Seeds of Change - Heiner Benking's Blog - Environmental Change & UN General Assembly or Security Council ?    
 Environmental Change & UN General Assembly or Security Council ?
3 Mar 2007 @ 21:55, by Heiner Benking

The British proposed to discuss Climate Change in the UN Security Council. This piece will look into challenges of discussing all complex matters with political relevance in the Security Council, How about discussing Health, Water, Powerty,... there as well. But also about how the UN and World Community can keep track of all the matters and how they connect? Also the reform of UNEP should be revisited - TO BE CONTINUED.

update March 29 PLEASE NOTE as the rumors below materialized:
A UN SECURITY COUNCIL thematic debate 17 April 2007 was announced at this EU2007's event:
Integrating Environment, Development, and Conflict Prevention – European and National Approaches and Challenges [link] - European Conference hosted by the German EU Council Presidency 2007, March 29 and 30, 2007
(a 4 pages draft dated March 22 was distributed and will be made available) by John Ashton
((John Ashton was before with: [link] and [link] He is now the Special Representative on Climate Change, UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, [link]))

The Secretary General of the UN mentioned to involve the UN General Assembly, the German Minister for the Environment thinks lound to involve/call the UN Security Council, the European Parliament is settling the Climate Crisis by agreeing on some goals.
News one day after the other. It looks good, Humankind had a wake-up call, but is that so? We know about the dangers, even the projections for climate change were little different 20 years ago, and if you see what has happend in the field of polution and conservation, see the trends in air traffic ....
Is it possible that the media, politics and public want to sleep again quietly - and go back to normal?

The German national state secretary for the environment Michael Mueller stated at a national press conference recently that the needed climate policies require:
1. another kind of thinking, 2. have to overcome turfs and disciplinary thinking, and 3. must be based on thinking which includes time or change as an extra dimension or category.

So we can tackle the complex challenges. But where are the ways and approaches to do just that?

We keep on trucking like before, involving broader and international bodies - this ideas will be soon forgotten, and are somehow inmature as for example the security council would need to be equiped and involve other thinking - see above - to be ready for new challenges.

We do not know about the arctic regimes [link] do not know lttle about the circular dynamic systems in the oceas and athmosphere, the times and dynamics involved, but think we can get back to "normal" as this is so convenient.
I recommend to read the lecture given by the founding editor of the International Encyclopedia of Systems and Cybernetics Charles Francois a few years ago in Berlin [link] and read more about him: [link] andçois

Instead of calling higher authorities to settle the matter we should act locally and start making lasting changes permanently - change the production systems and consumption styles, and to get the picture and the frames by revsiting the GLOBAL CHANGE exhibition form 1990 [link] where we tackeled the 3 requirements being put forward by our State Secretary above - and more on them since 1990 with Youth and people open or young in mind.

Wen now revisiting where Germany was in 1990 in the field of Global Change, not just global change research of some scientists, and how hard the fight was in 1995 in Berlin at the UN Climate Summit where we did not come to Kyoto, but had all issues and and all players within a radius of 1000 meters, then you see how delicate and important it mihgt be to get all players and cultures/sciences ont one table. We tried in 1995 to help plant trees and increase awareness, also with our "magic round tables". [link] Some of the right people have been there, but not enough !
PLEASE read these links carefully: [link] or [link] or: [link]

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