Sindy's: Mystical/Unbelievable Newslog    

Saturday, December 13, 2003day link 

category pictureby sindy. sindy spirit
December 13, 2003 -- a joy  More >

Friday, December 12, 2003day link 

pictureby sindy. Sindy's Heart
December 12, 2003 -- Words often used (express) by a person(jack) that comes out for another person's (Jill) ear to hear, flows totally different(level) to what jack is saying to Jill......  More >

Tuesday, December 9, 2003day link 

pictureby sindy. Quotes/Thoughts
December 9, 2003 -- Almost all of us want to be happy. Being happy is not a skill taught in school. If we are lucky, our parents taught us about happiness, either by example or by shared wisdom. For the rest of us, there are some important things to remember about happiness, and the art of being happy.  More >

Sunday, November 30, 2003day link 

pictureby sindy. Personal Growth
November 30, 2003 -- have a theory. No, it’s more like a dream. It’s not a unique dream, many have dreamt it. It’s the desire for the all those on this planet to be loving towards each other. For peace and tranquility among mankind. For a song, which if heard by distant planets, would sing out, “We Love.”  More >

pictureby sindy. Mystical News
November 30, 2003 -- A mythical creature with the tail of a fish and the head, arms and trunk of a woman. Its male counterpart is called a merman. Generally called merfolk.  More >

Saturday, November 29, 2003day link 

pictureby sindy. Inspiration
November 29, 2003 -- Everything can be accomplished if we only work hard and allow our spirit to flow we surely can make the 3d lives worthwhile living*  More >

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The world at large where Myths,Legends and Supernatural Happenings occur. These are ArticleS
from BE-ings of whom have been in the world of the Unknown, *WAYS*, Please sit back and enjoy


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