Seeds of Change - Heiner Benking's Blog - Days of .... but please help ! and take note about ALS    
 Days of .... but please help ! and take note about ALS
picture picture picture 20 Sep 2012 @ 06:49, by Heiner Benking

We have presently around the UN very important celebrations: tomorrow the International Day of Peace and last week the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
I will not report as always about all these teleconferences and internal and external groups and sessions, but want to put out my name and the name of Angela Jansen! Angela started with us last night a project to present and publish a look into life when handycapped. She is very talented and active, but also very handicapped! you might have heard about amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). I feel it is very important that such a view from "inside" gets published ! so we started this crowd-funding effort: campaign link as we started it last night. Please check-out the campaign, see what Angela has done the last 8 years, I think it is really a story, and maybe help this project if you can ! Please check out the campaign: Like a phoenix from the ashes and this teleconference we did with
Angela Jansen in Turin at COGAIN some years ago...

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