Nonduality: Psychiatrist: spiritual belief helps mental illness    
 Psychiatrist: spiritual belief helps mental illness8 comments
3 Nov 2004 @ 00:04, by Jerry Katz

By Times Group

People suffering with mental health disorders who have a faith in a higher power' have a better chance of managing their illnesses and improving their health.

They even live longer, Dr Andrew Powell, a member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, told a multi-faith meeting of mental health professionals, carers and patients in Avenue House, East End Road, Finchley, on Thursday last week.

Dr Powell, who edits the College's newsletter, told the meeting of more than 40 guests from all over the borough of Barnet, that scientific studies carried out by the medical profession in Britain and America in recent years prove that a belief in a higher power or higher consciousness is as valuable in the pursuit of sound mental health as traditional medication and therapy.

Dr Powell, a retired NHS psychologist, said it was unthinkable a few years ago for medical professionals in the fields of psychiatry and psychology to consider the value of spirituality in their ongoing search for better ways of treating mental health patients.

"But the time has arrived when many in my profession now believe a belief or faith in a higher consciousness is as important, if not more important, than conventional medicine," he said. "Quantum physics has provided an important platform for such a belief in recent years. There are many in my profession who now believe that medical science is the pursuit of helping the patient from the bottom up while a belief or faith in a higher consciousness is helping the patient from the top down."

Dr Powell, who was brought up in the Christian tradition', and has published medical papers in which he admits experimenting with LSD and mescaline with his professor's approval while studying medicine and psychiatry, was careful to make a distinction between religion and spirituality when describing what he meant by a faith in a higher power.

"I see the world's religions as rivers, all flowing into the same sea," he said.

During a question-and-answer session, which followed Dr Powell's talk, a member of the audience drew a round of applause when he described how he had witnessed what the doctor had described, first hand, after attending addicts' meetings He said: "People who have repeatedly failed to stop drinking or taking drugs for many years, miraculously stop when they find a higher power through Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous."
This has been the entire article. text text

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3 Nov 2004 @ 00:38 by spiritseek : I agree personally
I too have gone to AA and found that I could stop my addiction with God's forgiveness. I overcame my breast cancer with faith that God would help me to heal. A very good article for me and others,thanks.  

3 Nov 2004 @ 01:33 by swan : I am glad to read that the mental
health and medical profession are beginning to see the value of spirituality on health and wellbeing. As a mental health therapist working with clients who are suffering from mental illness, I see first hand the difference spirituality makes. My clients who are able to identify with a higher power are more hopeful and able to see options and feel a sense of support from something greater than them. Where as clients who do not identify with a high power are hopeless and give up much easier. The clients I work with are struggling with poverty as well as mental health. Thanks for the article and welcome to the newslogs.  

3 Nov 2004 @ 09:45 by shawa : Hi!
Welcome to the logs. :-)  

7 Nov 2004 @ 07:02 by Tim @ : Friends of Bill W.
Hey Jerry. Glad to see your Blog is up and running.
I too was a member of AA for 6 years. I can't know for sure if that - plus the ol' Higher Power Thang sustained me for that period, but it probably did. It has been said (and I think that research has found) that people who meditate on a regular basis are less prone to mental illness.  

2 Jan 2010 @ 08:20 by Kevin @ : Spiritual Psychiatry

I would like to bring your attention to the only spiritual psychiatry which has always been with us, but has been overlooked, or unfortunately forgotten by most people because it doesn't come easy. The benefits are much greater not only for society however, but for individual health as well. Please read the below for the only none occult method of spiritual enlightenment and healing.

Psychiatry - Spiritual not Pharmacutical

Mental illness there is a cure

Modern Psychiatry has played a role in society now since the middle 20th century. It is the new age science of the mind that some would have you believe is the be all solution through medicating patients. Unfortunately many people have horrific side effects from these medications, and for some medications don't seem to work. This is a problem especially when patients are constantly given new drug cocktails to find a chemical balance. This approach may help stave off some of the effects of mental illness, but can never cure it, as according to modern medicine it is a chemical imbalance in the brain, which as far as they know is genetic, or drug related. None know for sure as there is no scientifically proven cause, for this large issue in modern society. This is the same for Schitzophrenia, bi-polar disorder, Cronic fatigue syndrome, anxiety, and many other mental illnesses, which now require drugs to combat.


A cure that has been around for quite some time, a cure called spirituallity. I am not referring to any form of occult, withcraft, or other fake spiritual remedies brought about by so called spiritual healers, but of Christianity itself. If you are interested in hearing more read on.

What many people even some christians don't truly believe is that there are very real dark forces at work in our world. These are forces that want to destroy the strong, and rule the weak willed in our society. They have been around for longer than most of us can comprehend, and are at constant work behind the scenes. Some refer to these beings as Demons, others evil spirits, but one thing for certain is they can attack our minds even without us realizing it. These angels still maintain much of their supernatural abilities since their fall from grace, and can greatly affect your psyche in a negative manner with dark psychic energies at their disposal.

These fallen angels can affect you from the inside by attacking your spirit and soul, or from the outside by manipulating your mind/soul spiritually. This means affecting the chemicals in your brain in a negative manner, sometimes until a breaking point.

Why would the Lord Almighty, God of Creation allow this happen you ask? Think about it? When was the last time you thanked him for giving you life, which most of us have taken for granted everyday since our birth. When was the last time you thanked him for bringing his son Yeshua/Jesus Christ into our lives. Have you ever thanked Yeshua for his teachings and sacrifice on the cross for your very own sins, so that you could be forgiven and have your place in heaven. Have you ever thanked Mary the mother of Yeshua Christ for contributions as a revered mother.

If you have then you should also be sorry for any sins you have commited against God, or any other person you have wronged. You should also be able to forgive any who have wronged you in any way. You should also be willing to treat others with the same respect you feel you deserve. When you are able to accomplish these things then ask the following of both the Creator and Yeshua Christ who both have made tremendous sacrifces for us:

Please protect my spirit
Please protect my soul
Please protect my body
Please protect my place of residence

After you have done this then ask The Creator and Yeshua Christ to heal your spiritual illness.  

2 Jan 2010 @ 14:49 by jerryvest : Spirtuality and Mindfulness is
introduced in our center along with yoga, meditation, chigong, acupuncture, movement therapies to support the healing and rehabilitation of our soldiers and their families diagnosed with War PTSD and TBI. Seems it works and we are in the process of completing some research studies to determine the effectiveness of these interventions and practices. Integrative health combined with psychotherapy, group therapy and other therapy appears to be very effective. We also have weekly sessions with our Chaplain who helps soldiers examine their faith without bringing into the group discussion their religious beliefs. For more review of our Work, do visit our R & R Slide Show.

3 Jan 2010 @ 05:26 by lynda : Sitting In
I used to sit in AAA meetings with a dear friend as a support and also as a person who is interested in observing how people learn to help themselves.
I still wonder about this. Does a person have to (deep down in their soul and not just in front of a group) admit that they have no power over their addiction because they recognize that it has control over them. In order to regain control it is said in AAA (or this one anyway) that a person must give it to God and admit that they have lost the ability to control. Is it necessary to admit that you are incapable of dealing with an addiction in order to defeat it? Does one draw strength from God or from the group while working the program? In the end, is it not the very spirit that you seek to heal that is charged with the task of reordering your life. If you do not seperate your ability to deal with a monumental task such as dealing with addiction and give your own personal power away to the group or to God do you receive permission somehow to act from them alone because they now control your will or lack of it? If you do not acknowledge your ability to restore yourself to sanity and sobriety, being as vulnerable a soul as one can be at that time, are you able to determine what you must do? All that is left is to follow the group, the God, the book and have faith that you are saving your self? A very brave act by many and I won't say that I have not seen it work. I do find it fascinating.  

8 Jun 2011 @ 16:13 by Cures Riches @ : "the same sea"
I'm concerned that Silvio Berlusconi is pushing those religions into "the same sea". How much death will he be to maintain his spirit channel CANNIBAL secret?  

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