Seeds of Change - Heiner Benking's Blog - Re-Inventing Foreign Policy? 60 years DGAP    
 Re-Inventing Foreign Policy? 60 years DGAP
picture picture 25 Feb 2015 @ 22:04, by Heiner Benking

The German Foreign Office introduced REVIEW - crisis - order - Europe - a year log process to revisit Foreign Politics - WEITER DENKEN - thinking beyond.
this is the REVIEW website: [link]

check also DGAP

I made a lot of notes about how to go beyond extremes, a praise of the in-between.
So some back as MASS und MITTE - or ORDER and MENSURA are important themes for me. Both make sense with shared frames and scaffoldings of reference and by including "workspaces of the mind".

I have just read last months SPIEGEL interview with Michael Gorbachew: [link]
He makes very clear where the deep rifts are between our mind-sets. He feels we should widen our reality beyond right-wrong, east-west, ... and this is what he publish in the NEUES DENKEN - New Thinking 20 years ago. But did we make it real and shared?
I also recall the Spectrum - the In-Between - maybe we should check the new report how "beyond" and "in-between" solutions have been explored and will be implemented.

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