Seeds of Change - Heiner Benking's Blog - baumschlager eberle 2226 – a build Manifesto    
 baumschlager eberle 2226 – a build Manifesto
picture picture picture picture 13 Apr 2016 @ 21:49, by Heiner Benking

Yesterday AENBC around AEDES had a very interesting and central event !
baumschlager eberle 2226 – ein gebautes Manifest

Building differently !

I asked some questions and feel his contribution is really important for the "build environment" I mentioned Tolba recently and I feel we need to go back to Square One in many of our societal questions. Building and Infrastructure is but one.
I indroduced myself with the standard quote of my "profession": "Wer viel mißt, misst viel Mist" - this has to do not only with the "big data- big noise problematique" but that we have k.o.-criteria in certain slots or segments/trades and have missed the bigger picture. And this is what the problem of our constructions is about - inefficent, waist of engery, missing overall design according to the human scale!

Eberle has been building examples - for example with his 2226 - but as he is out of the box and so not prize-worthy - and so the journals and general public has a chance to avoid central questions !

He mentions a science based on praxi - even maybe more radical than Leibniz, asking us to follow the craftsmen - who have without formulas a "best praxis". I asked him about his teacher and his approach to traditional and local colorit expertise and implementation in China, India,... and he responded very positively. WE have to build according to the environment and the needs of the people, not technology or convenience driven .... Ecclectic Sceinces, Bricoleur, Citizen Sciences and discussed more recently came up - as further questions, ... but maybe another time !!
I had heard the name of his teacher Anton Schweighofer from my boss Alfred Schinz [link], but he was not aware of that connect between the need for searching for other building traditions in cultures with different climate, materials, conditions, requirement. We agreed to maybe explore this again.
I feel always good when people mention their "traditions" or at least give some "foundations" so you can imagine the base, toots and wings...

I strongly recommend to visit: Baumschlager-Eberle [link] and come back - WORK IN PROGRESS ...

More to come...

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