Seeds of Change - Heiner Benking's Blog - Future Cities, colourful, alive, participative in slow&deep democracy/particip    
 Future Cities, colourful, alive, participative in slow&deep democracy/particip
picture 28 Mar 2015 @ 15:06, by Heiner Benking

Citizens for Europe (SfE) : Initiating Change in Europe since 2010: Celebrate Participation, Diversity, and Citizenship [link]
An OpenSpace - With the title:Future Cities: Stadt der Zukunft: bunt, lebendig, partizipativ, [link]

A great event - Dead-tired I wanted only to check who is around - but stayed all day - as the 3 themes very well match ! and reinforced each other ! and last not least an Open Space with buffet and great catering, so all the butterflies and bumblebees can meet at the bar, pool, or chill out outside or at the sofas.In one word: Very intensive and no bore any time, as you honour in such a gathering the group or circle by leaving it !
and I was agasp by the particiants, deep, experienced, varied, attentive, young, ....
I need to add ere the outcomes and share them asap......
I will also add some links and feel there will me more to be added ! pls. check the website !

Well, maybe in a nut-shell: I was great to be able to discuss magic roundtables and the SDP in the Global Agora and have a bunch of great participants, experts in all field and sectors connected to my 1st track, 1st session open-spce round on factors od sucess, and failure: Gelingen und Scheitern, Challenges, Lessons learned and best practices ! And I was able to tell some stories from CHANCE 2000, [link] Wahlkampfzirkus - Roundtables, .... We learn to Speak (up) - Wir lernen sprechen: [link]

The other far out session was on SLOW DEMOCRACY !! check the docu ! and the workgroup to discuss future activities of CfE where I proposed something around perfomance and deliberations, and mentioned our CAP MAGIC ROUNDTABLE as we did it recently for the CEC CAPS introduction in Berlin ******
and the Madrigal Sea, [link] a project from 1993 where "on stage" the Madrigal Sea was brought "onto stage", We said we do it next around the Black Sea, [link] actually what we had "in the oven" as one way to go for the region - and maybe now in co-op with CfE !?

Maybe also check: Beyond Pitching - harvesting pitches, collective solution augmentation and .... [link]

I enjoyed the day as it was a day for stories, storytelling and reflecting slow and deep the ways, means , and ends with very bright students and professionals....


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