MEGATRENDS: Barack Hussein's Contempt    
 Barack Hussein's Contempt10 comments
The ISI is a foreign branch of the CIA. "Al-Qaeda" is a covert operation that is managed by Anglo-American military-intelligence. Ahmad, the "9/11 money man" who delivered funds to alleged lead suicide hijacker Mohammed Atta prior to the attacks, met personally with Biden on September 13, 2001.

This case, detailed in Michel Chossodovsky's Political Deception: Missing Link Behind 9/11, remains one of hundreds of smoking guns revealing direct US connections to 9/11, for which Biden has never provided a credible explanation.

At the same time that he was meeting with a man directly connected to the alleged hijackers, Biden was among the loudest and most bellicose voices joining Bush-Cheney for the bombing of Afghanistan, in retaliation for 9/11. Biden expressed an interest in "personally shooting Osama bin Laden". Not surprisingly, John McCain expressed the same post-9/11 bloodlust, in his infamous editorial, "War is hell. Let's get on with it."

Biden's tune has remained unchanged, to this day. He wants to "finish the fight against al-Qaeda and the Taliban", and (in language that appears to be the new neoliberal "talking point") "take out the ones who actually attacked us on 9/11".

The fact that Biden and McCain, two major shills for the "war on terrorism" lie, are vying for White House power speaks for itself.

When recently confronted by an independent journalist about his meeting with Mahmoud Ahmad, Biden offered a series of non-sequitors, and then had his security guards escort the inquiring individual away.

Biden the insider

Dirty politics and back-door deals are nothing new for Biden, the perfect neoliberal establishment insider who has made a career of opportunism, obstruction, and political cover-up.

Biden, the senator of Delaware, the largest tax haven for corporations in the US, has played a key role in virtually every major US policy decision over the past two decades. Every military conflict. Supreme Court confirmations. Cabinet confirmations. Judiciary appointments. Congressional probes (cover-ups) of major political scandals.

Biden, a longtime Council on Foreign Relations stalwart, is a leading architect of "Homeland Security". He considers his "national security credentials" to be "unimpeachable".

Joe Biden and his longtime Senate colleague and war criminal/Keating Five "friend" McCain are as responsible for the current world crisis as anyone else alive.

Obama's bombastic deception

If Barack Obama genuinely wishes to "take out" those who "actually attacked us" on 9/11, he would "take out" the legions of elite sponsors who have made his own rise to power possible.

He could begin with his own foreign policy guru, super-elite Zbigniew Brzezinski, the virtual creator of Islamic terrorism during the Carter administration, who suggested that a Pearl Harbor-like attack, a "massive and widely perceived external threat" would be useful; the man whose vision of "American primacy" and destablization across the Eurasian "Grand Chessboard" has been a lifelong obsession.

Obama might also "take out" the Clintons, and other neoliberal bigwigs supporting his campaign, given the fact that they were instrumental in sowing the seeds of 9/11 throughout the 1990s. Obama should "take out" members of Bush-Cheney, and members of Reagan and George H.W. Bush presidencies, and a worldwide legion of covert operatives, policy advisors, think tank figures (Project for a New American Century, etc.), and oil executives who "lit the match". He might also tell the truth about the global war for oil.

Obama, of course, will do nothing of the sort. (And Bush-Cheney will not be prosecuted, no matter what he and Biden say on the campaign trail to the contrary.)

Obama will do nothing. He will leave intact the abomination of the Patriot Act, permit illegal surveilliance, torture and renditions. He will endorse the cover-up of the 9/11 Commission, and deepen the militarization of the US homeland.

The winner of the 2008 election: the Big Lie

In the book The Iran-Contra Connection: Secret Teams and Covert Operations in the Reagan Era by Jonathan Marshall, Peter Dale Scott, and Jane Hunter, the authors describe how the combination of government recalcitrance and public acquiescence hampered attempts to limit presidential power and CIA abuses in the 1970s and 1980s.

One telling passage quotes Joe Biden:

"And when legislators tried to write a new CIA charter to limit presidential powers and check abuses, [President Jimmy] Carter's people fought every inch of the way. Exhausted liberals caved in. To complaints from the American Civil Liberties Union, that the proposed charter was too permissive, Senator Joseph Biden (D-Del) said, "Let me tell you something, fellas. The folks don't care. The average American could care less right now about any of this. You keep talking about public concern. There ain't none."

Today, Bush-Cheney and the respective presidential campaigns hold the people of the world in even greater contempt.

The election is already over.

The bipartisan consensus responsible for the "war on terrorism" lie has never been more ironclad. The next presidential administration will be a continuation of the Bush-Cheney nightmare---in substance, if not in style.

The only thing left to be decided (besides the exact choreography of the final electronic vote fraud) is which lie about "change", which brand of poison to pour down the throats of the American populace.

Will it be the classic neoliberal establishment deception of Obama-Biden?

Or the more overt insult and slap in the face, and the most cynical appeal to the lowest of lowest common denominators: the insane and deeply corrupt John McCain, and the deeply corrupt insane, willfully stupid (George W. Bush-like), vitriol-spewing psychopath Sarah Palin (whose chief qualification appears to be her direct criminal ties to Alaskan energy interests)?

The "Big Lie" comes with both.



CIA is a terrorist organization

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13 Oct 2008 @ 15:44 by vaxen : ...
Great Myths of the Great Depression

"The terror of the Great Crash has been the failure to explain it," writes economist Alan Reynolds. "People were left with the feeling that massive economic contractions could occur at any moment, without warning, without cause. That fear has been exploited ever since as the major justification for virtually unlimited federal intervention in economic affairs."[1]

Old myths never die; they just keep showing up in economics and political science textbooks. With only an occasional exception, it is there you will find what may be the twentieth century's greatest myth: Capitalism and the free-market economy were responsible for the Great Depression, and only government intervention brought about America's economic recovery.  

15 Oct 2008 @ 20:24 by ursula : What a hateful
comment about Palin, Vax. Where is the proof of the claim that she has direct criminal ties to Alaskan energy interests? Provide that proof, please, since you posted this article accusing her of that.  

16 Oct 2008 @ 12:24 by vaxen : Well...
it wasn't I who pointed this out but since you asled you can start at the links below if you wish... it's just the tip of the proverbial iceburg.

Governor Palin advocates the rape of Alaska wilderness in ANWR for oil as well as offshore drilling, cut a wind farm from the state
budget while putting in a half billion for an oil company,
pushes the controversial pipeline, defeated a clean water measure


It seems clear that the 'anticorruption' candidate is actually
the tool of big oil, one who defeated a bill which would
have taxed the windfall (pricegouging megathievery) profits
of BP and other oil companies operating in Alaska.

Alaskans pay more than $4 a gallon for gas while the
government of Alaska sells Alaskan oil to Japan and elsewhere.

Palin vetoed money for the 50 megawatt Fire Island wind project(as one would expect of someone whose husband
is employed by wind competitor BP.

She pushed a plan for the petroplutocrat company which
gets the pipeline license to receive half a billion dollars
for 'development'efforts. Much worse than any Teapot Dome
Scandal. This is the 'free market' capitalism she supports...
stealing taxes from the people to give to mega polluters.

"Let me tell you something, fellas. The folks don't care. The average American could care less right now about any of this. You keep talking about public concern. There ain't none."

P-burg indymedia

Mother Jones  

17 Oct 2008 @ 20:06 by ursula : you must be joking
Oh, wow, getting oil from the ground like millions of others are doing all over the U.S. and the world. I don't think Alaskans see it as a rape. How interesting you can accuse Palin of violance against the earth but you perpetrate abuse upon women right here at NCN in the chat rooms and in your log. Can you explain the difference? Thank you.  

18 Oct 2008 @ 04:52 by mortimer : mirror-image
so Rusyn, you abuse women.

The mirror dont lie.

Is there anything alse you would like to show us,
hmmm perhaps I should case all your NCN comments.  

18 Oct 2008 @ 07:27 by ursula : Catch a clue
I am a woman and I don't abuse anybody. I think I can figure out your agenda.  

18 Oct 2008 @ 07:37 by mortimer : Oh
My agenda is no secret, so...
Tell me what you see, please?...I dare ya  

18 Oct 2008 @ 08:30 by ursula : No thanks
Play that game by yourself.  

18 Oct 2008 @ 09:51 by mortimer : Chicken @ the Crossroads (gender issue)
Now you do not want to comment huh, I dont play games.

What’s my agenda? What a hateful thing to comment about and then not back it up. Just another mirror-image: you have a problem with your agenda.

I don’t care if you man, women or transgender. I say the same no matter gender, likewise with Vaxen. You are the one that bring up gender issues; obviously it’s your gender issue...What a hateful thing to comment about.

And you think (reason) only men abuse women... (It’s clear now enit Vaxen)

Yes, the mirrors don’t lie. YES…You abuse women! Oh maybe now you want the victim role. But wait a minute, on your newlog you complained about victims, perhaps you should forgive yourself then.

You Rusyn wanted proof of the claim that Palin has direct ties to Alaskan energy interests and you got it. Now you whine about that (proof), gee. Well, I been reading your comments here on NCN for awhile now and the fallacies are rampant on your part, including both formal and informal fallacies and both logical and factual errors, evil genius at it best.

Irrelevant appeals are all fallacies of relevance, as are ad hominems. Not only is your comment a circular argument but it is also an appeal to majority, hence the Bandwagon Fallacy – This fallacy is sometimes committed while trying to convince people that a widely popular theory is true (or as in Rusyn case, should be tolerated).
Big Oil has always raped Mother Earth and people put gas in their cars, therefore Palin is justified to protect Alaskan energy interests.

What hateful Rusyn?

Hate, like what you said about poor people on jazzologs news log... {|‘‘Born of laziness''}

For your info

{|Single Parent Statistics - Average Single Parent Statistics} | 27.7% of custodial single mothers and their children live in poverty ~released by the U.S. Census Bureau in August, 2007
Scroll down that page when you get there, only ''31% of ALL single parents receive public assistance''... hence both mothers and fathers (but you whine)

Global Poverty: [so people like Palin...And...Rusyn can protect their interest]
Every day, 34,000 people die of starvation [~ZEITGEIST: ADDENDUM (2008)]
''More than 25,000 people died of starvation every day in 2003,[~Kirby, Alex (2003-03-05) BBC] and as of 2001 to 2003, about 800 million people were chronically undernourished.[~"The spectrum of malnutrition" (PDF). Food and Agricultural Organization (2001-10-05)]''

Yeah, you real compassionate and people must be joking here.

Your friend,

24 Dec 2008 @ 22:12 by vaxen @ : Yowza!
Way to go mortimer! You hit the nail right on the head as you so often do. Black PR is a well know tool for those who have so much to hide. The fact that this woman is so belligerant makes me think that she has a lot of issues with men and is out to proove, ipso fact, that all men are abusers of women just becasue they are men. Femnazism in a nutshell. GLoria Steinham et al. COmmunist doctrine in disguise. All hail to the ten planks! She is walking the plank all by herself and becasue she has been blindfolded cannot see. We can't save her for she won't allow it...after all, we are men, and in her book that is just too taboo. ;) Thanks bro, and thanks rusyn.  

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