Seeds of Change - Heiner Benking's Blog - Berlin Conference 2010 and GYC Geneva, November    
 Berlin Conference 2010 and GYC Geneva, November
picture picture picture 11 Oct 2010 @ 05:48, by Heiner Benking

European and International Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change with this year’s topic: “Social dimensions of environmental change and governance”.
Busy and exciting Berlin Conference this year, again Friday and Saturday until late in the night with top partipants and in a very effective conference atmosphere.
Done by young scientists 10 years ago (now having grown up and still sticking to their stake) it in unique by its stringend blind rating of invited abstracts. We called it later at the beer table "blind dates" - as this method of anonymous selection has its pros and cons...
Me and my collaborators have for example did not get our two abstract "accepted" - and maybe the organizers should have a second look on the papers not fitting into the "box" of standard blind routines..... Maybe see the 2 proposals ((I will add here some remarks "on conferencing" later - meanwhile maybe check: Gov 2.0 - Stammtisch 2.0/3.0)).
but here and now I really want to go deeper and look into the TOP LEVEL invited plenary speakers
and some outstanding sessions and exchanges, and what that means for the
GLOBAL YOUTH CONFEERENCE GYC in Geneva, 8-11. November, the COP 16 in CANCUN, the MDGs and the preparations for Rio +20 in 2012.

I have selected some Powerpoints and will continue here in my preparations for GYC, so please come back here and maybe to Geneva !!
later added:

Rewarding for me were the opening and closing plenary Adil Najam and Klaus Töpfer, annd the split plenary by Roberto Guimaraes but also many other top papers. But what I want to focus here is my little question from the floor, (later here also Roberto Guimaraes question/concern) AND the answers of Klaus Töpfer which I will transcribe below a.s.a.p. as I feel it needs to be on record and is relevant to what we did at the COP-15, UNFCCC in Copenhagen -(pls. see slide 20-21 first) and for Cancun Dec 2010, Rio 2012, ...

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