Seeds of Change - Heiner Benking's Blog - World in Transition – A Social Contract for Sustainability    
 World in Transition – A Social Contract for Sustainability
picture picture 8 Apr 2011 @ 05:15, by Heiner Benking

yesterday we had an extraordinary National Press Conference- (BPK)
what a title: World in Transition – A Social Contract for Sustainability .

Flagship Report 2011 of the German Advisory Council on Global Change
Full text: to be published in fall 2011, Summary: (pdf, 6.5 MB) [link]

In this report, the WBGU explains the reasons for the desperate need for a post-fossil economic strategy, yet it also concludes that the transition to sustainability is achievable, and presents ten concrete packages of measures to accelerate the imperative restructuring. If the transformation really is to succeed, we have to enter into a social contract for innovation, in the form of a new kind of discourse between governments and citizens, both within and beyond the boundaries of the nation state.

lots to read "besides" yesterday and more to come ! so stay tuned and check this press-release by the WBGU: [link]

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