Seeds of Change - Heiner Benking's Blog - The Place of the Political in a Digital Mediaworld - 50 years DLF    
 The Place of the Political in a Digital Mediaworld - 50 years DLF
picture picture picture picture picture picture 6 Jan 2012 @ 21:25, by Heiner Benking

50 years celebrations of public media: DEUTSCHLANDFUNK - The Place of the Political in a Digital Mediaworld

German Radio celebrates 50th anniverary, teaming up with the bpb soon celebrating its 60th. So a "seasoned" exercise with lots of "expertiose" around and with a very timely theme !! - The Place of the Political in a Digital Mediaworld

But, too bad, heavy storm over Germany and no way to get this morning early 6+ hours to Cologne. Instead I hope to get most out of the Podcasts and Radio deliveries, check the tweets, and instead of F2F link to some people later. So please excuse my "2nd hand reporting" this time - but I feel that not only the title is soo exciting, but the topic as this was dear to me already long ago, so here a little "expertise" to check from where I am speaking: and some details at [More] below:

* 1994
WORLD BANK '94, John O'Connor: What is going on in ICT? about the New Media with WORLD BANKS John O'Connor looking into the INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY trends in 1993 ! Check out the mentioned "embryonic design" of the WORLD PRESS CENTER and my Knowledge Panorama Design: Panoramic Thinking and (Pointers to Possibilities
* 1996
New Spaces / NEW SPACE FOR CULTURE AND SOCIETY (NEW IDEAS IN SCIENCE AND ART Culture of Europe - Need for meta-paradigm/ (panoramic knowing and concertations)
100 years FID (International Federation for Information and Documentation): KNOWLEDGE ORGANIZATION: TOWARD THE 21st CENTURY - Concept and Context mapping: Towards Common Frames of Reference
* 1998
WORLD TELEVISION FORUM 1997 - Programming for People - From Cultural Rights to Cultural Responsibilities - Surviving Cyberculture's impact - what can be done!? Kofi Annan invited the media and civil society to the UN in NYC ....
* 2000
DIALOGUE AMONG CIVILIZATIONS, Volume II, Role of Culture in Dialogue among Civilizations, "Dialogue Toward Unity in Diversity" UNITY IN DIVERSITY, GLOBAL SCHOLARLY PUBLICATIONS with UN Kofi Annan again * virtual MMI Maastricht McLuhan Institute see also * United Nations (UN-AMR) 2008
* 2002
ISKO Granada: What do we need ? Where do we want to go ? - A Linguistic Turn ? , An Iconic Turn ? or a Pragmatic Spin ? - The construction and ethics of shared frames of references, in: Ethics in Knowledge Representation and Organization, in: Knowledge Representation and Organization for the 21stCentury: Integration of Knowledge across Boundaries" The Seventh International ISKO Conference, Granada, Spain, 10-13 July 2002,

* 2002 - 2012
see further down: Internet and Society - Open Government / 2.0 Plus Stammtisch 3.0 - Expertise Conferencing - Dropping Knowledge - ...

I could be weeping... Seeing it from today I feel: Nobody was in Charge (and typically is for larger topics), too few followed up and developed further what was there before the Internet so a lot was lost from ((not BC) but before BI (Before the Internet) so much was done in the mid 90ies from scratch, without "roots and wings" in mind, without a lot of available Sources, Concepts and Directions....!
So who is in charge now !? The People? in a Demosophia? or at Rio 20 ??
So can we respond to something we can not see or tough? Our Senses and reasoning is based on the tangible and "obvious", so what do we do with distant issues, issues which are intangible, virtual, or only distant so we can not check and compare with our "eperience"? Political Sciences call it the Problem of the levels or magnitudes, but they also have problems with other cultures, times, domains, sectors, ... So what can we do if we do not want to ignore what is political for us a local or global "community"? I can only invite to check: "GLOCAL", see what we worked on in the Konrad Lorenz Institute Konrad Lorenz Institute, or this Interview for EuropesWorld?

The matter of today is very close to me (so excuse emotions), not only the subject from yesterday about mindsets and mental models or the Internet and Society Institute so I felt alerted and make an extra day/night to cover the podcasts and TWITTER worlds as well. What I heard in the podium discussions so far was that much is "fiddling or crying in the dark" with too little Backgrounds, Ideas, Visions, Means and Approaches already there.....
At the podium they urge for example for a sorting by "relevance" but which cultures and receivers relevance?, who & where in space and time !?? They speak about the experienced living world want to arrange and classify (EIN-ORDNEN) and allot and assign (ZU-ORDNEN) without valid and transparent (embodied/concrete) order or schema ORDNUNG ! Speak PlastikWords, intangible, exchangeable, meaningless - lots of empty words without concrete ways, tools and ideas ! They speak about setting meaning - and I only think about the entry about Robert Jungks for NEW ENCYCLOPEDISTs and or DROPPING KNOWLEDGE "experiences" we had to make here in Berlin... Check it out in the links above and come back.

Tomorrow is another day ....
see ONLINE...
Now, we am presently here: SATURDAY 9.30 bis 10.30 Uhr Re-Think Journalism:
Politik und digitale Medien
Keynote Tim Grieve, Chefredakteur von POLITICOpro, Washington Diskussion Tim Grieve im Gespräch mit Steve Herrmann, Editor, BBC News Interactive, London Arne Klempert, Fleishman-Hillard/ Wikimedia Foundation Paul Lewis, Special Projects Editor, The Guardian, London Moderation: Dr. Ralf Müller-Schmid, DRadio Wissen

the quality and interaction of panelists was great - a whole chapter to write - bt lets see how the day goes on, now there is SPEED DATING !

I recommend to follow the TWEETS ! and these wide range of websites: [link] - - - [link] - - check the discussion and podcasts !!
check: Audio-Livestream Programmablauf als PDF-Dokument zum Download at: check: Live-Stream and the BLOGS !!
the polytechnical Students promise to have the docu and Videos uploaded in the next few days....

unfortunately only 100 followers presently: dlf50konferenz
@dlf50conf Darmstadt & Köln
h_da-Studenten twittern rund um die @Deutschlandfunk-Konferenz. [link] - tweets of h_da students about the conference #dlf50

when you speak German and are bored check: WISSEN


Politik und die Medien: Eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme
Internationale Konferenz zum 50. Jahrestag des Deutschlandfunk-Sendestarts
Der Fall Wulff zeigt: Digitale Medien bewegen sich mehr denn je zwischen aktueller Berichterstattung und journalistischer Relevanz. Der Deutschlandfunk und die Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung veranstalten derzeit einen Kongress zum Thema.
DRadio Wissen · Agenda
Sie können der Konferenz per Live-Stream folgen. In den Pausen übertragen wir das Programm des Deutschlandfunks.
Deutschlandradio · Dokumente und Debatten

siehe auch:

Der Ort des Politischen in der digitalen Medienwelt [link] PODCAST !
Chinas Mikroblogger

Das Internet ist zwar schon seit Jahren eine wichtige Plattform für chinesische Regierungskritiker - doch erst seitdem Mikrobloggs wie Weibo zu einem Massenphänomen geworden sind, hat es massiv an Einfluss gewonnen. Doch auch die Regierung nutzt die Blogs inzwischen gezielt für ihre Zwecke.

Hintergrund · 06.01.2012

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