Seeds of Change - Heiner Benking's Blog - Cathedrals of Culture - towards Co-Creation and an Emergent Collective?    
 Cathedrals of Culture - towards Co-Creation and an Emergent Collective?
picture picture picture picture 12 Feb 2014 @ 21:25, by Heiner Benking

great issues, maybe jumping too short?? - or hurray - finally we are comming to "grips" and commons and community? Concretely !!!? or just using another "plastic word" in vaporware?

One BERLINALE SPECIAL caught my interest: Cathedrals of Culture it is about the "Soul of Buildings". later we will check the positions, perspectives, and embodiment.

Top producers, directors and in-betweeners like Wim Wenders and Robert Redford. Have a look ! This is one, but a very special highlights of the Berlinale, a very Special - even Spacial (3D) production ! (do don confuse with spatial :)
Cathedrals of Culture - Kathedralen der Kultur

Here the official intro:
'If buildings could talk, what would they say about us?' Cathedrals of Culture offers six startling responses to this question. This 3D film project about the soul of buildings allows six iconic and very different buildings to speak for themselves, examining human life from the unblinking perspective of a manmade structure. Six acclaimed filmmakers bring their own visual style and artistic approach to the project. Buildings, they show us, are material manifestations of human thought and action: the Berlin Philharmonic, an icon of modernity; the National Library of Russia, a kingdom of thoughts; Halden Prison, the world’s most humane prison; the Salk Institute, a scientific monastery on the California coast; the Oslo Opera House, a futuristic symbiosis of art and life; and the Centre Pompidou, a modern culture machine. Cathedrals of Culture explores how each of these landmarks reflects our culture and guards our collective memory.

DIRECTORs: Wim Wenders, Michael Glawogger, Michael Madsen, Robert Redford, Margreth Olin, Karim Aïnouz

This 3-dimensional "immersion" into places and perspectives, being able to "resonnate" with impression we will not be able to perceive even when going there. So it is an extra and augmented reality [link] & [link] and we are getting closer to what creativity and imagination is like, getting to and into what is not there (yet!?).

and further down, the other highlight today is about the Cognitive "I" in the Einstein Forum in Potsdam: I, Darwin, free Monkey, Pondering about a Philosophy of Evolution: „Ich, Darwin, freier Affe“. Überlegungen zur Philosophie der Evolution. A lecture by Hans Werner Ingensiep, Professor für Philosophie, Zentrum für Medizinische Biologie, Universität Duisburg-Essen, [link]

Getting back to the Berlinale and Philharmony and the presentation of outstanding architectures and how they create community and performance, a body and "soul".
I am "touched" - all sennses - as my fatherly friend, protector, boss, for 20+years was the right had of Sharoun, his name: Alfred Schinz [link]

This day is about the cental issues in my Life, how to create and support comuntity, but not only in homes, buildings, compounds, but towns and regions, the scales, but not neglecting, but integrating scales!! and finding identity and creating a cradle for community. This has much to do with Doxiadis EKISTIC GRIDS [link] and and

Today I am "touched" as we need to go beyond the local - ego scale and add !! - NOT AS AN ALTERNATTIVE to the local and ego "I" - a broader mutti-scale and multi-modal perspective.
The lecture at EINSTEIN by Ingensiepen opened extra views ! We even talked later about PAUL and GRAZIA FEYERABEND - strange encoutners - maybe only Berlin can set the stage for such a full and deep, "mindful" events.

I will later dive into this linkage and how it "drives" me. How my mind-architectures and dialogue, community building and peace-making have a common direction for me. During teh film I immediately thought about how to not only build buildings, but villages and towns. Can there be a community "spirit"?, talking like in the film where the building is speaking and story-telling ! One example for me is the story of Manu, which I mentioned in many articles and essays: Google helps me to remember this contribution: [link]

We need to gtalk about Positions, Perspectives, Signs, Superstructures and Supersigns, Models and Frames - a good start is this book by Ingensiep: The cultured Monkey/Ape: [link] and we will need to talk about Emergences, Models, Signs, Community Building and Peace Making...
here some links to get started:
Me, We, You, Others,... Models: [link]
Super Signs/Structures: [link]
more later....

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