Orgasmic Vancouver - Category: Poetry    
 Important Choices2 comments
category picture22 Aug 2004 @ 22:57

rights lock horns and what is left chatters
saul saw voltaire's bastards as they railed
the bulwark dismiss as extreme what matters
by somnolence of herd the system has failed
ponder options offered and those that ain't
and how important is the color of the paint
on a cattle prod upon which you are impaled

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 Who Knows Who1 comment
category picture19 Aug 2004 @ 17:18

my horoscope tuned by birth had this to say
get ready there is a message coming through
now i'm trying to conclude how and what way
the sample of sign and symbol will construe
so play in cyberspace isn't considered rude
as for you know who feisty yet in good mood
i want her by my side sharing the same view

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 All Right In Middle East3 comments
category picture18 Aug 2004 @ 17:29

every thing is all right in the middle east
say the silent left slinking away in denial
settlers stealing from those with the least
two of the few that fear world court trials
a strong codependent bond deep out of sight
defending a doctrinaire that might is right
and an ocean away a smug suger daddy smiles

defending this doctrine that might is right
two of the few that fear world court trials
hiding a codependent bond deep out of sight
are the silent left slinking away in denial
every thing is all right in the middle east
settlers stealing from those with the least
and an ocean away a smug sugar daddy smiles

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 Byron's Sennacherib0 comments
category picture1 Aug 2004 @ 00:16
Inspired by Byron's The Destruction of Sennacherib. I think mine needs more stanzas.

assyria came down like the wolf on the fold
of lord's lambs in panic heard but not seen
by the cohort a gleaming in purple and gold
paid on the alter of blood drips an obscene
sheen on their spears like stars on the sea
where long waves roll black on deep galilee
drowning the dreams of what could have been

 stultified0 comments
category picture31 Jul 2004 @ 09:19

the members only club that doesn't want you

insults the egoic of an excluded other side

who wants to decide whom are the chosen few

in scarce sanctuary granted a place to hide

but a solution safe from wisdom's seduction

ignored at the core when walls of reduction

rage for justice of the recently stultified

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