Monday, August 24th 2009
I fall down and go BOOM. I tripped on Aug 16th.. and have no idea on what.. and landed on my left knee and left palm on cement. broke my arm.. and not in a good way..
oh a wee joke..
"Yeah.. I have a boo boo on my knee.. almost all better with bandaid and time. I went to doc..
"ok.. which knee did you injure"
"The red one! The red one!""
well.. yes.. they took a lovely digital xray.. wow.. those are way cooler than the old films in resolution..
yes.. there it was.. More >
Thursday, March 5th 2009
And who thinks I could possibly have any clue?
Every once in a while... I really do think what I see around me is reality. Yet... I have this nagging feeling I am wrong!
*grins More >
Tuesday, February 17th 2009
Breaking news.. whodathunkit?
[link] More >
Friday, February 13th 2009
to all of us.. love in all its wonderful forms, shades, nuances and flavors!
[link] More >
Friday, January 23rd 2009
What do you do to beat the dark sky blues?
[link] More >
Tuesday, January 20th 2009
anyone else find it a kind of nasty thing to do to us?
Thursday, January 15th 2009
In this world today we have an opportunity to explore virtual reality. I have been going to Second Life, a free virtual community.
[link] More >
Tuesday, December 16th 2008
I am not sure what teachers are thinking... but every one of my kids has had these projects to do for school.
 see more crazy cat pics More >
Friday, December 5th 2008
an article on MSN this morning.. had to share.. real food for thought! forgive the earlier typo! lol More >
Thursday, December 4th 2008
The late fall weather here in Sacramento is like that. We often will have overcast and fog for a month straight. More >
Saturday, November 29th 2008
I do SO know that the day after Thanksgiving is the first official start of the Christmas shopping season...
The death and injuries attributed to Black Friday at an New York WalMart are terrible. My condolences to those and their families. I just want to know where security was. I know here in my town they had plenty of police etc. to keep things relatively sane. Just makes me shake my head that something like this would need security measures in the first place. Whose idea was this Black Friday thing anyway? Are they freakin' nuts? Are WE nuts? My only answer is "most likely". More >
Monday, November 3rd 2008
borrowed from another posting on Postmormon.org.. I thought it was hilarious.
here is another site.. with more..
[link] More >
Monday, November 3rd 2008
After doing tarot readings at the Halloween party. We ended up with some donations from that. We had already quite a bit and made $19 at the party. We were able to donate a total of $124.91 to UNICEF. More >
Monday, October 27th 2008
I am happy to report we made over 70 dollars. I want to thank those who donated and helped. More >
Friday, October 24th 2008
I found some great recipes for the bake sale.. More >
Wednesday, October 22nd 2008
Just something my kids and I do each Halloween.
[link] More >
Saturday, October 11th 2008
In theses challenging economic times... one has to get creative! Some links for you! I have a Halloween party to go to... going to go as an angel. ha! enjoy the links More >
Monday, October 6th 2008
The Skeleton Crew More >
Thursday, October 2nd 2008
I am thinking of a nice sweet pomegranate... I have planted a cherry and apricot in front.. and I figure I will put the pomegranate in a pot until I can get some brush cleared away.
[link] More >
Thursday, September 25th 2008
I am sure this guy might be saying something else.. but it sounds like the subtitles in English lol.. enjoy More >
Monday, September 22nd 2008
for the changing season.. More >
Saturday, September 20th 2008
I was going to a link on one board and found this gem of a story on the sidebar.
Train Victim's Cell Kept Calling Loved Ones After He Died More >
Thursday, September 18th 2008
Shamanism: Working with animal spirits.
I have in the last few weeks had unusually frequent contact with a high number of Praying Mantis...
[link] More >
Friday, September 12th 2008
I finished the baby hat I was making for the upcoming grandson of a neighbor friend. I will make booties too.. those go very quickly. More >
Thursday, September 11th 2008
The nights are cooling as the days stay in the high 80s and low 90s. Just a week ago it was blisteringly hot. In a blink of an eye it is as if the sky sighed and took a breath of cool air as it went to sleep. More >
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