As if the Sea should part    
 Det Perfekte Menneske: Obstruction #30 comments
picture26 Nov 2006 @ 00:07

Human perfection…

Human frailty...

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 To see the world in a grain of sand...0 comments
picture14 Nov 2006 @ 23:05
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 Silent Hill2 comments
picture14 Nov 2006 @ 19:22

In colloquial speech, "limbo *" is any status where a person or project is held up, and nothing can be done until another action happens.
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 اْسِ1 comment
picture18 Sep 2006 @ 04:30

"Almost all the Alternative History computer simulations suggest that the Battle of Tours (AD 732) was one of the crucial disasters of mankind. Had Charles Martel been defeated, Islam might have resolved the internal differences that were tearing it apart and gone on to conquer Europe. Thus centuries of Christian barbarism would have been avoided, the Industrial Revolution would have started almost a thousand years earlier, and by now we would have reached the nearer stars instead of merely the further planets."
---Arthur C. Clarke, “The Fountains of Paradise”
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 The Prayer0 comments
picture12 Jun 2006 @ 21:56

La Prière
Paroles : Francis Jammes ("Les Mystères Douloureux")
Musique : Georges Brassens

Par le petit garçon qui meurt près de sa mère
Tandis que des enfants s'amusent au parterre ;
Et par l'oiseau blessé qui ne sait pas comment
Son aile tout à coup s'ensanglante et descend
Par la faim et la soif et le délire ardent :
Je vous salue, Marie.  More >

 Island0 comments
picture21 May 2005 @ 04:52
Far out to Sea
Outside of Time
Reflecting Moonlight
at Dawn  More >

 The Drunken Boat1 comment
picture9 May 2005 @ 21:18
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 Through the White Door0 comments
picture8 May 2005 @ 04:44
As you enter,
it continues to be there,
always opening.
*-/.  More >

 Dreaming a Bigger Dream2 comments
picture5 May 2005 @ 18:37

We have many names, we speak many languages.  More >

 - O -0 comments
picture3 May 2005 @ 07:55
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...And show a further Sea—
And that — a further — and the Three
But a presumption be —
Of Periods of Seas —
Unvisited of Shores —
Themselves the Verge of Seas to be —

Emily Dickinson

Previous entries
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  • L’Obole de la Lumière

  • 2005-04-29
  • Simply call me Bombadil Maximus

  • 2005-04-27
  • Chanson des Cloches de Baptême

  • 2005-04-26
  • There is so much apathy in the world...

  • 2005-04-21
  • Breaking the Bonds of Disobedience

  • 2005-04-20
  • Collapse?
  • Time and Time, again

  • 2005-04-18
  • Seren yw llais pob un yng ngalaeth yr ieithoedd

  • 2005-04-17
  • There are no questions more urgent than the naive ones *

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  • Recent Comments:
  • Hunter: silent ending

  • 2007-04-15
  • Quacky: Meh

  • 2006-12-05
  • Hanae: ^

  • 2006-11-05
  • Surrealism: Symbolism

  • 2006-09-19
  • i2i: cute

  • 2006-09-06
  • marwane: reconaissance

  • 2006-05-18
  • brian: bored.

  • 2006-04-09
  • tlingel: Yes

  • 2006-03-24
  • jazzolog: Let's Take Another Look

  • 2006-03-06
  • Wayne Gralian: Author misses one salient fact

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