Seeds of Change - Heiner Benking's Blog - Tschernobyl - Chernobyl - 20 years later    
 Tschernobyl - Chernobyl - 20 years later
26 Apr 2006 @ 19:20, by Heiner Benking

I am upset and shocked when hearing about CHERNOBYL and energy-mixes where we compare the incomparable, sources with different life-time, impact or risks involved, just comparing "costs of the day".

Having done radioactivity mapping the week after Tschernobly and brought colour radioactivity maps to many local and regional groups, but also to administrations I learned a lot about how such maps were received, what went wrong like we had to adjust the colour scales of the legends, as the impact got worse, AND how people reacted when they first saw regional maps. They looked for their personal home and were concerned how they were impacted, ignoring the impact onto others which were maybe just on the other side of the mountain, or in other regions. They cared about what they could eat but not what the bigge could be and mean.

This is evolutionary and "normal" as the first survival reaction, but what shocked me no step back, no reflection, no concern for others, and no questioning of the frames of references, the scales involved, the infliction of suffering we cause by using certain technologies, not just for us but others and further generations.
I know we are "one-eyed" mentally and live in sweet conceptual isolation, but this can not help us to master future days and generations. Maybe look here at what I mean sharing fields of interests and concerns and go to "out of the box" thinking.
[link] or [link]

Late this night, I can not dig about and scan old map, but promise to do so, make links here, and discuss here what we can do, how we should and can do things and communicate differently, more shared, tacit and deep.

The issues to be raised here are across scales and sectors, they have to do with values, go beyond our scientific "box thinking", and have to do with an art of governance, what others call good governance. I can only recommend at this point in memory of Ralph Siu and his Panetics:
[link] and [link]

and 11 years ago the CAPACITY TO GOVERN 6 points to remember:

So what is needed are shared commons, (shared) compassion and shared values in clear contexts. I hope we can go with some further contributions beyond opportunism and ignorance in view of the suffering inflicted around the Tschenobyl event and how some scientists and media play with numbers and juggle with images without trying to see bigger pictures and confront long views. Maybe visit [link]

best for now

Please visit: [link] and [link] or [link]

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