Silviamar: Illusion's path (Sendero de ilusiones)    
 Illusion's path (Sendero de ilusiones)7 comments
picture 18 Jan 2006 @ 13:18, by Silvia M.S

I wrote this poem in Spanish a few years ago, but I've included also an English translation, so you can understand it :-)

Illusion's path

I dreamed of green hills,
a starry sky guiding me
by a crystalline river,
My steps behind your footprints.
Quietness ruled the place
and my mouth kept the silence.

We were walking up the mountain,
ethereal whispers with no name
bravely daring the wind.
You embraced me at the top...
tears rolled down my cheeks
dancing with the dew soft drops.

The moon was guarding my dream,
along illusion's path
enthusiastically I was flying,
I wanted to play with the breeze...
memories' mist
vanishing in my hands.

And I was dreaming about your eyes,
my heart was beating words
that only we could understand,
and I was dreaming of your smile...
while the sun was awakening
between your soul and mine.


Sendero de ilusiones

Soñé con verdes colinas,
el cielo estrellado guiaba
mis pasos tras los tuyos
por un río de agua cristalina.
Rey del lugar el silencio
que mi boca enmudecía.

Subíamos por la montaña,
etéreos rumores sin nombre
valientes desafiaban al viento;
me abrazaste al llegar arriba...
Del rocío las suaves gotas
rodaban por mis mejillas.

La luna velaba mi sueño,
por un sendero de ilusiones
volaba yo entusiasmada.
Quería jugar con la brisa...
La niebla de los recuerdos
entre mis manos se desvanecía.

Y soñaba con tu mirada,
mi corazón palpitaba palabras
que tan sólo yo comprendía,
y soñaba con tu sonrisa...
al tiempo que el sol despertaba
entre tu alma y la mía.


Silvia Martínez, January 2006

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18 Jan 2006 @ 14:07 by judih : Bravo!
Exquisitely rendered experience.
Is there a film, as well? (kidding)

I wrote the poem inspired on a dream I had the night before hehe.
Thank you very much for your help! :-)  

18 Jan 2006 @ 17:31 by jstarrs : You saying it was 'just' a dream?
....maybe we can also be in love in our dreams.
Maybe the love in our dreams is as illusory as the worldly love in real life?

....and where's the photo of?

Isn't life an illusion? :-). Anyway, my dreams are very vivid, full of colours and feelings. But of course dreams are based on our experiences in the real life hehe.
Your comment made me to remember the Spanish play 'Life is a dream', by Calderón: {link:|Link}

"... What is life? A frantic moment,
What is life? But an illusion,
but a shadow, but a fiction,
and the greatest good is small:
for life is all but a dream
and dreams are just that, they're dreams."

(By Calderón de la Barca)

I took the photo in León (one hour driving from here) during a trip I did to visit the Wildlife Museum they have there. The museum is really amazing.  

18 Jan 2006 @ 23:35 by scotty : Beautiful !
I especially like the line "my heart was beating words"
More and more I think that words are felt before they're formed before they're heard ... heart speaking to heart.

Lovely Silvia - may your dreams manifest into UR reality !

: D

Thanks Scotty! Yes, let's the heart speak and we'll have a much better world ;-)  

20 Jan 2006 @ 19:57 by Sofia B. @ : un poema precioso!
mientras lo leía me daba la sensacion de que estaba alli yo tambien en la colina. Por favor, sigue escribiendo así, que bonito! :-)

Gracias Sofia, me alegro de que te haya gustado ;-)  

27 Jan 2006 @ 12:47 by [V] @ : i'm stumped... your poetry...!!!!

Thank you for your comment, V :-)  

19 Feb 2006 @ 17:08 by olenguap : Gracias una vez más
Hola Silvia, una vez más gracias. Este poema me llegó profundamente
Con afecto.

Gracias a tí, Oscar. Me alegro de que te haya gustado el poema. Un abrazo desde Asturias!  

9 Mar 2006 @ 14:20 by swanny : This Photo
This photo...
there is a quality about it...
I drink this beauty
Thank you
It is delicious...


Thank you Ed, I'm glad you liked the photo. I took it in Leon, a city located about 1 hour driving from here. The area is really beautiful.  

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