THE FOREST GREEN: Right place at the right time.    
 Right place at the right time. 2 comments
Saturday, January 2nd 2010, by Marissa A Spencer

In the busy shopping season before the holidays.. one has to plan ones route carefully to optimize ones itinerary. I was wisely heading for the next stop at a popular grocery store... for some reason the left turn light heading to my home was green and I was on know what I mean.

I arrived at my home to see a haphazardly parked older sedan where I usually park in front of my yard. An elderly lady in her 80s was wandering around my pots that were in the driveway. Some pots were empty.. but some had plants.. some even blooming. I get out of the car and ask her if I can help her. She was looking a bit sheepish, but asked me if I could spare some plants. Her husband had passed ten years ago and she lived in a mobile home park. She wanted some plants to cheer things up. She looked at me with lively brown eyes and her accent was Ukrainian or something like it. She was so small and sweet...of course I got a pot of some violas and other winter and spring blooming bulbs and plants. It was a nice sized pot and even gave her some blooming shamrocks that was from my mother's home.

I gave her a hug.. wished her a Merry Christmas and she asked God to bless me. It was payment enough for such a humble gift. Wouldn't it be nice if we all could be so gladdened by such simple things more often?




30 Jan 2010 @ 19:05 by a-d : Oooohhh, Mariss!....
whadda Story!.... Ahhh... I can just see the whole Event as it unfolded between the two of you!.... You're the BEST! Hugs/A-d  

7 Feb 2010 @ 23:11 by skookum : gems of beauty..
are often hidden from obvious view.. thanks for reading.. i will never forget the event


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