 NCN-2?54 comments
picture25 Jun 2007 @ 18:45
When Second Life meets Google Earth:

The World Wide Web will soon be absorbed into the World Wide Sim: an immersive, 3-D visual environment that combines elements of social virtual worlds such as Second Life and mapping applications such as Google Earth. What happens when the virtual and real worlds collide? By Wade Roush:  More >

 Homeland Security Gets Desperate; Turns to Science Fiction Writers25 comments
picture29 May 2007 @ 16:46

Sharon Winberger of the Wired Blog Network reports:
Purveyors of ray guns take note: the Department of Homeland Security is turning to a group of science fiction writers for advice on funding high-risk projects. Department officials invited the science fiction writers to a recent conference in Washington to get their thoughts on future technologies.
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 Omniverse Zero6 comments
picture24 May 2007 @ 17:57
Contributed by Erika:

"Would you like to create your own universe, with your own worlds and civilizations, at your own timeline? Well, then, Omniverse Zero is the right place for you!

Omniverse Zero gives you a gigantic space setting specifically designed to give you the power to create your own fictional universe and every element that comes with it. You choose your style - be it a battered and war-torn interstellar battlefield filled with ruthless and powerful races, or a harmonic heaven filled with utopian worlds...

As others build their own universes, you might want to shake hands with your next door neighbor and start a mutual inter-universal trade of technology and/or information...

Join the others as they write fantastic stories and make your universe livelier than ever.  More >

 Usha5 comments
picture29 Sep 2006 @ 05:13
Verily, it neither rises nor sets for him,
it is evermore day for him,
who knows thus this mystic doctrine(upanisad) of Brahma.
***--_-*  More >

 You will know them by their fruits409 comments
picture26 Jun 2004 @ 16:02
The Snake-Tree of Lerna, Patrick Woodroffe (Oils etc. 610x610 mm.)  More >

 Psynergy 23 comments
picture10 Jun 2004 @ 21:09
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 Vriji 20 comments
picture11 Apr 2004 @ 01:33
Vriji 2, Mixed Media, Quidnovi

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 iMageries 23 comments
picture11 Apr 2004 @ 01:02

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 iMageries 12 comments
picture11 Apr 2004 @ 00:55
Source: Unknown

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 Vital Force0 comments
picture11 Apr 2004 @ 00:03
Lifeforce, Mixed Media, Quidnovi

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a Shared Universe and a Roundtable project

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  • Luminescence
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  • Entelos Exploratorium

  • 2004-03-23
  • The devil you don't...

  • 2004-03-22
  • Path diverging

  • 2004-03-15
  • Vriji

  • 2004-02-27
  • Nix
  • StoneGate

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  • Top 7 Packers: Movers and Packers in Jaipur

  • 2017-04-26
  • agarwalskymovers: mover
  • globalmovers: mover
  • gatipackersandmovers: mover

  • 2017-04-08
  • Packers in Alwar: Nice

  • 2017-04-07
  • Nishu Yadav: Tips For Packing and Loading

  • 2017-04-06
  • drrichardkidneyfoundation: do you intend to sell your kidney

  • 2017-04-05
  • Jaipur Escort Services: http://www.newjaipur..

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