CONSCIOUSNESS EXPANSION - Category: Articles    
picture18 Mar 2005 @ 13:47

What if you could easily discover what your level of consciousness was at this very moment? What if it was so simple to do, that you yourself could calibrate it and for free! What if you could also discover the consciousness level of all those people around you with the same ease? What if you could discern the TRUTH about what other people said or write by calibrating the intent of their words and sentences.


Evolutionary concepts are being introduced to us everyday but none has the potential that Dr. R. David Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. has given to the people of Earth … which is to know your level of consciousness. He has scientifically researched and documented his findings in a 25 year study that discovered there are definable levels of consciousness on Earth ranging between 1 and 1000. 1 being the lowest level and barely alive with 1000 representing the Christ Consciousness. Only 1 person in the last 2000 years has calibrated at 1000, Jesus. Dr. Hawkins published this information in a book in 1995 called "POWER VS FORCE". His second book published in 2001 is called "THE EYE OF THE I" deals with CC's of 600-850, Read "POWER VS FORCE" first however, otherwise you will be lost in the second one. His third book published in early 2003, called simply "I" deals with CCs of 850-1000 and beyond (up to 50,000+ for Arch Angels).

Dr. David R. Hawkins is able to find this amazing information because everything in the universe radiates a specific frequency, or minute energy field, which remains in the field of consciousness permanently. Thus, every person or being whoever lived, and anything about them, including any event, thought, deed, feeling, or attitude, is recorded forever and can be retrieved at any time in the present or the future.

Dr. David Hawkins found that the Consciousness Calibrations (CC) corresponded to the classic levels of consciousness as described by the great minds such as Carl Jung (540). Furthermore he discovered that the CC of 200 was the fulcrum point at which the being has the opportunity to advance to higher states of consciousness utilizing love. If your CC is under 200 you are operating more from the survival mode of fear & anger.


The overall CC of the 6+ billion people of Earth prior to 9/11/01 was 207 with 78% of the World’s population under CC of 200. That terrorist event awakened the masses to unity like no other event has ever done.

The CC jumped 33 pts to 240 as a result of the 9/11/01 energy transformation and stayed there until February 2002 when it increased to 250. By March 2002 the Earth's population physically manifested consciousness calibration had increased to 300. By 12/31/02 the Earth's poplation had increased their physically manifested consciousness calibration to 350.

Interestingly enough during February and March 2002 the Sun was particularly active with Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections. Could it be that there is a relationship between the Suns activity and the Consciousness on the Earth? Yes is the answer that comes to my mind.

The initial attack on Iraq initiated on March 19th 2003, triggered an increase in the CC of Earth's population from 350 to 375. By March 21st the CC had risen to 400. The Iraq conflict also triggered an increase in world wide consciousness due to the masses focusing on PEACE FOR ALL.

DISCLAIMER... the above calibrations are from me and have been pointed out to me many times that they are INACCURATE! In fact I have been told by others in contact with Dr. David R. Hawkins, that the Earth's population calibration today (7/24/04) is still at 207. I just do not believe that we are at that low level. In the world that I am experiencing, we are about to shift our consciousness to a higher level and experience the 4th and 5th dimensions. Bottom line is that you must check out these consciousness calibrations for yourself and NOT depend upon anyone else, particularly me!!


020 – Shame 030 – Guilt 050 – Apathy 075 – Grief
100 – Fear 125 – Desire 150 – Anger 175 – Pride
Above Levels operating in Survival Mode, Below Levels operating more from Love
200 – Courage 250 – Neutrality 310 – Willingness 350 – Acceptance
400 – Reason 500 – Love 540 – Joy 600 – Oneness
700 – 900 is Enlightenment
1000– Christ Consciousness 1100–1200 Highest 3rd Dimension 1300– 4th Dimension
1400– 5th Dimension 1500– 6th Dimension 1600– 7th Dimension 50000+ Arch Angels
Calibration Descriptions above 1000 have been determined by Bryce Jackson and not Dr. David R. Hawkins

Duality/Polarity begins to dissipate at the 500 level and completely merges into unity/oneness at 600. At 500 you are beginning to "FEEL" the merging of the polarities and by 600 you only know the "FEELING" of oneness. If you find yourself in the 400’s of REASON, you can "THINK" you understand oneness and polarities but you can only "FEEL" them occaisionally.

An example of the power of 600 and up is that if you are willing to be healed and you are in the presence of an entity that calibrates at least 600, you will be healed. A 500 still experiences the polarities but does not stay in them for very long as a dip into anger (150) is very uncomfortable for a 500.


There are two ways that you can access this information, using Kinesiology or Dowsing. Dr. David Hawkins suggests that the intention behind all questions must come from integrity and not be frivolous.


Dr. David Hawkins uses kinesiology techniques which have been scientifically proven to give accurate results. The Science of Kinesiology (Muscle Testing), has proven that the muscles of the body go weak for non-truths and goes strong for truths. You need two people with consciousness calibrations of 200 or more for accurate results (if you are reading this you most likely are 200+). The tester asks the question and tests the muscle of the subject for strength or weakness. You would state that you are asking about the Consciousness Calibrations that range from 1 to 1000. The question would be something like, "The consciousness calibration for subject is 200 or more?" If the muscle stays strong, then that means YES the subject’s CC is 200 or more. Then you would ask 300 or more? YES, 400 or more? NO This would mean that the CC is between 300 and 400. You would continue this process until you got an exact CC number for the subject in question.


The second technique, dowsing with a pendulum, can be done with just 1 person. A specialized chart which makes it easy to get the exact CC with 1 question is available. The question would be something like, "The consciousness calibration today for person A is what number?" The pendulum then will swing to whatever the correct CC is. After obtaining the CC number, it should always be verified, "The consciousness calibration today for person A is 500? The pendulum will swing to either YES or NO. If NO I then ask if the calibration is 499. It seems that many CC’s are 499 and not 500. This is because the 400’s are the realm of REASON (intellect and mind). For example Albert Einstein was 499. It has been most challenging for beings on Earth to transcend 499 prior the year 2002. This is because the mind/ego must be surrendered, thus allowing unconditional love to operate fully. LOVE/COMPASSION must be part of the life's experience higher CC’s of 500-1000.

Experience using the pendulum can be very rewarding. The more one uses it the more at ease you will be with the results. This process works because you are communicating with your higher self. The initial stages of this communication may result in some trial and error. Keep doing it, ask questions you don’t know the answers to but are able to verify. This will give you confidence that you are communicating properly.


The solution to all 3rd dimensional duality/polarity problems is to bring a higher consciousness to the situation. If you are in grief (75) or fear (100) you will raise your consciousness by becoming angry (150). If you are angry (150) and bring pride (175) to resolve your anger, you will raise your consciousness level. Ultimately at a CC of 600 there is only oneness and the duality/polarity merges together.

If you want to raise your consciousness, fill you life with only people, events, thoughts, vibrations that calibrate higher than where you are. Remember every thought has a measurable consciousness calibration that effects who you are. If you are a 250 and want to break into the 300’s you can’t do it being fearful (100), angry (150), proud (175), etc. Calibrate every book you read, every TV program you watch, every movie you go to see, every person that is in your life. These vibrations define who you are by the CC level you maintain.

Please note that filling your life with high CC's is different than positive thinking. Positive thinking is a polarity concept and does not enable a soul to rise above 499. Only Love, Joy and Compassion will enable a breakthrough into the 500's. The words you think and use also effect your CC's CLICK HERE for the CC's of everyday words you use.


January 6, 2002 in Westlake CA, my wife and I went to see Wayne Dyer presenting a seminar called, "THERE IS A SPIRITUAL SOLUTION TO EVERY PROBLEM". We had no idea what we were going to be exposed to, namely CONSCIOUSNESS CALIBRATIONS. Wayne has also published his latest book with the same name as his seminar. During this presentation he introduced us to Dr. Hawkins work and demonstrated the muscle testing technique with audience participation.

After that day, we determined the CC’s for most of the important things in our lives which have opened our eyes about how energy vibrations in our surroundings effect us. A must see is the movie "A BEAUTIFUL MIND" which calibrates to a 500 (LOVE). The intellect can only take you so far, then you must surrender it and experience LOVE.

CC is definitely a unique tool that allows us to go within to obtain information about our multidimensionality (500-1000) that is understandable to our intellect (1-499). This information presented here has a CC of 1000.

Closing with Love, Bryce and Lisa Jackson
P.S. CLICK here to increase your consciousness!


1. Consciousness Calibrations info for "POWER VS FORCE" book
2. Kinesiology Muscle Testing info ... CLICK HERE.
3. Dowsing Techniques info ... CLICK HERE.
5. Increase Your Consciousness... CLICK HERE.
6. CC of Words you use everyday... CLICK HERE.
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picture16 Mar 2005 @ 17:16
Consciousness Expansion Group
We are a group of people dedicated in expanding our consciousness through communications,
truth,growth,dreams,energy raising for healing and manifesting new and better ways of living. Come join us in NCN Groups; Consciousness Expansion.


Expansion of Consciousness
by Shawn Mikula,
The evolution and expansion of consciousness is inevitable. With the expansion of consciousness comes new ways of seeing reality. Everything changes. You see things that you never could of conceived of before. Old philosophies and religions suddenly appear naive and give way to a far more profound understanding. Most religions (including naive Christianity) and philosophies will not last long, simply because it's inevitable that a profound transformation in our consciousness, in our way of understanding and interacting with reality, is going to soon take place. It's inevitable because that's the direction that consciousness is headed.

Please read my section on The Singularity to find out more about what our future holds.

Consciousness is my game, in all of its forms and degrees of intensity, as well as its neural basis, modification, manipulation, and expansion. I observe my own experiences during altered states of consciousness as a psychologist or cognitive scientist would. I note how different modalities are effected and enhanced, how space and time are altered, and how our sense of 'self' is effected (assuming the ego is still intact). In sum, I note both qualitatively and semi-quantitatively how the myriad different dimensions of consciousness are transformed during altered states of consciousness. From my experience, I see there's unfathomable potential for the enhancement and extension of consciousness in all of its forms, and this is what my site is really aimed at ultimately communicating to the public, though its current appearance may belie a different aim or agenda.

Ordinary consciousness is simply too mundane and limiting. It's necessary to understand the neural basis of altered/heightened states of consciousness and to control the neural system so as to bring about these desired states of consciousness. Neuroscience is just reaching into the realm of expanded states of consciousness, though the future consequences of such are simply amazing, and are utterly beyond the imaginative capabilities of the vast majority of people.

How do we expand consciousness?
Mind Expanding/Altering Drugs are one way, though I think more effective and permanent ways will soon be devised in the future because of the negative side effects associated with these, including poor memory. Nootropics, also known as "Smart Drugs", such as piracetam, hydergine, and nicotine, can offset some of these negative effects, and in fact, will often potentiate the positive effects of mind expanding/altering drugs. Thus, with materials readily available to us today, we can engineer our trips and expand consciousness along many different dimensions.

In the long term, it's crucial to identify the particular brain activities and key areas of the brain that are being effected by mind altering/expanding drugs and that are responsible for expansion of consciousness (i.e., trancendent states of consciousness). Then, we will be in a position to modulate neural activity in these brain areas using safer and more controlled techniques. One such technique is Neural Systems Control. Another technique would involve brain-activity biofeedback (for example, EEG biofeedback, though current EEG is too crude a technique to be really useful for the purposes of expanding consciousness via brain-activity feedback).

What are these brain areas and what types of neural activity are responsible for expanded consciousness?
At this point, anything I say is speculative, and is best disclosed at a future time when more certainty is obtained. What seems certain at this point in time, however, is the involvement of cingulate and higher associational cortices (prefrontal and posterior parietal). Click HERE to learn more about brain organization.

Consciousness may be Expanded along Multiple Dimensions
Consciousness is a multi- dimensional phenomenon. There are many ways of expanding consciousness. The transcendent states achieved thru meditation, while important, are but one type of transcendent consciousness. Unfortunately, many people seem to be of the opinion that there exists only one type of transcendent consciousness, and that it can be reached thru meditation. However, this view is naive because it disregards the multi-dimensional aspects of consciousness, which may be expanded (or transcended) along many different dimensions to result in myriad different transcendent states of consciousness. The tendency to label such transcendent states as simply 'samadhi', 'nirvana', 'Buddha-consciousness', 'cosmic-consciousness', or 'satori' just reinforces the mistaken notion that there exists only one type of transcendent consciousness.

One of the main goals of this site is to educate others that there are multiple types of transcendent consciousness, not just those associated with the 'classic' mystical experience, and that these different types of consciousness will play a role in the evolution of our consciousness towards The Singularity, when our consciousness, at both the personal and species level, will transcend itself into something that is currently inconceivable.

What is it like to Experience Expanded Consciousness?
In the following, I describe some of the dimensions along which consciousness may be transformed and expanded. These effects will not necessarily be experienced simultaneously, and are to some extent dependent on the individual. The following list is not meant to be exhaustive by any means, but rather highlights a few of the many interesting effects experienced during states of expanded consciousness.

Time Dilation
We've all experienced time dilation to some extent during 'normal' states of consciousness. In general, time dilation occurs when thought processes speed up while memory is left intact (if memory is not intact, you sense something happened but you won't know what or how much subjective time has passed). It's interesting that time dilation occurs along a spectrum. Normally, we may feel like an hour of subjective time has passed after only five minutes of objective time. However, there does not seem to be a limit concerning how much we can potentially dilate subjective time, and some mind enhancing/altering drugs have the property of taking time dilation to the extreme. What seems like entire lifetimes can be experienced in a few minutes.

Imagine the sense of 'vastness' you experience when you gaze into the clear night sky. Now imagine that sense of vastness magnified a million-fold or more and you may begin to appreciate the type of expansion of perceptual spaces that occurs during this experience so that they become extremely vast, beyond anything 'normally' conceivable.

Body Expansion
The experience of one's 'body consciousness' extending outwards, usually far beyond one's immediate body. This particular mode of consciousness falls under the category of 'Cosmic Consciousness'. Normally, we have a 'body-consciousness', meaning we're conscious of our arms and legs, as our own and not somebody elses. 'Body Expansion' occurs when your 'body consciousness' extends beyond, usually far beyond, your immediate physical body. It's like your new body is your whole environment and that your 'old' body is simply a nexus or nodal point thru which your will exerts itself. Even during 'normal' consciousness, one can willfully enter into the proper mind-set for 'Body Expansion', though this may not work for everyone.

Ego-Death and the Experience of the 'Self'
The experience of the death of ones ego or 'self' can be frightening for some. I've experienced ego-death and near-death experiences many times (too many to count). Following ego-death, or the destruction of the individuals 'self', what remains is intense, non-reflective (or non-self-conscious) consciousness, the radiant 'Self' (presumably, this is the same 'Self' as revealed in ancient Eastern religious texts such as the Bhagavad-Gita and the Upanashads, the same as experienced during states of 'Cosmic Consciousness', and the same as experienced by religious mystics). This is why such experiences are invariably mystical and religious. Through the death of ones 'self' and unveiling of the 'Self', one soon learns to identify oneself completely with the 'Self' thereafter, even if the ego subsequently re-crystallizes (it re-crystallizes, but remains 'transparent' in the sense of being able to see through it).

This involves vivid consciousness of a strong, ubiquitous 'presence'.

Higher-Dimensional Spatial Thought

Normally, we construct space and it's limited to 3 spatial dimensions. However, this limitation can be transcended, and grants one, among other things, the ability to discern patterns and connections in perceptual and conceptual thought not visible during 'normal' consciousness.

This involves the experience of ecstasy and rapture far, far beyond what we're capable of experiencing normally. This experience has absolutely nothing to do with the 'ecstasy' experienced using the drug that goes by the same name, but rather involves an intensity and depth that far exceeds those produced by typical 'recreational' drugs.

Multi-Modal Integration

This experience involves integration across multiple modalities, such as visual, auditory, and proprioceptive, to yield new modalities that are greater than the sum of their parts.

I've half-jokingly called God-Mode an expanded state of consciousness that 'simultaneously' involves many of the above effects, including time dilation, body expansion, vastness, ecstasy, consciousness of the 'Self', and presence. There are many degrees and many types of 'Cosmic Consciousness'. God-Mode is perhaps the highest and most profound type of Cosmic Consciousness I've yet experienced.

What are your personal experiences with expanded states of consciousness?
I've elaborated upon some of my personal experiences HERE.

A few more thoughts on the nature of expanded consciousness
The universe, as we directly experience and understand it, is but a construct of the brain that enables us to navigate about and get what we want. It's not a true picture of reality. There are many ways of constructing and experiencing reality, and there are ways of perceiving things other than the 'normal' construct that the vast majority of mankind employs.

These different constructs depend on different modes of consciousness.

Space itself is but a mental construct. There are many ways to construct space other than the familiar Euclidean space most people experience.

Our perceptual constructs will soon give way to something far more profound, something currently inconceivable for the vast majority of humanity because they're all trapped in their little worlds, and they think it's reality, but it's not. We are the universe conscious of itself. Very soon, I think, consciousness is going to experience an abrupt change. Humanity has been confined for so long in an illusion. Individuality will give way to the experience of something common, that sort of underlies the individuality.

Our perceptual realities are only the dimly lit surface of a vast sea of consciousness. I'm not talking about the Jungian collective unconscious per se, but rather something which is indeed very conscious. However, the great majority of man has not experienced this directly because they are confined within their little, illusory perceptual shells which they think is somehow reflective of reality, but it isn't.

We (our conscious worlds) are but waves or ripples on the surface of something vast, the Self, a consciousness which underlies and encompasses all the little spheres of self-consciousness. This is why I think being self-centered is naive. We, as a species, are moving inexorably towards Self-centeredness.

If you directly experience the bigger picture, you'll see just how much of an illusion our 'normal' perceptual reality is. I make no claim to experiencing the full, true picture. However, I have experienced a much bigger picture, and know that's the direction that consciousness is heading, that that's in our future.

People are stuck in their little waves of individuality, they never look deep beneath the surface, and there's something vast there which I strongly suspect is common to all. It's something you have to directly experience because explanations and descriptions will be empty without the actual experience, though I'm not recommending that everybody attempt to experience it just yet. Nonetheless, it is where the future is headed.
[link]  More >

picture12 Mar 2005 @ 15:18
What would you think if you found out that a scientist was paid to mislead the public about the dangerous health effects of a product - especially if that product were linked to a major killer of infants?

It sounds outrageous, but the latest revelation about Philip Morris, the world's largest tobacco company, is that the company engaged in an active misinformation campaign to cast doubt on the proven link between tobacco smoke and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), a serious killer of infants.

You can help stop Big Tobacco today: [link]

A new study this week of once-secret industry documents showed that on at least two occasions, the company sought out and paid scientists to write articles challenging the documented link between secondhand smoke and SIDS. One of these articles was published in a respected journal and cited at least 19 times by other scientists!

Here's what you can do: our government is right now suing the tobacco industry to end their marketing to children. If the government wins, the trial judge can order the industry to stop its harmful practices and pay billions of dollars to fund programs to prevent kids from starting to smoke and help smokers quit.

Please urge newly confirmed Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to continue to aggressively pursue this federal lawsuit to end tobacco marketing to children.

Thank you for making a difference!

- Rebecca,
Care2 and ThePetitionSite team

P.S. Read more about this latest study: [link]


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 All Consciousness of Earth’s Ascension4 comments
picture8 Mar 2005 @ 13:46
I read about A.C.E.A. and thought it very useful in helping us expand ourselves to the fifth dimension.

We come to you as:
“All Consciousness of Earth’s Ascension”
We are All Consciousness of Earth’s Ascension. We are the group consciousness of fifth dimensional Earth. We call ourselves ACEA because the combination of these four letters has the highest resonance. We represent the grounding of fifth dimensional Unity Consciousness upon third and fourth dimensional Earth.
We are always in search of another conscious member. We say “conscious” because EVERYONE on the planet has a fifth dimensional self and EVERY fifth dimensional being of earth is a member of ACEA. ACEA is not a club which one has to join. ACEA is a resonance, translated into a word, which represents the combined consciousness of fifth dimensional Earth. Upon the fifth dimension there is no other way.
All consciousnesses are joined in conscious communication at all times, much like you are now becoming joined with your cell phones and other communication devices. However, just as you are individuals, we too are individuals except that we do not need cell phones or any other mechanical devices to commune and communicate with each other.
Let us take you on a journey to the fifth dimensional Earth. Yes, we feel your confusion because some writings talk about the “forming fifth dimensional Earth”. But, of course, you know that it is the lower dimensions that are formed from the higher ones—not the other way around. Therefore, the fifth dimension has been in existence since before the existence of the third and fourth dimensions.
We are aware that you must continue with your day. We shall return when you are ready to communicate with us further.
Until then,
Greetings from ACEA

Read more at the link its very useful information.


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 CLEAN UP?0 comments
picture6 Mar 2005 @ 15:34
I think about this often especially when I'm about to throw something away but not in its proper place. Who is going to clean this Earth up? Do we really believe God will cleanse the Earth all alone? What as parents to do we do when a childs room is messy? We may help them sort through the mess but the main cleaning is usually left to the one who made it,or at least it should be. Most of the time while raising my children I did the work for them. But there comes a time where you get tired of doing it for them. They continue to do the same things when they think someone else will do it. What do they learn by this? They learn they can do anything and that its someone elses problem. We're not teaching them respect,cleanliness,co-operation,responsibilty and love. This goes far beyond just cleaning after themselves. It helps them form a higher understanding of the world and its care. Included in this is the care of the animals,plants and air. The cycle of life on its own is a very well orchestrated system. Break any part of that system and chaos occurs. We all know the terrible condition that this world is in,this is nothing new,but do we honestly do something about it. We can start by cleaning up after ourselves,conserving,protecting,replanting. A little at a time is a good start but it is a start. I've seen neighborhoods come together to clean up yards,houses and give their time to projects that are needed. We all have at least one bad habit,it takes determination to break those habits. There are some shows on tv that helps people re-organize and prioritize their way of living. Less spending on items they don't need or have room for. Organizing the items they do have and donating the items they don't need or have room for. But not only this, they are given ideas on how not to do this in the future by finding out reasons why they let this go on in the first place. So now we find by cleaning up after ourselves we also clean up and clean out the non-physical as well. A clean body and a clean mind, or what many of us have heard before, cleanliness is next to godliness.  More >

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