Seeds of Change - Heiner Benking's Blog - Futures Studies - something for a Special & GLocal Interests Group (SIG vs.GIG)    
 Futures Studies - something for a Special & GLocal Interests Group (SIG vs.GIG)
picture picture 28 Jun 2013 @ 15:14, by Heiner Benking

First time since long reporting not from BERLIN ! so check-out why !!

The WORLD FUTURES STUDIES FEDERATION convenes every 2 years. I was around WFSF events 20 and 18 years ago - long ago, but this time I could not resist ! It is this year the 100th of Robert Jungk who helped not only around MANKIND 2000, but also in 1993 to get the WFSF going, so we celebrate the 40th Anniversary this year, see!? I could not resist...

Futures Studies - NOT Future Study !! Johan Galtung in our Workspace remembered Bob Jungk with him in Moscow in 1974. Nobody was interested in alternatives or plural futures ! So where are we now !? did we make the step beyond the binary, the plural, poly, trans, ... and beyond !? Or are we stuck in words, schools, "isms". Sometimes I wonder if we are not getting less open, more fenced and afraid of trespassers in our sweet "isolation" of our "turfs!" check: Handprintgs and Mindprints (not only Footprints): [link] and the Me, They, and the Others and their Position and Perspectives: [link]

The opening keynote by Jennifer Gidley is about exactly this! New Concepts, Paradigms, Knowledge. So let us see if this gets clear, real, and embodied, so we can not ony share, but collaboratively explore, negotiate, expand, transcend !! TRANSCEND !!

I came to do this event in Bucharest: [link] doing an Open Space or Open Forum like we did with Nadia and Tony already 20 years ago with these people - did DaZiBao and other efforts even earlier, so quite a challenge to see what is possible now and what was done after and in Rio 1992 !
WFSF was always difficult for me. After our breakthrough in 1993 not only in high level national media and with top academic credentials, and with youth and and:

So much time and effort was lost in 1993 and moreso in 1995, WFSF Nairobi, Africa Beyond Poverty. What a bold title, what a great chance, how little was achieved ! and has lasting effects ! [link] and see,!! [link]

Above is the MASTHEAD of the WFSF it says: Long term - Big picture - Radical change
You see I could not resits. So let us go for it ! and check what is "long, big, radical" and where and when !! for whom !

PLEASE see the invitation to our side-track "Open-Everything" sessions:

Workshop Space 1
BENKING Heiner will call-in invited and surprise participants.

Collecting, Mapping&Framing, Negotiating & Connecting for CoCreation and CoLaboration.

During an open-space dialogue format, support for collaborative approaches for SUSTAINABLE FUTURES CREATION. The idea is to revisit in a retrospective inquiry to the early days of ‘positive and willing futures’ in the 1960’s. During this time, the issues of normative, participatory, and prognostic futures were clarified by scholars like Jantsch and Oezbekhan. We must discuss how these “out-looks” are realized today and in the futures to come. ...
The first 10 minutes of the presentation .....

The first 10 minutes of the presentation will focus on the recent seminar and forthcoming publication with the title: Collecting, Framing, Negotiating, and Connecting: at the OAC Invited guests will deliver a 3-5 minutes teaser, which introduces content towards the publication. Another publication will be published by the 21stCentury Agora group. Its title is: “Strategic Articulations”. This publication will include the work on the ‘Global Challenges to Humanity’ that have been collected by the Millennium Project or how this could be applied to the Millennium or Sustainable Development Goals. (MDGs/SDGs).
I have reported below a few weeks ago: New Books: Strategic Articulations ... and Democratic Approach ... [link] and beside my invited commnent: A Mission Impossible or The Needed Critical Piece of the Puzzle? [link] I have prepared this handout which I wanted to distribute at our Worksspace 1 after we did some teleconferencing with Yiannis, Aleco, Flemming,... but as I describe later, we did not even do the Magic Roundtable, but did go into very meaningful delibeartions with Johan, Tony, Adrian, ... Roxana will report here later, but let me quote Johan Galtung: < or my interviews with Alexander Christakis on some of the roots of Futures Studies, General Planning and Model Theory, and General Systems Theory, and groups like the Club of Rome, .... EuropesWorld: [link]

Needless to say: The name of "Bob" Robert Jungk was around in many sentences as he was not only one of the inspirators of MANKIND 2000 and the WFSF, but aas we have to celebrate this year his 100th birthday. See: Robert Jungk and the need for Commons and a New Perestroika: [link] and PDF (100th Anniversary event in Berlin in Mai: [link]
see also the NEW ENCYCLOPEDIST ***** and Origins of Spreading "good (positive) News" ******

Johan for example remembered that he went in 1974 to Moscow to talk about Futures with an "s" - Futures in Plural !! and was received very tightlipped and cold as the Central Planning and Policy Committees had the ONE Future already planned and ready to be realized according to the "PLAN"
It took some time that Gorabachew introduced in Frankfurt in 1996 at our event with the Club of Budapest his new book on "new thinking" ..... see 22 years is only very short or long time in futures studies .... I will add here some links to old ViewsLetters later, but need to scan them first. Here you see "Gorbi" on the cover with Weizsäcker, later with Mohammed Yunnus and the group photo !! [link] ***** Well this was really a time of Futures Creation after the Wall had come down ... maybe also see "Breaking Down New Walls", Nobel Peace Laureats meeting 20 years after the wall had come down: [link]

Other input include the recent European Research Strategy Projects like CARDIAC and the “The Onlife Initiative Concept Re-engineering Exercise, Digital Futures”

Approximately 60 time-credit tokens are given to the circle during this “Magic Roundtable”. This allows participants to empower others to inquire and invite detailed outcomes. Materials, publications, projects, round-table “rules” and format will be updated at: [link] [here the hand-out]
Workshop Space 1
BENKING Heiner will call-in invited and surprise participants.

Collecting, Mapping&Framing, Negotiating & Connecting for CoCreation and CoLaboration.

During an open-space dialogue format, support for collaborative approaches for SUSTAINABLE FUTURES CREATION. The idea is to revisit in a retrospective inquiry to the early days of ‘positive and willing futures’ in the 1960’s. During this time, the issues of normative, participatory, and prognostic futures were clarified by scholars like Jantsch and Oezbekhan. We must discuss how these “out-looks” are realized today and in the future.

The first 10 minutes of the presentation will focus on the recent seminar and forthcoming publication with the title: Collecting, Framing, Negotiating, and Connecting: at the OAC Invited guests will deliver a 3-5 minutes teaser, which introduces content towards the publication. Another publication will be published by the 21stCentury Agora group. Its title is: “Strategic Articulations”. This publication will include the work on the ‘Global Challenges to Humanity’ that have been collected by the Millennium Project or how this could be applied to the Millennium or Sustainable Development Goals. (MDGs/SDGs).

Other input include the recent European Research Strategy Projects like CARDIAC and the “The Onlife Initiative Concept Re-engineering Exercise, Digital Futures”

Approximately 60 time-credit tokens are given to the circle during this “Magic Roundtable”. This allows participants to empower others to inquire and invite detailed outcomes. Materials, publications, projects, round-table “rules” and format will be updated at:
Structured Dialogic Design deliberation method is available in this paper:
or this new report: Strategic Articulations:
More about the Institute for Global Agoras here:
Also see: Watch out for:

CARDIAC Coordination Action Research and Developement … COST219 Accessible and assistive ICT with a view to identifying research & development gaps, emerging trends, and generate a research agenda roadmap. revised/overview.htm
“The Onlife Initiative Concept Re-engineering Exercise, Digital Futures”

Maybe check also these links: -
"Democratic [R]evolution” is the evolution of "Le Regard Democratique" blog

More about Magic Roundtables or Ideen, Innovation, Inspiration (I 3) = Stammtisch 2.0‎
In the stile presented around the Open Government Series we will try to include in the Stammtisch 2.0 and 3.0 Format also external contributions: some exercises for virtual time-credit allocations have been done recently:
We expect to convene casually in the next OPEN SPACES the other days in the programme or in the lobby, the bar, or at the pool, convenience and last results are all !
The People who are there are the right ones, bumble bees and butterflies alike.

Workshop Space 1 LIBRARY – SALA VIRGIL MADGEARU, Thursday 11:00

Heiner will call-in invited and surprise participants.

looking back – looking forward

Collecting, Mapping&Framing, Negotiating & Connecting
for CoCreation and CoLaboration-

Each person is given an equal number of beads, stones, or any tokens representing equal units of time. The total meeting time is divided into units matching the distributed tokens, thus valuing them. Each member then introduces her/himself, and if so desired, offers a topic for dialogue. Members then give tokens to others whose proposal or offer the group wants to enlarge from the selection offered in order to empower voices and joint interests, enlarge the flow in dialogue. This "voting or encouraging" continues as topics generate more or less "empathy" or concern; and as others join in the conversation can receive tokens as encouragement to continue with their line of thought. This open, transparent format can encourage inhibited people to participate and minimize domination by authoritarian types. In case of unexpected changes in meeting duration, the tokens can be re-/de-valued inflated/deflated to match the remaining available time. This method is one approach being highlighted in this paper: which might provide some general orientation.

The difference:
The unique difference to other "time credit" methods is that tokens represent not primarily speaking time, something you use up to the very end, everybody his personal budget or allotment, but to delegate and focus attention and interest by giving time to encourage and empower individual offers to the group in a dynamic fashion, so that the interest is higher as the values or quality of attention increases by "floating" embodied tokens which are given as presents or signs of encouragement during the process.

The procedure: 
All participants sit or stand in a circle. Maybe with an inner or outer ring, and often with spaces left for people moving into the circle when they have received time credits.
Typically a moderator or a volunteer who accustomed himself with the process will act as a time-keeper and independent guard of the common interest of the group.

After an introductory round of very brief offers of issues or topics (1-2 minutes maximum) of proposals participants want to enlarge - if they get "encouragement" tokens, all participants and observers are invited to give tokens offers they feel most important or worthy to discuss in the session. 
The moderator has distributed beforehand the amount of tokens equaling the minutes planned for the roundtable. So 60 minutes sessions and 10 participants - each person will receive 6 tokens (if 30 or 60 people are in the room, each receives or 1 respectively 2 tokens).

After this snapshot round of offers to the group the moderator invites all people to give their interest or empowerment tokens to the person they feel should speak up, maybe accompanied with a certain focus or question. After the above "sharing or distribution break" of a few minutes the moderator starts by asking or inviting the person which has received the most interest of visible tokens of embodied "interest" to start, if not someone else moves in.
This speaker can speak as long as he/she has time credits, which the moderator collects or monitors as “used up” by visualizing the time being already used from the visible "budget". The speaker can continue if so he/she receives tokens while speaking. If someone else might want to add onto the subject until his/her time budget is used up.
Short interventions while someone is speaking are not punished or encouraged as they might add-on to the issue, but are watched carefully by the moderator as they might interfere with the line of thought or the flow of the topic under discussion, and therefore are considered, even when adding only 3 words or one sentence as a full sentence as being one token used.

The method can be considered a self-organizing, open, transparent, dynamic and embodied way of participation and empowerment which cultivates differences and fosters co-creation.
See: Time- Cedits in meetings: [link] - Anna-Lindh-Salon: Global Agoras [link] 21stCenturyAgora


getting our acts together:

I have prepared 3 short pitches on how can jointly co-creatively and collabortively can go about with FUTURES CREATION. I mentioned Magic Roundtables, and the shared Cognitive Spaces in the Superstructure Cognitive Panorama, Structured Dialogic Design and work done in Research Strategizing (Christakis and Laouris), and DIY Futures and Positive News (Jungk, Abery, Funch) Femming Funch waiting for a Skype intervention. Maybe we should record them and make available online and in print !
WORK TO BE ADDED *************

Maybe this on Futures, Maps and Democracy from 2011 makes sense now:
Which Languages, Expressions, and Mindsets for Democracy and Capacity Building?
How can we express ourselves and share perceptions and assumptions more meaningful
and “contagious” in view of Global Grand Challenges?


and also this paper I prepared as a handout for this OPEN-FORUM OPEn-SPACE Workout here in Bucharest: ***********************

I am rushing now to some assemblies and later dinner gatherings, but stay tuned !! I will complete this very important event for me and OTHERs !? to quote Sohail Iyanatulla and his early internet site THE OTHERS.

besides - the event did not go as planned ! - even when it was not a bad plan !! but plans have to be alert and flexible - all eyes and ears and do the responsible best tehy can !!

So stay tuned, we discuss here the programme, outcomes, futures creation, tghe future of special and glocal generally concerened and responsible youth and elder leadership, and more...

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