes in settling mortgages do the work for you.

OK, so if you are interested in looking further into such possibilites, then klick on this link from where I pasted and copied the above Info , and then you can read about the HELPING PROCEDURES for yourself, as I don't want anyone to say that I seduced them into doing something they later decide to regret -for whatever reason!
Here's the link: [link]
...and now it's all up to you, mafriend! : )
Take it -or leave it!

That these crooks even chose a word such as MORTGAGE shows at least me, that they knew exactly what they were doing with crystal clear intention the idea was to screw people out of anything in life at all!
But to be sure, I consulted the Websters Dictionary and then -just to be really sure, I consulted my friend Scotty and here is what she came up with about the meaning and ORIGIN of the word. The two words are etymologically related. They both derive from the Latin mori meaning to die (via the Old French mort). In the case of mortician, the logical connection is obvious, but with mortgage it is not so apparent.

In the word mortgage, the mort- is from the Latin word for death and -gage is from the sense of that word meaning a pledge to forfeit something of value if a debt is not repaid. So mortgage is literally a dead pledge. It was dead for two reasons, the property was forfeit or "dead" to the borrower if the loan were not repaid and the pledge itself was dead if the loan was repaid. In the words of the 17th century English jurist (and apparently etymologist) Edward Coke:

It seemeth that the cause why it is called mortgage is, for that it is doubtful whether the Feoffor will pay at the day limited such summe or not, & if he doth not pay, then the Land which is put in pledge vpon condition for the payment of the money, is taken from him for euer, and so dead to him vpon condition, &c. And if he doth pay the money, then the pledge is dead as to the Tenant, &c.
The word is 14th century in origin

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3 Jan 2006 @ 10:00 by gea : Wow.
The link makes for interesting reading! :-)  

9 May 2007 @ 06:20 by JAY @ : send more info
please send more info on mortgages i much do you charge the link doesn't work.


6 Jan 2009 @ 21:25 by Emmett Washington @ : Sueing CW and BONY please help
it has been over 2 years fighting them and we are still in our home but there is just to much info for me to give at this time pleas if you can help us call us at 469-261-4099 We just can't take it anymore it is destroying my family and my credit and we are fighting everyone including Assitant DA and Judges. My family health has been affected in both emotional and psychological as well as my physical health. I can not do this by myself PLEASE!!!!  

25 Dec 2009 @ 19:47 by Arthur @ : stopping foreclosure
I teach seminars on how to understand and stop foreclosures to Realtors and loan officers. I am constructing a new website: www.CEcredit1day.com

I understand bankruptcies, and "Provide the Note" concepts, RESPA and TILA loopholes but do you have other means that are sure fire ways to stop a foreclosure?

This article I just read is the most comprehence explanation I ever read. You did a great job and I personally will share this information with my students.

What is your area of expertise beside writing well informed articles? :)

Merry Christmas to you and your family.


9 Apr 2010 @ 15:47 by Teri @ : Promissory Notes
I have a promissory note and wish to deposit it. I called to ask the Treasury management dept at my bank and was told you simply deposit it like any other item at the branch. The branch was clueless. Next time I called the Treasury Mgt dept.....I got a different story. You can't deposit because its not "collected" funds. I was told I could "sell" the note. Geez YOU are the banker...collect it. Is it possible for me to deposit my note into a checking account like the banksters do?  

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