Xanadu 2012: Climate Change Defined    
 Climate Change Defined1 comment
18 Dec 2015 @ 16:26, by Unknown


Normal climate measures are usually for 30 year periods, these definitions deviates from such to use 100 year periods for the sake of argument and brevity.

Climate Change: If we define normal climate as normal changes in average global temperature and weather events within 1,000 to 10,000 years, around a avg. Of 14.5* Celsius and 330 PPM of CO2.
& then:
Abnormal Climate Change: as unusual increases or decreases in average global temperature and or severe weather events. Ie 1 degree or more global average temperature increase or decrease or 15% increase or decrease, in severe weather events or ocean height or polar ice, within 100 years.
Severe Climate Change: as severe increases or decreases in average global temperature and or higher increase in severe weather events. Ie 1.75 degree or more average global temperature increase or decrease or 25% increase in severe weather events etc., within 100 years.
Catastrophic Climate Change: as catastrophic increases or decreases in average global temp and or very high increases in severe weather events . Ie 2.5 degree or more average global temperature increase or decrease or 40% increase in severe weather events, etc., within 100 years.
Extinction Event Climate Change: climate, temperature and extreme weather events and changes within 100 years that are so severe and catastrophic, as to result in a multi species or global extinction and mass death event. Ie Nuclear winter or holocaust, severe volcanic and seismic activity, meteor strike on the earth, solar nova event and or near space gamma event. Etc.,

Thus by such defines, the current state of Earth would be assessed in being between the Abnormal Climate Change and Severe Climate Change ranges, as per data from observations, research, NASA, ISS and other readings.

Article Data:
Based on records indicating a 14.63 *C and 300 PPM of CO2 average global measures, in and around 1908 AD/CE and a current 2008 AD/CE global average temperature of 15.68 *C and 400 PPM of CO2. = Global measure 1.05 temp increase and 100 PPM CO2 increase in 100 years.
Accuracy probability = 96.7 %

As referenced and extrapolated from:
"Climate Change" entry (pg 355) by F. K. Hare (c) 1985 THE CANADIAN ENCYCLOPEDIA,
Volume 1, ISBN 0888302703 Editor in Chief, James H. Marsh CANADA

Compiled by Natures Hand AB CANADA (c) 2015 Dec 18,

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