What needs to be emphasized is that technologies are developed and used
within a particular socio-cultural, economic and political context. There have
already been vast studies and the compilation of research documentation
illustrating the fact that most areas throughout society utilize top to bottom, oneway
control. They are isolationist, alienating and mechanical modes of
systematizing and organizing people using technologies stemming from
prescriptive methods and models of control. This mechanization of people is
disempowering in the fullest sense of the word: “authoritarian, competitive and

Characterized by an artificially created division of labor, prescriptive
technology, by its very nature, i.e. mathematical and quantitative mechanization
is obsessively concerned with efficiency and productivity. This translates into
materialism and consumerism. When productivity and efficiency become more
important than human quality of existence; indeed when material consumption
becomes the yardstick of “human progress” what has to suffer, in addition to the
larger environment, is the basic sustenance derived from interdependent
relationships. Most importantly this has to include the spiritual sustenance that
can only be obtained by growth upwards on the vertical axis towards Heaven;
and I am not referring to some far away place up in the stars. The location of
Heaven is to be found within the higher, less Earth-bound levels of the psyche. In
psychological terms our relationship to the vast majority of our psyche, including
our Souls – our deep psyches - and therefore the World or Universal Soul,
suffers when there is not a conscious connection with the higher, egoless areas;
areas that are more concerned with evolution rather than possessions, image
and control over others. The path is to join Heaven and Earth. It does not have to
be a dog-eat-dog and cat-eat-mouse world.

In many respects, holarchical (and therefore holistic) interaction is a profound
form of communication - communion with the environment. Healthy existence
and growth requires reciprocal interaction with one’s environment. The
prerequisite for this is true individuality and self-control: and subsequently
interdependence. In prescriptive technologies “communion” is one-sided. People
who utilize prescriptive technologies become people conditioned to having a very
limited and narrow range of consciousness. This prevents them from being able
to see with an accurate wide-lens contextual overview: a holarchic and holistic
grasp of things. They become acculturated to only being able to see small parts
or elements of the whole picture. This creates a cultural and societal atmosphere
that is conducive to an over-reliance on the specialist, the “expert” they become
disempowered. 10 When this becomes widespread in a social sense the results
are increased levels of alienation and isolation. It is produces a culture of
frustration, of violence; an environment of dependence, conducive to the
development of addictive personalities.

The grave impact (pun intended) of this is evident when one realizes that
peoples’ ability to have an impact, especially a creative and constructive impact
because of their own participation in the world around them dramatically affects
their self image and therefore overall psychic and in extension physical strength.
When this creative and reciprocal process is prevented it adversely affects
people’s ability to create and maintain healthy self-identity. 11 Especially
important is the positive feedback we receive from our environment. This is
expressed both through material sustenance or stimulating mental interaction in
the form of support, validation and cooperation, inside our own psyches and
inter-psychically. It is a prerequisite for the horizontal growth outwards in a
healthy life-enhancing manner as well as evolutionary movement upwards in
consciousness. This is why a cross with four equal quadrants is a perfect
symbolic representation of the process of centering, individuation and full human
potential. This type of positive, dynamic mental stimulation and health is a
prerequisite for physical health.

Labeling, scapegoating, hypocrisy and the vast amount of harm created this
way is a symptom and a prime example of the destructiveness of a prescriptive
and segregating environment when this sustenance is not available for the
maintenance and growth of health. Logically, if people’s psyches become
disconnected from the whole of their living environment, this very disconnection
results in the creation of separation and a magnification of differences,
responsible for the development of bigotry. This is only possible when we lose our
sense of interdependent mutuality. We need to regain that and this can only
happen by recollecting ourselves, individually and collectively.
We need the ability to be imaginative and interested enough to ask why, to be
creative enough to subsequently develop methods to promote continuous
learning. People need the ability to be empowered enough to have a constructive
and sustaining impact on their environment and in turn, feeling valued and

The two scenarios I have described will either create autonomous and
empowered individuals or dependent individuals that allow others to take over
control of their lives. 12 Being a people-pleaser instead of learning how to be true
to your-self increases alienation: of self and therefore of others.


The following piece is not from "The Children of the Stars" but may be of use to you in focusing issues. ;)

From Build Freedom: [link]


"Deep within humans dwell those slumbering powers; powers that would astonish them, that they never dreamed of possessing; forces that would revolutionize their lives if aroused and put into action." -- Orison Marden
"The problem is that most people do not know what they are capable of until forced to survive in extreme conditions." -- Al Siebert, Ph.D. ('The Survivor Personality: Why Some People Are Stronger, Smarter, and More Skillful at Handling Life's Difficulties... and How You Can Be, Too')
"It seems clear that the breakthroughs of the next age must come in the form of advances in our individual and collective abilities to tap existing human capabilities and to overcome the negative internal forces that interfere with their expression." -- W. Timothy Gallwey ('The Inner Game of Golf')
"There do exist enquiring minds, which long for the truth of the heart, seek it, strive to solve the problems set by life, try to penetrate to the essence of things and phenomena and to penetrate into themselves. If a man reasons and thinks soundly, no matter which path he follows in solving these problems, he must inevitably arrive back at himself, and begin with the solution of the problem of what he is himself and what his place is in the world around him. For without this knowledge, he will have no focal point in his search. Socrates' words "Know thyself" remain for all those who seek true knowledge and being." -- G. I. Gurdjieff ('Views from the Real World')
"Humans are the only species on earth with the ability to interfere with their own performance. Self-interference is a learned skill; we are not born with it." -- Michael Hebron ('Golf Swing Secrets... and Lies')
In his "Inner Game" books, W. Timothy Gallwey makes a distinction between "Self 1" and "Self 2." Self 1 is an invented or alien self. Self 2 is your natural self.

This is similar to Gurdjieff's distinction between "personality" and "essence."

"Death must come before rebirth. But what must die? False confidence in one's own knowledge, self-love and egoism. Our egoism must be broken. We must realize that we are very complicated machines, and so this process of breaking is bound to be a long and difficult task. Before real growth becomes possible, our personality must die." -- G. I. Gurdjieff ('Views from the Real World')

You may have noticed some conversation or chattering going on inside your head. For example, while having a conversation with someone, all kinds of judgmental thoughts go through your mind about what the other person is saying. While listening, you may also be rehearsing what you're going to say next. This is your Self 1 in action.

In tennis there is a typical "Self 1 downward spiral." You hit a poor backhand into the net. Your Self 1 comments in your head, "That was a terrible shot!" After a few more weak backhands, your Self 1 says, "My backhand is terrible!" Not too long after that, the comment becomes, "I'll never be able to play good tennis!" -- or some similar putdown.

The "Self 1 downward spiral" may not stop there. It might be followed with, "I'm too clumsy to be good at any sport." And even, "I'm a worthless person."

Your Self 1 may also be constantly telling you what to do and what not to do. The essence of Self 1 is that it INTERFERES with the powerful abilities of your natural Self 2.

Gallwey has come up with the formula: Performance = Potential - Interference.

In any area of your life you can improve your performance by reducing interference from your Self 1.

Your Self 2 is your Powerful Real Self or essence. To wake up your Self 2, you may have to "kill" aspects of your Self 1. By "kill" I mean become aware of and UNLEARN a host of more or less unconscious thinking habits designed to keep your Self 1 in control and suppress your Self 2.

Your Self 2 has powerful, natural learning abilities. Your Self 1 may interfere with your natural learning. Much of "formal education" is styled after Self 1 interference and is more of a hindrance than an aid to natural learning. Most humans have largely lost their natural learning abilities -- a big disadvantage! Fortunately, by reducing Self 1 interference, you can recover your natural learning abilities.

If you're trying to make money on the Internet, you may experience interference from your Self 1 in the form of negative comments circulating in your mind. Your Self 1 may be sabotaging you in other ways -- like steering you into making bad decisions.

In all kinds of activities ranging from sports to ordinary communication and to making money on the Internet, there is an Inner Game and an Outer Game. The Outer Game has to do with hitting the ball. The Inner Game has to do with what goes on in your mind.

By becoming better at the Inner Game, you can greatly improve your Outer Game. If you're not as successful as you would like to be with your Outer Game of making money on the Internet (or anything else), you may want to work on improving your Inner Game.






1 May 2009 @ 21:30 by susannahbe : Thanks . . .
I liked this....
"The location of Heaven is to be found within the higher, less Earth-bound levels of the psyche. In psychological terms our relationship to the vast majority of our psyche, including our Souls – our deep psyches - and therefore the World or Universal Soul, suffers when there is not a conscious connection with the higher, egoless areas;"

Hope all is well with you nocturnal one, shining out there in the twitterverse. :-)  

2 May 2009 @ 07:32 by vaxen : Heh, heh...
Yah, Iliked that too. Yes, everything is as 'well' as can be expected under my present circumstances. I'm aware of the inner game, though, so it's only a matter of time till I eke out a better balance in MEST Verse and beyond. Thanks so much for reading the above and your comment too. I love your tweats and you always inspire me so a big hug and a hearty thankyou so much for being with us here on plan-et earth this time around...  

4 May 2009 @ 08:24 by vaxen : Messages...
For The Ground Crew:

Handbook for the New Paradigm...

Leading Edge Research  

9 May 2009 @ 02:37 by vaxen : I come here...
for, for, for...

9 May 2009 @ 03:10 by vaxen : For...
NCN now DCN?  

10 May 2009 @ 11:21 by koravya : Because
Well, Vax, I can’t rightly say why you might be coming here. But that is a good question that any of us might ask of ourselves. Hell, why even do I go bouncing around all of those alternative news sites on an almost daily basis, like I am looking for some little piece of writing that will cough up some moment of truth? There’s enough garbage going on out there to make a person a little bit depressed. I mean, how much of all of that do I really need to be thinking about anyway? I’ve got enough going on just trying to keep my freakin’ house together to be concerning myself about Talibans and Hate Speech Bills. Looking for that moment of truth. Lookin’ at some big picture. Trying to fill in the blanks. Lookin’ for that canvas that says, this is true. Sometimes it’s a poem. Sometimes it’s a Haiku. Sometimes it’s an essay, and once in a while, it will be a good book. Logs come, and Logs go, and some of them are very entertaining or insightful, according to individual taste. Cyber-conversations can be fun too, or enlightening, as the case may be, but I don’t think you can generally be planning on those. They kind of just happen. You never know when you might strike a chord.

10 May 2009 @ 16:07 by a-d : Yeahhh, no kiddin, Vax , John,
you are both right... yet...well.... let's see if this will strike a a chord in you,guys... ;)

Vax, I love the message in this article! So important for us to grasp the severity of this (or should I say IF we continue to NOT adhere to this message and make --each-- our true "Turn around" , so to speak... then this will inevitably follow/continue (to follow): " Today, the usual mode of coping is to become even more unconscious." -------- ..."Characterized by an artificially created division of labor, prescriptive technology, by its very nature, i.e. mathematical and quantitative mechanization is obsessively concerned with efficiency and productivity. This translates into materialism and consumerism. When productivity and efficiency become more important than human quality of existence; indeed when material consumption becomes the yardstick of “human progress” what has to suffer, in addition to the larger environment, is the basic sustenance derived from interdependent relationships.
Most importantly this has to include the spiritual sustenance that can only be obtained by growth upwards on the vertical axis towards Heaven; and I am not referring to some far away place up in the stars. The location of Heaven is to be found within the higher, less Earth- bound levels of the psyche.
In psychological terms our relationship to the vast majority of our psyche, including our Souls – our deep psyches - and therefore the World or Universal Soul, suffers when there is not a conscious connection with the higher, egoless areas; areas that are more concerned with evolution rather than possessions, image and control over others. The path is to join Heaven and Earth. It does not have to
be a dog-eat-dog and cat-eat-mouse world."

Yet, koravya, you are so right: many of us feel utterly exhausted by now, by all the games and Things/INFO we try to stay on top of and this has its consequence in wanting to withdraw -even when we know : "... ((Labeling, scapegoating, hypocrisy and the vast amount of harm created this way is a symptom and a prime example of the destructiveness of a prescriptive and segregating environment when this sustenance is not available for the maintenance and growth of health. Logically, if people’s psyches become disconnected from the whole of their living environment, this very disconnection results in the creation of separation and a magnification of differences, responsible for the development of bigotry. This is only possible when losing our sense of interdependent mutuality.)) WE NEED TO REGAIN that and this can only happen by recollecting ourselves, individually and collectively. We need the ability to be imaginative and interested enough to ask why, to be creative enough to subsequently develop methods to promote continuous learning. People need the ability to be empowered enough to have a constructive and sustaining impact on their environment and in turn, feeling valued and needed.

The two scenarios I have described will either create autonomous and
empowered individuals or dependent individuals that allow others to take over control of their lives. 12 Being a people-pleaser instead of learning how to be true to your-self increases alienation: of self and therefore of others."  

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