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 Barack Hussein's Contempt10 comments
by Larry Chin
September 7, 2008

In his much-ballyhooed acceptance speech, Barack Obama declared that he would "finish the fight against the terrorists who actually attacked us on 9/11". If Obama wishes to be true to his promise, he could begin with his own running mate, Senator Joe Biden.

Biden and the ISI chief

Biden was one of several top Washington officials who met with Lieutenant General Mahmoud Ahmad, the head of Pakistan's Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) on and around September 11, 2001.  Read More

 The Assassin's Mace2 comments

The United States is the most powerful nation in the world and it often acts unilaterally, but is it an Empire? Though some insist that "empire" means only direct rule over large-scale conquered territory, the United States today looks decidedly imperial. The term empire has entered common usage, not only among critics but also among advocates of muscular US policy and global superiority. Economist Niall Ferguson has written about the British Empire as a lesson-book for contemporary US power. Influential Washington neo-conservatives are using the E-word freely, insisting that the United States is the world's most benevolent nation and that it should use its imperial power robustly to expand "freedom" across the globe. This section considers not only the utility of the Empire concept but also the way in which the United States (empire or not) deploys its economic, political and military power globally, limiting the force of international law, shrinking the capacity of international organizations, and reducing the possibility of multilateral action and democratic self-governance in an increasingly interdependent world. We ask also: what limits will this empire encounter, can it sustain "full spectrum dominance" for the forseeable future or will it provoke such broad opposition that its era of hegemony and prosperity comes swiftly and decisively to a close?


America's Acupuncture Points:
The Assassin's Mace
By Victor N. Corpus*
Asia Times
October 20, 2006

This is the second of a two-part series.

If America ever goes to war with China, Chinese military doctrine suggests the US should expect attacks on a number of key points where it is particularly vulnerable - where a single jab would paralyze the entire nation. China would aim at targets such as the US electricity grid, its computer networks, its oil supply routes, and the dollar. Other vital "acupuncture" points are outlined below.  Read More

 Toppling The NWO13 comments
Thought I'd interject this little article here for inspirations' sake. For sure it is really difficult to see our way out of this mess created by the One World Government Order, NWO, in order to enslave humanity and genocide most of us. However a part of the plan is to have us so focused on their 'problem, reaction, solution' version of reality that we absolutely forget who we are! An old military doctrine states: "A retreat is an advance in the opposite direction."

More and more I feel this way too. The power of the NWO is often touted, via mass media, state controlled organs, such as television, and even the internet, radio , magazines, Hollyweird, etc., etc., as being unchallengeable.

Our abilities to 'vanish/banish something out of our mindspace is well known which is why the progenitors of global enslavement so want to occupy our every waking, and sleeping, moments with the rot of their debates, their 'two sided,' one sided 'system.'

Be encouraged, too, that there are others out here just like you who are emphatically seeking and creating another world right along side the old one which is so infinitely different in scope and purpose as to be apparently 'non existent!' Nothing could be further from the truth.

I'd sure appreciate knowing what you think along these lines for I am still forming my ideas of where I want to be. What kind of a world do I want to live in. How are we to do this thing under the radar? Etc., etc., and so forth and so on. Hope you get something out of this article and that you might find inspiration therein to help us 'manifest' a better world beyond the one the so called 'planners' have created for us. We don't belong to their Fascist systems. They do. Let them have them. ;)  Read More

 Naomi Wolf on Palin32 comments
Came across this article awhile ago and it struck me as something I just hadn't considered. I like Naomi's writings and even though she is a 'leftie' I must think about what she is saying because I, too, have seen it all around me - the American Super Fascist State. I do hope that more than just a few people will read this, but am not overly optimistic towards that end, but in any case here it is for what it is worth. Some may consider this "Palin bashing." I consider it beiing forwarned. One particluar thing I noted is that Palin is an Assemblies of God woman. I knew one of the founders of that movement in Oregon years ago as I had been elected to penetrate it and see what they were up to. Fundamentalism of an ilk rarely seen in this world. Perhaps they've changed and no longer practice glossalalia and excorcism of "Demons." Perhaps... But I'd love some comments on this. What do you think?


Has Sarah Palin Been Picked as the Titular Head of the Coming Police State?

by Naomi Wolf

Global Research, October 3, 2008
Huffington Post - 2008-09-24

Please understand what you are looking at when you look at Sarah "Evita" Palin. You are looking at the designated muse of the coming American police state.

You have to understand how things work in a closing society in order to understand "Palin Power." A gang or cabal seizes power, usually with an affable, weak figurehead at the fore. Then they will hold elections -- but they will make sure that the election will be corrupted and that the next affable, weak figurehead is entirely in their control. Remember, Russia has Presidents; Russia holds elections. Dictators and gangs of thugs all over the world hold elections. It means nothing. When a cabal has seized power you can have elections and even presidents, but you don't have freedom.  Read More

 Democracy’s Debunking6 comments
For those of you who do not know the difference between a Republic and a Democracy or, indeed, between any of the multiple forms of government this jaded old world has bred I thought that some hints, to be found in the following article by Becky Akers, might kindle the desire for something better than Lincolns lies.

The inculcation of Fascism in the once free Republic, called the united States
of America, as well as other things, has been slowly coming headlong down the pike almost since the de facto government in Washington D.C. was established. Benjie Franklin, of the Medmanham Friars, as well as Tommie Jefferson loved European power politics and yet they are known as harbingers of, of all things, liberty?

Ah but what you don't know won't hurt you, eh? ;) The Medmanham Friars are laughing in their graves as is Sir Francis Dasherwood that American hubris should, could, would, imagine itself free!

Don't imagine that the fascists in Washington will give up just because the little 'bailout' seems to have been 'rejected.' After all is said and done what you call Congress is nothing but another 'Parliament of the Birds' and in this case all the birds are traitors and have flown the coup doing unto others whatever they, as Masters of the Universe, should decide is good for the dumbed down sheeple of the land.

Oligarchical Fascisto Feudalism with a Democratic facade and a socialist nice. The Union of Soviet Socialist Americas, NAU, SPP, NAFTA, GATT, Bernanke, Paulson, Bush (The Triumvirate)...

Il Duce's Venga is now almost complete...


Democracy’s Debunking

by Becky Akers

From the department of "No Great Loss Without Some Small Gain": perhaps Leviathan’s $700-billion bail-out and nationalization of the economy will finally awaken Americans to the fact that we live in a dictatorship, not a democracy.

Lovers of liberty know there’s little difference between the two, and that only of degree. But lulled by Lincoln’s lie – "government of the people, by the people, for the people" – Boobus "Baa Baa" Americanus fondly, foolishly giggles however the State ravages him. Taxation stealing more of our wealth than it leaves us? Hey, no problem: the thieves are us! Little kids gassed at Waco and a mother murdered while holding her baby at Ruby Ridge? That’s just us at work again! Feel us up or photograph us naked before allowing us to board planes? Wheeeee: democracy is fun!  Read More

 Stirring Agenda 211 comment
Many of you have probably never heard of U.N. Agenda 21/ Nor really know much about the CFR or the Trilateral Commission (Tri Lats.) McCain and Obama are both members of that August group of Globalistas. Hint, hint...

Any how I compiled a bunch of links and a few notes for your perusal on exactly what is happening behind the 'bailout' and the joke called the Elections. I'm putting it down here, WYSIWYG, fasion and maybe later I'll comment on it here and there depending upon response.

The North American Union should be googled by all but so much for shoulds. Most will go headlong into the pot without a peep. The heat will be turned up and the bath will become...stew...without nary a peep from the sheeple who have better things to do. Like argue over whether or not Sara Palin knows her shit. I can assure you that both Henry Kissinger, the war criminal,'McCainoPalins' advisor, and Brzezinsky, Obamas' advisor, know their shit!

I suggest that y'all, Quinty, Jazzolog, do a bit of honest research into these matters. Yes, good old Oligarchical Feudal Fascistic Socialism already fast tracked through, thanks FDR!, and you never knew the blow job till it sank your ships. "Read my lips." - Famous Globalist Fascist Oligarcho Feudalist

Will edit later. Gotta go eat! ;)

Vax  Read More

 Public School Agenda?5 comments
I came across the following article in Lew Rockwells newsletter, which I subscribe to [link] , and thought I'd share it here with others who might enjoy the article as well. This one sentence stuck out in my mind as being very poignant and full of flavor.

"Yes, I have an agenda, and so does government, its schools, and associated minions. Mine – no, ours is an agenda of liberty and peace while theirs is one of violence and control."

The kind of flavor that took me on a very long search, ages ago, to discover the roots of the present societal ills Americans, and others, are suffering.

The manufactured crisis on Wall Street and in the so called 'Economy' bear all the earmarks of an agenda. An agenda so insideous and unbelievable that to skirt it threatens to engulf the mind in a quicksand of delusions.

Hope you read Jims' article, it's short, and enjoy...  Read More

The following article was written by a friend of mine and does contain some very salient advice concerning the changes that many are experiencing. The changes are going to keep right on coming. The old order is dying and we are being born anew each day. Be prepared. You can see the "Paradigm Shift" as a blessing or a curse.
Or maybe you don't see it at all?

Message from Eric Pepin

May you live in interesting times. It seems to be the
message I am putting out lately.

No doubt many of you are concerned with the financial
markets and the change that it represents and how it
will affect you. Well I make no claims to being a financial
adviser but certainly I have a handle on other effecting
energies. I think it’s important for me to explain to
fellow Navigators what is happening on a global and
spiritual level at least to help put things into a greater
perspective.  Read More

 Alexanders Ragtime Band23 comments
With all the hype and hyperbola surrounding the so called 'election' of the next Fed Res, Narco Profits, lackey (The US President) I thought it moot to introduce, yet again, a few salient points for those of you who don't swallow the swill of it all that you may further be emboldened to free yourself from the Oligarcho-Fascist State called America, by some, the United States Corporation, by others, and the Legislative Democracy of Washington D.C. by a few of us. Ultimately a charade and an instrument, used for bludgeoning all who resist, of the fiends calling themselves the 'global elite.' I have no hope that the 'people' per se will ever wake up to what is really going on but...maybe a few will and in time a few more till one day...who knows? In the meanwhile just walk away. Stop voting. Know your rights under commercial, international, law. I.e. "Know who YOU are!" Enjoy...  Read More

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