TIME 2 WAKE UP - Category: Articles    
 MANIFESTING HEAVEN ON EARTH - Part 1 of 2 by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles1 comment
pictureTuesday, September 12th 2006
MANIFESTING HEAVEN ON EARTH - Part 1 of 2 by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles [link]

Precious Hearts, in alignment with the request of the Company of Heaven, I AM writing this article on September 7, 2006, within the embrace of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. This Divine Light is amplifying exponentially the activities of Light that were victoriously accomplished during the 20th Annual World Congress On Illumination, which took place on the Island of Kauai in Hawaii, August 12-17, 2006.

Through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, another vitally important facet of the unfolding Divine Plan has been fulfilled. Once again, it has been demonstrated by our mighty I AM Presence that the Light of God is ALWAYS Victorious and that WE are that Light. The joy and gratitude pouring forth from the Heavenly Realms to all of the Lightworkers around the globe is truly wondrous.

During the first eight months of 2006, Saint Germain and the Legions of Light serving Life through the gifts of Violet Flame assisted Lightworkers around the world to purge literally tons of the discordant energy associated with Humanity’s human miscreations. After that intensified purification, another activity of Light took place during the 20th Annual World Congress On Illumination. The miracles that occurred during that time frame changed the course of direction for Planet Earth.

During that Cosmic Moment, the patterns of perfection from the original archetypes in the Garden of Eden were reactivated. These archetypes are encoded with the perfection of Heaven on Earth. They had been held in dormancy within the Etheric records of Kauai since Humanity first fell from Grace aeons ago. The initial impulse of the fall took place on the ancient continent of Lemuria, which was once a large land mass in the Pacific Ocean. The Hawaiian Islands are remnants of Lemuria.

After the activation, the Company of Heaven and the I AM Presence of every Lightworker around the world projected the patterns of perfection into the voids that were left behind by the Violet Fire purging. These newly-reactivated patterns of Heaven on Earth have been permanently encapsulated in God’s unfathomable Light. They cannot be contaminated by Humanity’s lower consciousness. At long last, the voids where darkness previously dwelled have been sealed forever.  Read More

 Susan: Could you define ascension for us please?1 comment
pictureFriday, September 1st 2006
Almine: We group a lot of things under that word.

For me, true ascension happens when someone manages to vibrate their frequency to what is the God Mind of the planet. That is where the Ascended Masters are, or the Brotherhood of Light. Whatever one wants to call them, they are those who have overcome all things while in the flesh. In true ascension, I believe we vibrate in the upper Sixth Dimension.

Then there is Cosmic Ascension. That is when the entire Cosmos is moving toward a turning point where the outbreath of God becomes the inbreath of God.

What most of the New Age community is speaking of now is what could be called Planetary Ascension. This is where a segment of the population vibrates in Fourth Dimensional reality. And it does look to me as though it's going to be only a segment, because I'm being told that there will be a segment left behind.

I asked a question about this and the answer came in a dream. In this dream, I was walking around in a supermarket where everyone was interacting, but some of the people could not see the others. Some of the shoppers were in their own world and did not realize that others were moving amongst them.

That dream was not necessarily a vision, but it did indicate to me that the biblical prophecy will be fulfilled, where Jesus said that if two were sleeping in a bed, on that night one would be taken and one would remain.

For those who are vibrating up into the Fourth Dimension, I think they will simply find that life is changing for the better.

I find myself that some days I wake up and every object — trees, earth, rocks — is vibrating at a new level, singing a new song. This new song is also mentioned in the bible, in Revelations.

If we can move up gradually and successfully, we may not even realize that the change has happened.

Susan: Drunvalo feels that the change has already happened and we can't see it because there's a veil.

Almine: I think that's partly true, but I don't believe we've made it all the way. It's my belief that we've made the first overtones to get to where the bulk of us will be residing. But when we have fully arrived, light will look different. It will look as though things are lit from within. No shadows.  Read More

 Humans are composed of seven energetic bodies of differing wave lengths0 comments
pictureWednesday, August 23rd 2006
Believers in ascension propose that humans are composed of a physical body and a soul, both of which are composed of energy. As physics has revealed to us, everything is composed of energy. Even if we cannot physically "see" something (radio waves, X rays, etc.), that energy exists at various frequencies and with the proper medium we can experience at least the effect of these energies.

In the theory of ascension, it is assumed & written that humans are composed of seven energetic bodies - physical, etheric, astral, causal, mental, celestial, and Christ bodies.
The physical body is at the lowest frequency, and each of the successive bodies exists at higher frequencies. Each of these energetic bodies is essential to maintaining the harmony between the physical body and the soul.

The bodies are related to the seven main chakras, which correspond with specific endocrine glands.  Read More

 What is really happening on Planet Earth? By Tony Wicks7 comments
pictureWednesday, August 16th 2006
As incredible as it may seem to many people, humanity on Earth is in the process of an evolutionary change in how we experience life. We are to become a galactic civilization, interacting positively with the many star system civilizations in our galaxy and universe, and indeed other universes. It is our true destiny to change from a society based on fear and competition, to one based on love, peace, and harmony. The current chaos is merely part of the quickening change.

* Living The Holographic Heart ~ quote from Circle of Light:*Spiritual Food* "Once your heart is fully awakened to its place as the center of it all, then everything that you bring into it or allow to touch it, to touch your heart, becomes for you a gift of experience and of the ability to Love, and begins to create the living dance that is the holy communication of every life with every life, through the gateway that is you. I want you to live in reverence, every day expanding that which you believed your experience to be, into the Real experience of your heart."

* I'm not Kryon but I do have direct experience with THE GREAT CENTRAL SUN I have experienced it or at least IT'S great River of platinum white light energy flowing both to and from the source energy local'` of every atom of this Earth, whom we all are, and whom is externalizing in and as the "Relationship of life forms" in all of our dimensional perspectivs and all of our earthly dimensional selves. Some call source GOD but who and what is the original SOURCE of all Cosmic and Universal creations to date? Ans: GOD is ALL THAT IS.

* Folding Time & Space in GOD's Name It happened so fast that we have no rational idea of what actually happened. All we know is we made it through without a scratch and Janet, age 12, is the witness. All we could guess is that we were "2 or more gathered together at THAT MOMENT agreeing in the name of GOD" and when we asked, "GOD removed the mountain" just for that ONE moment of passage.

* How I Met God, "This is the West isn't it?" Picture it: my age 25, with 2 young children and the whole world is pressuring us to be baptized and join a church. My prayer was: "GOD! You did it for Moses you can do it for me!!"

I got my answers in a dream. I still live by those answers. Read my story and see what you feel. I found our that the LOVE OF GOD is the total answer. What do you think? Comments welcome so fire away...

* What is Ascension and how does it apply to me? Ascension is a many splendored thing and is personally experienced by any and all who make the 100% choice to do so instead of the popular departure from this dimension of Earth ~ commonly called death. Actually many of us have ascended already and then chosen through Love's call to come back into this dimension to help and assist with the manifestation of Earth's Planetary Ascension which is in process now as we speak.  Read More

 HO'OPONOPONO by Joe Vital 10 comments
pictureThursday, July 27th 2006
"Two years ago, I heard about a therapist in Hawaii who cured a complete ward of criminally insane patients--without ever seeing any of them. The psychologist would study an inmate's chart and then look within himself to see how he created that person's illness. As he improved himself, the patient improved." View online here  Read More

 Global Warming: 0 comments
pictureThursday, April 13th 2006
AND... What the paid USA media ISN'T TELLING YOU !

Is "all this Ascension stuff" for real, or is it just the imbecile fantasy of people deeply divorced from reality? Here is what the media never tells you, at least not all at once.

We all know that the Earth is experiencing global warming and other changes, whether the petroleum giants like it or not. Just read the headlines.

What we may NOT know is the following:  Read More

 The Fabric of Your Reality Holds Many Frequencies - from the Hathors...1 comment
pictureFriday, March 17th 2006
[March 2006 SEDONA Journal of EMERGENCE
by The Hathors through Tom Kenyon [link]

We wish to address four levels that are interreacting and affecting the fabric of your reality. These are the cosmic realm, the heliosphere, the magnetic field of your planet and terrestrial politics. We begin with the cosmic realm, for this is the most intangible and yet the most powerful.

There are continual emanations of energy and consciousness not yet detected by your science, and these energies permeate all space. These energies are an _expression from the mind of God - to use a very anthropomorphic term that reduces the Mystery into human perspective. From our perspective, "God" is a very limited concept. The Mystery encompasses all that is, and the very stars and galaxies and all heavenly bodies comprise the celestial body of the Mystery Itself.

>From the heart of this Mystery there is a calling forth of a greater awareness of Itself, as It expresses in all worlds, even unto and especially your world. We will say more about this in a moment. But for now, we wish to broaden your understanding of the cosmic realm.


The lines through which these energies flow from the heart of the Mystery intersect the central sun of your galaxy, and from here they radiate outward into all solar systems that comprise the Milky Way galaxy. You might think of it in this way: The Earth holds many frequencies. It is cosmically very much like a giant tuning fork. When the right note is struck, a tuning fork begins to vibrate spontaneously. The Mystery is striking the chord that awakens the tuning fork of Earth, so Earth itself begins to vibrate in a different way, and this is very much related to the changes in your magnetic field and to the heliosphere.

Your Sun is changing its composition. Its energy field, or aura, is called the heliosphere. It is expanding and growing larger, and its energetic effects are more pronounced. Sunspot activity is only one small part of the transformation of your star. It is, in some ways, an _expression of the calling of the Mystery, for the Sun is also vibrating like a tuning fork to the cosmos, but it does this differently than Earth, for they are different celestial bodies and possess different levels of consciousness.

The frequency that is striking the tuning fork, if you wish, of Earth is affecting many levels, but especially the molten lead core of your planet, and these fluctuations are responsible for the flux and the changes in your magnetic field. Magnetic north is moving; it is not static. It is like a giant oscillator, and indeed, it is oscillating to the tuning fork of the planet. For in reality, it is the tuning fork, and it is responding to the calling of the Mystery that is striking the central sun and your galaxy, the Sun of your solar system and the heliosphere and the magnetic field of your Earth, even down to the very physical constituent of its core. As a result of this, there is also increased pressure within what you would call the volcanic lines.

Furthermore, your memory is very much a function of the magnetic field-of three fields, actually: the field of the brain, the field of your body itself and the magnetic field of the Earth. Since the magnetics of the Earth are wobbling, so to speak, memory is becoming a challenge for many people. We see this only continuing to escalate, so individuals must find ways to stabilize or strengthen the magnetic force fields of their nervous systems and bodies. To assist with this, we suggest that people increase and balance the minerals within their bodies.


Fundamentally, the soil from which you grow your food is depleted of minerals. It is an _expression of your dying ecosystem, so one has to do what one can to increase the mineral content of one's diet. Practically, this would mean eating foods grown in enriched soils as opposed to commercially grown foods, such as food grown by agrobusiness. By sprouting organic grains, there is an increase in mineral content. The only way to be sure that one's mineral content is balanced is to have a test done, but that is impractical for many people, so eating foods grown biodynamically and organically is a more practical solution. Living foods-foods still rich in enzymes-will assist, as will the act of blessing your water before you drink it.

Water is a living consciousness and is highly receptive to the thoughts and emotions of humans, so by connecting to water as a conscious being-what we refer to as LEEM-the vibrational quality of the water increases, and one actually introduces a higher vibration that has strengthening qualities, but the mystery of it is that it is consciousness. It is consciousness that is affecting the water and causing it to step up in frequency. This then affects the physical matter of the body. Consciousness affecting matter and matter affecting consciousness, this is how it works.

*Click on Your Country 2 ENTER then see *Body Balance* The liquid Super-Food from Land & Sea*


Now, to the terrestrial politics of your planet. It is a three-ring circus whose size and scope has never been seen before upon this Earth. But before we address this, we would like to place it within a specific context.

This is a universe of duality. Consciousness moves forward or backward, not with unerring or certain steps, but with great uncertainty, randomness and serendipity. Just as the cosmos, the Mystery, is sending forth Its calling, an impulse to increased awareness, the tuning forks of the celestial orbs respond, each in their own way according to their nature. The central sun of your galaxy is responding to this calling to awaken quite differently than the molten core of your Earth. The Sun of your solar system is also responding in its own unique way and so too is every human upon your Earth, for all humans have magnetic fields and a quality of consciousness that is unique-the tuning fork that is their being responds to the calling in unique ways.

Having said this, we can group the human family into two groups: what we would call life affirming and life negating. The irony is that each of these groups would accuse the other of being the negative, but *it is all the play of dualistic evolution*: antagonistic forces brought together at the same moment in time and space. There are persons in many places of power throughout the Earth who respond to the calling of the Mystery with paranoia, fear and the need to control. Many of these camps are in control of your media, your corporate bases of power and the political cabals that rule your planet.


It is an odd time on your planet, but then every time on your planet has been odd. Yet this time is especially odd, because as the Mystery sends forth Its calling to a greater awakening in all the worlds, your world seems wrapped in a drama in which a few gamble for the control of your destiny. We do not offer you advice on how you might deal with this, for we are not of your world and it is your responsibility to re-create your world as you desire and hopefully not according to others' desires. But we will say this: Understand that you are in the midst of a great evolutionary drama of immense cosmic proportions and that what is happening here is but a small reflection of a vast drama that is occurring throughout the cosmos.

Do not be disheartened by the duality. It is the nature and the fabric of your universe. Regardless of what seems to be happening around you, find a way to live in joy and appreciation, for these harmonics of emotion are evolutionary agents, and they will raise you to a place in consciousness where you are less affected by the lies and manipulation of the powerbrokers.

© 2006 by Tom Kenyon

P.O.Box 98 Orcas, WA 98280
e-mail: office@tomkenyon.com
Posted by Freo`7 [link]  Read More

 HOW 2 Escape The Goal Setting Trap0 comments
pictureSunday, January 22nd 2006
Learn How You Can Escape The Goal Setting Trap + 7 Secrets of Realizing Your Life's Passions!!

Why do so many people set new years resolutions and goals yet never reach them? There's a FAR simpler way to create what you want in life (and it's not what you think). Discover how Dream-Minder can help you create what you want with less effort than you've ever imagined. Key Words: LESS EFFORT

I, Brenda purchased this program right before Christmas `05 and the EASE with which I am actualizing my heart's desires IS PHENOMENAL, so far this month! I have BREATHED through blocks I had no idea I had with no pain and suffering. Each new day has been a totally new perspective within my VERY SAME LIFE.

I LOVE THIS PROGRAM and want to sing it's praises to the house tops!! It is like this Dreams Alive program called Dream Minder, has completely bi-passed my ego and called my subconscious into complete cooperation!

Is it really possible to be deleriously happy? Well I am the living proof 22 consecutive days of JANUARY 2006 - steady as she goes, so far!!

Visit Dreams Alive website

From a happy Dream-Minder Dreamer:

"Following the principles of Dream-minder, I have achieved results and received opportunities beyond my imagination and I have had fun in the process. **The neatest part is that while I give myself credit for taking action, there is no ego trip involved.**

I have an overwhelming sense of joy and gratitude that when someone seeks to share their dreams peacefully, God and this Universe will work out the details. There is a reason that I have this passion... I was meant to share it.

Thank you so much for creating this product. It has helped me to change my focus, and therefore, my life. I have merely scratched the surface of what my dreams hold for my future. My Dream Minder lists hold bigger dreams now than I would have dared to dream before, and I can see them unfolding. What can I say? Over-achievers die hard.

With Highest Regards, Leah Miller - Mt Pleasant, South Carolina

More real life stories

If you don't already have Dream-Minder, now's the time to give yourself the permission to begin to realize your Life's Dreams.

Why would you wait even one more day to open up and realize the creative genius that you know you have within you.

It's there - we can see it right now within you - so come on - it's time to share it with the rest of us.

If you DO have Dream-Minder, then call one of your DreamTeam members today and ask them how they're doing - ask them how it feels to be in the energy of realizing their most sacred Dreams and goals. Ask them how they did it, really connect with them and they'll inspire you in the process.

And let them help you as well... MORE about Dream Minder here !

Posted By Brenda in Idaho USA Earth
More than Happy to be totally grounded in the here & now N O W
LOVE IS US & SO ARE YOU!!  Read More

pictureSunday, January 22nd 2006
*How To Avoid The Inner Critic*

How often have you envisioned a new idea, project or goal but ended up in "inertia-land" even before you've begun?

Inertia - you know - that weird sensation of feeling like you've stepped in mud up to your ankles : - )

Let's take a look at the definition of inertia for a moment...

According to Webster's dictionary, inertia means: Resistance or disinclination to motion, action, or change: the inertia of an entrenched bureaucracy.

sluggishness, The tendency of a body to resist acceleration Hmmm, do we notice a pattern here by chance?

Resistance pops up both times.

So what do we make of this?

Looking at the definition of resistance gives us:

1. The act or an instance of resisting or the capacity to resist.

2. A force that tends to oppose or retard motion. Now we're beginning to understand the reason for the sluggishness - but what's doing the resisting?

The ego mind - the part that's been conditioned by society, media, family, government, "corporate cults" and any other "system" that aims to hold you in a trance of following what they think is right for you.

So how do you avoid this resistance of the ego? First, you need to become fully aware of what your thinking and feeling. Second, you need to determine what's really important in your life. Is it your job, your family, money, etc.?

Hint: If you're focusing on any external desire, the ego's got control over you. (money, power, status, etc)

The KEY is to tune into what your Spirit is saying - to listen to it and honor it.

Example: If you're feeling sluggish at work and you know you can't stand your job, you may need a change of scenery.

Other possibility - if you're not facing an inner issue that's causing the resistance, the real solution is to come to terms with it (and free the "stuck" energy that's been causing the issue to begin with.)

Here's the "Essence" of how to avoid the Inner Critic starting today...

Become fully alive and... (yes you guessed it), really

and allow the "kid-like" energy in you to come put and play. Be outrageous today in your own way.

Take one step today that you've never taken before. The moment you do, you'll begin to free the inertia that holds back your Life's Dreams from becoming real.

Your Life's Dreams are sacred my friend.

We're counting on you to LIVE them and share them with the rest of us...

You've got some cool things to do today, we look forward to hearing your successes (and even if you happen to stumble, no problem, so do we occasionally : - )

Today's the day my friend, to be the real YOU

in all your glory...

And So It Is...
Posted by Brenda LIGHTS OF LOVE R US ~ Dreams Alive Activator ! ~ Dream Minder ~ Direct Route 2 EFFORTLESS PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT  Read More

 *Sparking a Spiritual Revolution on Planet Earth*2 comments
Sunday, November 6th 2005
EXCERPT from: "Being All The Oneness That We Can Be"


*There is no way around the fact that in division and duality we all perish, whereas in unification and reintegration into Oneness, we all survive and prosper.

As more and more souls awaken to their innate Oneness with All That Is and *Actualize this Reality* into all they are until the very sense of separation is gone, extinguished, annihilated, it is becoming ever more easier for other awakening souls to likewise tune into this omnifying vibration that resonates like a dynamic magnetic star core in all frequency bands, permeating the very substance of our planetary body and exponentially expanding towards its Fifth Dimensional Accomplishment.

The results from this Miracle in progress are astonishing to behold and the upwardly cascading radiance of Love that stems from the center of *every single cell of our human bodies* in a symphonic chorus of tingling ecstasy is MELTING the fast vanishing barriers of *deception built by fear, hatred and disharmonic vibrations* generated by our lower animal nature as our embodied souls struggled through countless centuries of incremental growth towards this critical threshold of global awakening WHICH WE HAVE COLLECTIVELY ENTERED, starting in August 17, 1987 and during successive other Moments of Cosmic Choice, up to this critical juncture in our specific time continuum.

The Time is NOW

In UNITY with: A call to hold Earth Summit of the Leaders of New Civilization 29 INTERESTING comments posted 5 Nov 2005 @ 09:02, by Shreepal Singh  Read More

 EXCUSE ME YOUR LIFE IS WAITING ~ a short short review!!4 comments
pictureSunday, July 31st 2005
I am so totally smitten by this book that I THOUGHT I ALREADY KNEW and was CONSISTANTLY DOING!! BUT... "Excuse Me YOUR Life is Waiting" by Lynn Grabhorn ~ By the Law of Attraction, "It takes only sixteen seconds of focused thought/with feeling = vibrational frequency to begin a manifestation." HAS NOT ONLY broken it all down into FEELING STEPS!! It has shown me HOW to TURN EVERY ONE OF MY 'DON'T WANTS'....INTO the vibrational frequencies of what I DO WANT in and as MY LIFE!!!!!!

Skip to your own chase and click this link for FULL AND COMPLETE INFORMATION!! article
*BUT FIRST SEE THIS QUOTE from top of page 102!!
"Don't forget that the universe gives us - not what we think, not what we ! speak, or what we deserve or think/feel we are destined to have...
The universe gives us PRECISELY - AND ONLY - what we are vibrating (as) in every EVERY moment of every EVERY day. NOTHING MORE & NOTHING LESS!"  Read More

 Transcending Our Human Egos2 comments
pictureSunday, July 10th 2005

Transcending Our Human Egos

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles


We are standing on the threshold of an event that Humanity has been longing for since we fell from grace and into the throes of chaos and confusion aeons ago. During that fateful time, we lost the awareness of our God Selves and the fact that we are Beloved Sons and Daughters of God. When we were no longer able to perceive our own Divinity, we inadvertently created our fragmented, fear-based human egos. This distorted aspect of our personality has held us in its paralyzing grip and controlled us for lifetimes.

text  Read More

 Our COVENANT as the living BEING we call Earth0 comments
pictureFriday, April 22nd 2005
Our Covenant AS THE LIVING BEING we call Earth

We are our ancestors come here again... We give thanks and blessings to the Ancestors and Peoples upon whose land we are gathering...

We stand together, heads held high, acknowledging that we too are a Force of Life and in acceptance of our direct connection to All That Is. We stand together knowing that we are a force of life and that we accept each our own direct connection within as the manifestation of, ALL THAT IS.

At the setting of each day
And in the dawn of every new morning
We will remember that...
What we do to the Woman
We do to the Earth.
And what we do to the Earth,
We do to our Children *

For more information on the Earth Mother ceremony please CLICK HERE

Words and Poetry by Brenda McCann, aka Freo`7 - 2005: http://www.lightsoflove.us


Raise Your Manifesting Vibration:
Search Popdex:
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 The Cross Now Becomes the Double Helix Of the Twin Flame Heart0 comments
pictureSaturday, March 26th 2005
EASTER MESSAGE FROM JESUS, through Yael and Doug Powell

The Cross Now Becomes the Double Helix Of the Twin Flame Heart

God’s Gift ~ 3-24-05

How to place into words the gift that I bring to you? The gift is that it is time for freedom without the ending of your life. But it is not without transformation of all that is within you from an identity as human to the true identity as the heart of God. So, come -- you who are so precious to me and to our Mother/Father/God, and step into the unity through this great and glorious vortex. This vortex is the one heart that we are, because it forever provides direct connection to all life to the Moment of Creation. All life, rather than being inundated (obliterated) by the force of it is rather given the experience of being profoundly loved -- of seeing the Godhead through the heart, through Love -- and thus, given access to the heat and life and exploding light bridged into loving relationship with the Great Creator of All.

Words can never suffice and yet they hold for you the connection to the gift, this living experience of remembering who you are. You are not separate from God in any way, not now, not ever, and yet the amazing gift of relationship becomes conscious of itself through us. Relationship of Love with the Creator is what we embody. Not “embody” as in something physical for there is really ONLY energy. WE Embody as the consciousness of this heart energy.  Read More

 The TIME IS NOW, by Patricia Cotta Robles [Part 2 of 2]1 comment
Wednesday, March 2nd 2005


Since the Beings of Light cannot do this for us, it is imperative that embodied Lightworkers join with the Company of Heaven to fulfill our part of the plan. In order for the Beings of Light to intervene in the events taking place on Earth, someone abiding on Earth must invoke their assistance. This is a Universal Law.

Every person on Earth is *interconnected, interdependent and interrelated* through the Divinity blazing in our Heart Flames. In Truth, *we are ALL One*. Consequently, we each have the ability to invoke Divine assistance on behalf of every other Human Being. When we come together in the physical plane and offer our Earthly vehicles as a Holy Grail through which the Light of God will bless all life, we create a mighty transformer that will withstand a tremendous influx of God’s Light. When those of us who are gathered together join our hearts and minds together with the Divine Intent of serving as surrogates on behalf of ALL Humanity, our power and effectiveness are increased a thousand times a thousand fold.

The two-phase Divine Plan for 2005, which has been set into motion by the Company of Heaven and Lightworkers around the world, is multifaceted and multidimensional.

The opportunities I will be sharing with you involve the unique facets of the plan that Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel have asked those of us associated with the New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose to assist with. They have asked us to send forth this Clarion Call to Lightworkers all over the world. Please take this information into the deepest recesses of your heart, and *ask your God Self* in what capacity **you are to assist with this phase of the plan**.  Read More

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