Seeds of Change - Heiner Benking's Blog - The Digital Turn - New Competences Made in Europe    
 The Digital Turn - New Competences Made in Europe
picture picture picture 10 Sep 2015 @ 11:33, by Heiner Benking

The digital "hype" conference series (theme week digital turn) goes on with the ELIG days: check also: goto: #ELIG15 and #digiturn and maybe also: #ecBER15 and @educamps

Again I wonder how we can bring together needed old and new skills and competences. What I heard the last days is not answering my question about the need for common frames for the "turns" and new ones to come.

I can only repeat to revisit my slides from Saturdays Wake-Up Call: What is the next "turn"?
Hopefully the time is right for integrative, eclectic old&new approaches. See also: URL: digiturn

Below is more about ELIG, fist time there is something in English. check [More below] but also: ACSI: [link]

I repeat here a selection of slides from Saturday. So maybe we start so constructive discussions on Old and New Turns and Turfs, and include the Human Dimensions requested in the opening talks today !
As the Humboldts where mentioned again and again I repeatedly shared the HIIG event on the issue: EXPLORING THE DIGITAL FUTURE: it is not only about the Humboldts, but Hegel, Fichte, Schleiermacher, Hufeland,.... and in the center ! General Geography: Carl Ritter

Needs to be edited !!

ELIG Berlin intro:
In Berlin, the town of Wilhelm von Humboldt, this year’s ELIG conference is sparking a debate on how the classical education ideal of empowering the individual to lead a self-determined, active and responsible life translates into modern society. What skills are needed to become an active builder of opportunities in an increasingly interconnected world? The conference will investigate how the development of digital competences can be supported on a broader scale than today in all levels of the European education systems and investigate trends and leading examples of corresponding learning innovations from the viewpoint of educational providers as well as institutions.

Die European Learning Industry Goup (ELIG) ist ein Zusammenschluss namhafter Verlage, Hochschulen und Technologieunternehmen mit dem gemeinsamen Ziel, das Lernen in Europa zu verändern. Partner der Veranstaltung sind der Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft, das Hochschulforum Digitalisierung und die Fernuniversität Hagen.


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