Love in the Mud    
 Clay Didgeridoos7 comments
picture Thursday, February 12th 2004
It seems I've always been interested in the didgeridoo. I had heard just brief references to it in television and world music in my younger years. The sound is captivating and of course, unique. The first time I experienced it live was in Atlanta, Ga in the early '90's. This cat was a really good player, don't remember his name. He had a stack of painted PVC didgeridoos he was selling on the street for $75 - $120. That struck me as absolutely nuts! I don't care what one could do with the tube, it's still just a tube and the art wasn't that kickin'.

Went right home and "built" one, partly out of spite. Saw him a few more times and he helped me get started playing. That was over ten years ago and when I started working in clay and realized I could make a tube by throwing a series of "donut" forms on the wheel and piecing them together, I thought "any tube will do!" And there it was, my first clay didge.

The clay didges have been in development for about three years now and it's been a wonderful tour of sound and form. Most challenging has been how subtle changes in length, width, bell shape, pinches, so many factors can make big changes in sound. It can be baffling. Just when I think I start understanding what does what, I'm usually surprised and find something totally different. But, just like in other realms of my work, the "surprises" usually work out to be better than what I've planned. The trick is integrating those surprises in the next time!

More on the process in future posts.

--Thomas  Read More

 The Hypercube50 comments
picture Thursday, February 12th 2004
I first read about this shape in "The Fourth Dimension," by Rudy Rucker back in '86. I started doing meditation exercises with it and got some pretty crazy dream correlations -- dream/real-time as a result. Mostly I was just fascinated by the shapes and depths of shapes I was seeing.

Do a search on the hypercube and you'll come up with a lot of good information as well as actual cad models you can "virtually" fly through.

It's extending the model of the cube, perception of X-Y-Z, to a whole nother perception (or direction) -- called Ana -- a perception of the fourth dimension.

It's pretty apparent, upon looking at the shape, how it's trying to "hyper" itself right off the screen. Unlike the two flips (back and forth) of a traditional cube drawing, ~each shape~ you come across in the hypercube also flips, but in several directions.

Have fun! Don't hurt yourself!

--Thomas (ps. I'm interested in other ways this has shown up out there. Please comment ...)  Read More

 Joe Cartoon1 comment
picture Thursday, February 12th 2004
Wanna start your day in a twisted way? Go here >>>>>>>>[link] Start with "Joe Moma." Hillarious.  Read More

 Great on-line films ...0 comments
picture Thursday, February 12th 2004
Check out Ninjai, the little ninja [link] on -- a terrific site for amazing independant films. Always changing, dynamic. We've mostly stuck to the animated, but there's all kinds of shorts -- and free! Careful, some suck, and some are pretty tweeked. Ninjai, as you can see from the pic, is simply, beautifully and uniquely animated. We're turning everyone on (with dsl, that is).

 A Deep Thought0 comments
picture Thursday, February 12th 2004
A child's face can say a lot -- especially the mouth part of the face. --Jack Handy

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The clay is doing us and we like it that way. The effect happens to be a manifestation of form -- pots and pieces that belong to people -- some we know, some we don't, yet. Our job is to get the pots to the people to whom they belong.

Previous entries
  • Hold it Together

  • 2004-02-12
  • Clay Didgeridoos
  • The Hypercube
  • Joe Cartoon
  • Great on-line films ...
  • A Deep Thought
  • The Chuckwalla

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