Sindy's: Mystical/Unbelievable Newslog: Caring For The Skin Around Your Eyes    

 Caring For The Skin Around Your Eyes

2003-11-04 14:13:11 -- 28th October 1999
Times Of India
Kaniza Lokhandwala
The skin around your eyes is the most vulnerable part of your body's entire skin surface. In most areas of the body, the blood supply cools, warms and nourishes the skin, but facial skin and especially the skin around the eyes, serves an additional function, that of emotional response.
Your facial expressions are always changing in response to what happens around you. This creates tremendous stress in the facial skin and eye area. All of these reactions require complex biochemical changes and some of the by-products of these reactions are free radicals and some are hormones, such as adrenaline. The free radicals interact with normal skin structure and either have a destructive action or impair biological function. The result is that the skin looks dull and lifeless and wrinkles
prematurely as its collagen structure is impaired.
On top of these emotional stresses and free radical assaults, environmental factors such as automobile exhaust and even second- hand tobacco smoke cause adverse effects on skin. The ultraviolet light from the sun produces further signs of ageing.
Sunscreen lotions and creams are widely used to protect facial skin, but unfortunately, most sunscreens cannot be used close to the eyes.
Eye gels are formulated to rebuild damaged skin that has lost tone and elasticity. A good under-eye gel contains natural plant extracts that promote the natural repairing process of facial skin. This is accomplished by increasing nutrients to the area
and targeting this specific area in helping to restore firmer skin. Fatty deposits that cause irregularities and lymphatic fluids are reduced, resulting in a smoother, less puffy and more youthful look around the eyes.
An ayurvedic remedy for the age-old problem is a special milk decoction made out of saffron and pearl-ash or pearl-powder. This is an expensive but effective remedy for eye-skin problems. Consult a qualified ayurvedic beautician.
A drop of almond oil gently dabbed above and under the eyes keeps the skin there smooth and supple. Regular application is a good preventive measure.
Puffy circles under the eye can be caused by lack of sleep, too much sleep, fluids which accumulate due to faulty digestion, stress, pollution, or allergic reactions to cosmetic products.
Change any new cosmetics you have been using which you think may have a link. If the puffiness disappears soon after you stop applying the particular cosmetic.
Don't put night creams and moisturisers too close to the eyes; they might get into them, causing eye tissues to swell while you sleep.
Don't rub or massage the area around the eyes. It serves no purpose and can be dangerous.
Avoid eating for three hours before bedtime.
Apply used chamomile tea bags after chilling them. The tannic acid in the tea has an astringent effect that will shrink swollen tissues. Cucumber slices can be placed over the eyes.
Exercise your eyes and associated muscles by rolling your eye, looking up, down, left and right. These eye calisthenics stretch and relax the muscles around the eye area and help evict sluggish fluids.
(Excerpted from Forever Young, Forever Beautiful, Your Guide to Natural Nutrition and Beauty Secrets. By Dr Shanti B Rangwani, Rs. 395, Tel: 645 3560 (free delivery).

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