Seeds of Change - Heiner Benking's Blog - Which Train ? - Which Commons, Maps, Schaffoldings, Skeletons, & Grids/Frames..?    
 Which Train ? - Which Commons, Maps, Schaffoldings, Skeletons, & Grids/Frames..?
picture picture picture picture 16 Dec 2015 @ 05:25, by Heiner Benking

Last night I had the discussion I was waiting for since a few weeks.

Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC), the Institut für Weltwirtschaft Kiel, and the Hertie School of Governance hosting a review panel on the outcomes of the UNFCCC last week in Paris: Where are we going? Where is the train going after the COP21 in Paris? which train, which track, which direction, and stops ? A lot of questions pop-up...

Startbahnhof Paris: Welche Route nimmt der Klima-Zug? - Diskussion der COP21-Ergebnisse Mit Ottmar Edenhofer, (Direktor, Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC)), Jan Minx (Professor für Science Policy and Sustainable Development, Hertie School & Leiter der Forschungsgruppe „Angewandte Nachhaltigkeitsforschung“, MCC), Sonja Peterson (wissenschaftliche Geschäftsführerin & Senior Researcher „Umwelt und natürliche Ressourcen“, Institut für Weltwirtschaft Kiel), and Franzjosef Schafhausen (Leiter der Abteilung Klimaschutzpolitik, Europa und Internationales, Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit (BMUB)). Moderation: Korbinian Frenzel, Deutschlandradio Kultur

We discussed at the Hertie School of Governance which direction the Climate Train should take after Paris ! Read from Richard Heinberg (forthcoming): Renewable Energy After COP21: Nine Issues For Climate Leaders To Think About On The Journey Home

I immediately tweeded: Which directions/options for the train are on the table? First we have the main directions of the windrose, should the train should go west-bound or south-bound? and which goal are we focussing on? SDG 14: Climate Action !? only?
Should we also go via Agriculture, Soil, Water/Oceans,.... all the 17 other SDGs? A stop-over around Financial, Security, Health, ... Goals?
WHICH ONES!? Here I give Examples as I requested in my question from the floor?: check this footnote about leverage solutions projects im my "viewing/connecting SDGs" article from September 2015 see the link: BLUE-GREEN Leverage Solutions

We also summed up after Rio 92 that a central and governing idea in the CSD process was "COMMON FRAMES OF REFERENCES" - I mentioned that elsewhere as this is what NOEL BROWN UNEP_RONA recalled. (I based on this here for him in 1994 at the FIG XX).

At the panel:
Franzjosef Schafhausen mentioned carbon sinks and agriculture and with Ottmar Edenhofer we looked into the next SDG roadmaps. I moved on last night to the BOELL FOUNDATION to check out ALTERNATIVE TRACKS and WAYS to go: Die Zukunft unserer Agrarlandschaft - Vortrag von Michael Succow [link]

Berlin is a HUB .... but let us better continue with the Hertie/MCC event report below:

I am aware of the calls to action by out German WBGU or what Hansen, the Relions and the Pope, or about "postcarbon" "back from Paris" (see above) and Renewable Energy After COP21 and I have been thinking lots the last weeks about the "travels" and "destinations", not this time in the beehive of the COP CMP maze in Paris. Instead I considered my "footprint" and prefered getting some distance as a help or "Kunstgriff": (bird's eye view) see "Change the Optic":. So let us change positions, lenses and perspectives AND consider meta-paradigms: [link], looking beyond COP1 - COP15 - COP21. For some COPs I was in the past really giving physically all possible to add to the "process" - but also all these other COPs around Summits, Comissions, Conventions, .... where many contributed towards many ends.... and learning about the wording and bracketing, what do we include/exclude?, and foremost what do we mean by certain terms in certain "conventions"?
"Crisis" in UN, CSD RIO+, or ESD gatherings. check (2009) FOR BOLD DELEGATES [link] this is the "hand-out" we delivered at the UN for all Delegations in the GA: [link]

Watch your handprint & mindprint - also in times of crisis ...
Seeds of Change - Heiner Benking's Blog - Bonn events: Watch your handprint & mindprint - also ... Bonn events: Watch your handprint & mindprint - also in times of crisis summits. picture 5 Apr 2009 @ 04:19, by Heiner Benking

besides hint for searchers: I often use these 2 search "engines" into my repositories blog - this "quergeist" site: [link] or jump-pages

Why this stepping back in view of all this experience around negotiations and implementations the last 40 years !? Why the hell?
Presently I am preparing a contribution / interview-style for a handbook for *** forthcomming early 2016. So watch out ! All these "experts" always invite to read "their books" - to their selling out, selling futures, so why not this time use this occasion to step back, get a hight stand, take personal viewpoints out, before taking the train from PARIS to where !? ******

Check also: WATCH YOUR METAPHORS and spacial/embodied METAPHORS. Interface Design: Spatial Metaphors and think them though in the lifeworld and not just in dualistic & nominalistic symbolic flatlands !! (plastic-words).
work in progress: meanwhile check: HUMANITY DESTINED ? CHALLENGES - SHOW OR SCHAU?

and UN AMR 2008 [link]

and COP1: ******** see 1995 [link]

see 1993 SuperStructure [link] and Supersigns and SuperStructures [link]


Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC), das Institut für Weltwirtschaft Kiel und die Hertie School of Governance laden Sie herzlich ein zur Diskussion der COP21-Ergebnisse:

Startbahnhof Paris:
Welche Route nimmt der Klima-Zug?
15. Dezember 2015 | 18:30 - 20:00 Uhr
Hertie School of Governance | Friedrichstraße 180 | 10117 Berlin

Gespannt wartet die Welt auf das Ergebnis des Weltklimagipfels. Werden die Verhandlungspartner in Paris am 13. Dezember ein Ergebnis vorlegen, das den Erwartungen gerecht wird? Werden sie eine Route vorgeben, mit der eine ausreichende Begrenzung der Erderwärmung erreichbar ist?

Unmittelbar nach dem Abschluss der Konferenz analysieren Experten der Hertie School of Governance, des MCC, des Instituts für Weltwirtschaft Kiel sowie des BMUB die Gipfel-Ergebnisse. Was bietet das neue Abkommen an Substanz jenseits der Rhetorik des guten Willens und welche Bedeutung wird es für die künftige Klimapolitik und die Dekarbonisierung der Wirtschaft in Deutschland, Europa und weltweit haben?

Ottmar Edenhofer, Direktor des Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC)
Jan Christoph Minx, Professor für Science Policy and Sustainable Development an der Hertie School; Leiter der Forschungsgruppe „Angewandte Nachhaltigkeitsforschung" am MCC
Sonja Peterson, wissenschaftliche Geschäftsführerin und Senior Researcher „Umwelt und natürliche Ressourcen", Institut für Weltwirtschaft Kiel
Franzjosef Schafhausen, Leiter der Abteilung Klimaschutzpolitik, Europa und Internationales im Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit (BMUB)

Das Gespräch kann bei einem anschließenden Empfang fortgesetzt.

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Helmut K. Anheier, Präsident, Hertie School of Governance

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